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Finite versus non-finite verb forms

Notional verbs take both finite and non-finite forms. The grammatical nature of finite forms can be described by the following morphological categorial distinctions: Person (I write/ he writes), Number (she writes/ they write), Tense (I write/wrote/will write), Aspect (he was writing/ he wrote), Taxis/Time Reference (they have been writing/ write), Voice (she wrote/ it was written by her), Mood (if he knows/if he knew). The only distinction between the two numbers, singular and plural, is the 3rd person singular (of the Present Tense, Indicative Mood,Non-Continuous Aspect,Non-Perfect Taxis, Active Voice) expressed by –(e)s in the singular. In the past the singular ’was’ as opposed to the plural ‘were’ shows difference in number. The given inflection indicates Person alongside ‘ am, is, are’ as special forms for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd person. In future, ‘shall’ stands in opposition to ‘will’ revealing person peculiarities but at present being gradually obliterated through the spreding of the contracted form ‘ll’ for all persons. Owing to the given morphological features, the finite forms serve the function of a predicate in the sentence. Unlikewise, the verbals (infinitive, participle, gerund) do not express all the six grammatical categories: person, number, mood are missing. Therefore they cannot be used as the predicate.

The main characteristics of the non-finite forms in English are as follows:

1. Verbals combine the properties of the verb with those of a noun, an adjective, an adverb:

· as being based on the verb, forms ‘ to speak, speaking, having spoken ’ express process;

· in the sentences ‘ He wants to speak/ He suggested speaking ’ the function of verbals is indicated as of a noun;

· the adverb type combinality is revealed in the examples: while crossing the street – adverb of time; not knowing – adverb of reason; without saying – adverb of attendant circumstances;

· the adjective type features come up in such cases as the boy working, people hurrying, a broken branch ’.

2. The non-finite forms have relative tense distinctions showing whether the action expressed by the verbal is simultaneous with or prior to the action expressed by the finite verb. The categorial meanings are expressed in the language by mostly analytical forms:


Simple/ Active, Passive: e.g. to translate, to be translated;

Continuous/ Active: e.g. to be translating;

Perfect Simple/Active, Passive: e.g. to have translated, to have been translated;

Perfect Continuous/ Active: e.g. to have been translating.

Participle Present:

Simple/ Active, Passive: e.g. painting, being painted;

Perfect/ Active, Passive: e.g. having painted, having been painted.

Participle Past:

always passive: e.g. painted, translated, broken.


Simple/ Active, Passive: e.g. translating, being translated;

Perfect/ Active, Passive: e.g. having translated, having been translated.

3. By virtue of process-naming function, verbals should be considered in the view of their functional combinality. Take into account their syntactic functions.


· part of the predicate: e.g. He began to talk. Her dream was to become an actress;

· subject: e.g. To speak good English is hard;

· object: e.g. He has never learnt to dance;

· attribute: e.g. He wants some juice to drink;

· adverbial modifier (purpose or result): e.g. She went to France to study French. He was too old to run fast;

· part of the objective/ the nominative with the infinitive construction: e.g. He expected them to arrive on time. He is said to be working overseas. The plane is reported to have been crashed.


· subject: e.g. Looking after children requires patience;

· object: e.g. I prefer travelling by train. She insisted on my coming;

· attribute: e.g. I had trouble finding the road. She has got the feeling of being hurt;

· adverbial modifier (time, attended circumstances, manner, reason, concession): e.g. Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways. She walked quickly without looking back. Because of being careless, he had a bad accident. In spite of being tired, he went on to work;

· part of the gerundial complex (being associated with a nominal word, a noun or a pronoun): e.g. It’s no use their complaining about it. I didn’t remember him having paid the bills. I don’t mind my mum telling me off.

Participle Present:

· attribute: e.g. He came up to the policeman standing at the corner;

· adverbial modifier (time, reason, manner, comparison): e.g. Having graduated from the university, he started work. Being very tired, she soon fell asleep. He walked into the room smiling. He looked in surprise as though not believing my story;

· part of the objective/ the nominative with the participle construction: e.g. I saw him leaving. They were heard speaking. We watched them playing. He was noticed leaving the house;

· part of the absolute participial construction: e.g. This being urgent, we must reconsider our decision. There were many delegates, most of them representing regions.

Participle Past:

· attribute: e.g. I read the note written in French. The problem discussed is of great importance;

· adverbial modifier (reason, time, concession, condition): e.g. Exhausted by the journey, he felt sick. When interviewed, he refused to answer. Though frustrated, he had good expectations. He never started a talk, unless spoken to;

· part of the objective/ the nominative with the participle construction: e.g. I saw the luggage weighed. I must have my hair cut. He was seen surrounded by a group of workers.

Key words:

finite forms личные спрягаемые формы глагола

non-finite forms\verbals неличные формы глагола

morphological categorial distinctions морфологичекие категориальные признаки

Person Лицо

Number Число

Tense Время

Aspect Вид

Voice Залог

Mood Наклонение

relative tense distinctions признаки относительного выражения времени

simultaneous одновременный

prior предшествующий

predicate сказуемое

subject подлежащее

object объект

attribute определение

adverbial modifier обстоятельство

adverbial modifier of purpose обстоятельство цели

adverbial modifier of result обстоятельство следствия

adverbial modifier of time обстоятельство времени

adverbial modifier of attended circumstances обстоятельство сопутствующих обстоятельств

adverbial modifier of manner обстоятельство образа действия

adverbial modifier of reason обстоятельство причины

adverbial modifier of concession обстоятельство уступки

adverbial modifier of comparison обстоятельство сравнения

adverbial modifier of condition обстоятельство условия

objective/ nominative with the infinitive construction объектная\номинативная инфинитивная конструкция

objective/ nominative with participle construction объектная\номинативная причастная конструкция

gerundial complex герундиальный оборот

nominal word именное слово

absolute participial construction абсолютная причастная конструкция


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