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Practical assignments. 1. Point out notional and structural verbs:

1. Point out notional and structural verbs:

The boy grew steadily/ The boy grew tall. All went wrong/ They all went downstairs. The girl smiled happily/ She seemed happy. They spoke quietly/ He remained silent. She was at home/ She was depressed. Let me feel your pulse/ She felt bored. The milk tasted sour/ I have never tasted Chinese food. Roses smell sweet/ Why are you smelling it? We have a nice flat/ They have just returned. They were out/ We were coming. He did well at the exam/ Did you visit your friend?

2. Identify the verbs as stative, dynamic, transitive, intransitive:

She was studying hard. Who opened the window? He had a poorly-paid job in the local shop. They found me a spare ticket. How do you feel? We went out for a meal. I have never learnt to swim. She was cooking dinner when I arrived. It snowed all night. Has she passed the test? The shoes do not fit properly. He appears very nervous. These documents do not belong to him. She owns a big store. They have done a lot of work lately. The government maintained its position in the Parliament. She starred in a lot of major films. I expect you’ll enjoy the party. They have just been running. They are to be informed of the accident. He claims that they will come to power soon. I want you to come and help me. This question matters a lot. We may encounter a lot of difficulties.

3. Find phrasal verbs, identifying them as transitive/intransitive, separable/inseparable. Think of both grammatical and lexical differences:

At the meeting someone put forward the idea that there should be a student representative on the committee. Have you worked out how much we owe? They are always falling out about nothing. The lights suddenly came down. All the science fiction fantasies of robots are taking over the world. It looks as if the rain has set about for the rest of the day. We just have to put the meeting off until everyone is back from holiday. When he came out after the accident, he could not remember what had happened. It is time to face up to your responsibilities. I am getting behind with my work. She wanted him to look into the cost of installing an alarm system. I am not just prepared to put up with his inefficiency any longer. We have managed to sort our problems out. The negotiations fell through at the last moment. It took us a couple of days to settle down. I’m afraid of being taken in.

4. Match modal verb forms in accordance with the given meanings: ability, possibility, probability, logical assumptions, permission, necessity, obligation, duty, prohibition:

Can, could, could have done, could have been doing, cannot do, can’t be doing, can’t have done, may do, may have done, may be doing, may have been doing, might have forgotten, might do, will do, must do, must be doing, must have done, must not do, have to do, need do, don’t have to do, didn’t have to do, didn’t need to do, needn’t have done, should do, should have done, ought to do, ought to have done, shouldn’t do/have done, oughtn’t to do/to have done.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 1055. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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