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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Russian; use some of them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Russian; use some of them in sentences or situations.

I. Pleasant news. 2. Good news. 3. Sad news. 4. The lalest news. 5. To break the news. 6. Five o’clock news. 7. What’s your news? 8. This is splendid news. 9. We’ve had bail news.


Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What’s your news? 2. Is there any news of your missing dog? 3. How do we normally treat people who bring us good news? 4. Who broke this sad news to your parents? 5. How often do you listen to the latest news in the evening? 6. What does the proverb «No news is good news» imply? 7. Have you any news of where your sister is staying? When did you hear from her last? 8. Do you agree that this is an interesting piece of news? Why? 9. Why do they say that good news travels fast? 10. Do you know I have good news for you? Try and guess what it is!

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using the word under discussion.

1. A letter containing unpleasant information. 2. Happy tidings. 3. Are there any changes in your life? 4. I haven’t heard from him for a long time..

Exercise 4.* Insert articles whenever required.

1. But... news failed to interest Phil. 2. «I hear you’ve had a big success tonight, Miss Lambert.» How quickly... good news travelled. «What can I order?» 3. «Well, well,» said Hundt, rubbing his hands, «I think I have... good news.» 4. I had no peace of mind about her until she was dead. Oh, that was... splendid news. 5. «I’ve brought... bad news,» William began hurriedly. «Where’s Roy? I don’t want Roy to hear me.» 6. «Graham, I have... bad news for you,» said Mr Cronje solemnly. 7. Harran gave his... news of the past week. 8. Cheer up, Jill. I was afraid it wasn’t going to be... good news. 9. He didn’t know whether to present it as... good news or bad. 10. «Why — that’s... good news, Chris.» «Isn’t it, isn’t it,» she cried, delighted. 11.... bad news coming on top of what’s happened to Mama may hit him hard. 12. I’m afraid — I’m afraid we have... bad news for you. 13. The girls received... news calmly. 14. That would be... very good news.


Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences.

1. I’m cut off from news... 2. The news that gold had been discovered... 3. The news was passed from mouth to mouth... 4. He hurried up with the news that... 5. Is there any news of...? 6. He broke the dreadful news... 7. I have bad news... 8. I’m afraid the news... 9. He brought bad news... 10. This is terrible news... 11. I’ve come to bring you... 12. When Mother disclosed her great news... 13. There must be some... 14. I suppose you’d like news of home... 15. The good news from... 16. She could never forget the words her father had used when he was breaking... 17. I’ve got some good... 18. The only good news you can bring me... 19. The news spread quickly through...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. She had not intended to break the news,that evening and was filled now with regrets that she had done so. 2. He paused and mustered courage, «I have something to tell you, some sad news, terrible news.» 3. Of course, I didn’t expect such great news. 4. I was shocked when I read the news. 5. Oh that was splendid news. 6. That was news to me. 7. I’m afraid the news is not very good. 8. I’m afraid I have bad news for you. 9. Bad news has wings. 10. Ill news comes apace. 11. Along the school corridors were «wall newspapers», typed, or written by hand, and scattered with illustrations done by the children. There was news about the school, articles on special subjects, correspondence columns often topped by a headline or slogan — usually the latter.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of adjectives and verbs that go with the word news; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Какие великолепные новости! 2. Эта новость всех потрясла. 3. Я думаю, это событие ни для кого не явилось новостью. 4. Какие у вас новости? 5. Каждое утро я слушаю по радио последние известия. 6. В его последнем письме было много интересных новостей. 7. Я с большим удовольствием сообщаю вам эту приятную новость. Поздравляю вас! 8. Новости очень печальные, но что же поделаешь. 9. Я давно не получаю от него никаких известий. 10. Вот это новость! 11. Англичане говорят, что отсутствие вестей — хорошая весть. 12. Дочь осторожно сообщила матери эти печальные новости. 13. Я боялась, что у тебя неприятные новости, а оказывается, все хорошо. Очень рада! 14. Ничего нового? — Нет, абсолютно ничего.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 627. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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