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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. Bad money. 2. To waste money. 3. To be short of money. 4. For love or money. 5. To coin money. 6. To make money. 7. To be in the money. 8. Ready money. 9. Your money or your life! 10. Time is money. 11. Money makes the mare (to) go. 12. To marry money. 13. Hard money. 14. Paper money. 15. To come into money. 16. To spend money. 17. To roll in money.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. How much money have you got to spend on your travelling expenses? 2. Can you lend me a little money? When must I return it? 3. What is money? 4. Why is money often called «the root of all evil»? 5. How did Mrs Warren make money? (B. Shaw, Mrs Warren’s Profession) 6. What do you call a person who loves and appreciates money above all? What is your opinion of people like that? 7. Did Andrew Manson earn enough money to provide for his family? (A. Cronin, The Citadel)

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases using the word under discusssion.

1. To be very rich. 2. To be poor. 3. An economical person. 4. To earn one’s living. 5. To marry a rich person. 6. Any paper note issued by a government or an authorized bank and used as a medium of exchange and measure of value. 7. Out of cash. 8. Ready cash. 9. To be getting rich very rapidly. 10. To obtain (acquire) wealth.

Exercise 4 * Insert articles whenever required.

1. She always spent... money when she was depressed. Dresses, skirts, shoes, even hats, although she hardly ever wore hats. 2. All you and your mother ever think of is... money. 3.... money was what I wanted, and I got it, by hook or crook. 4. When he finally came back to the sofa, he stopped and looked down at... soiled, crumpled money on the table. 5. Now, understanding that through his fault... money was less plentiful, the indifference they had felt for him was tinged with an exasperating contempt. 6. What has... money got to do with it? 7. It isn’t... money, Chris! It’s the principle of the thing! 8. The question under discussion was... money. 9. I’ll earn... good money, and I’ll not forget. I’ll pay him back. 10. I took... money from my watch pocket and showed it to her. 11. The Lockwoods had a knack for making... money. 12. In all the four years George was at St. Bartholomew’s,... hidden money was never discovered. 13. «You were never poor, Agnes.» «Not exactly, but... money was always scarce.» 14. She put... money in her purse.


Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences.

1. We were short of money... 2. His father left him a little money... 3. He put the money..:. 4. Where is the money I...? 5. Is it quite safe to keep your money...? 6. The necklace costs a lot of money, that’s why...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. I’ve been planning how we’ll spend all that beautiful money when we get it. 2. As soon as the money was in his pocket, he looked much more hopeful of success. 3. As the months went on it became more and more apparent how painfully short we were of money. 4. If you do lose your money you’ll at any rate have had the satisfaction of doing what you wanted to do.5. His mother had left him a little money, just enough to buy a house. 6. Money is a good servant but a bad master. 7. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. 8. Money often unmakes the men who make it.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of adjectives and verbs that go with the noun money; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Кошелек или жизнь! 2. Время — деньги. 3. В капиталистических странах многим не хватает денег на пропитание. 4. Она заработала эти деньги честным трудом. 5. Где деньги, которые я тебе дала утром? — Я часть истратила, а остальное в кошельке. 6. Он положил деньги в портфель и вышел. 7. Бандиты отобрали у кассира очень много денег. 8. Мне кажется, вы преувеличиваете роль денег в жизни человека. 9. Эта картина стоит очень дорого. 10. Буржуазные политические деятели тратят огромные суммы денег на ведение предвыборных кампаний. 11. Деньги для него ничего не значат. 12. Анникстер вложил много денег в ирригационные работы. 13. Все его деньги лежат в банке.

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