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Selfcheck Tasks

Task 1. Supply missing detailed information on the given items:

1. The aim of Grammar is to present an outline of the grammatical system, i.e. …………………. In this respect grammar is concerned with listing principles of sentence formation ……………………..

2. Being an analytical language, English is distinguished by…………..

3. The system of grammatical forms building up ………….. gives a rise to the grammatical category, defined as………………..

4. By grammatical form we understand variants…………….

5. Analytical forms are made up of……..where a notional word is used as ……….and a structural one as…………

6. The system of grammatical forms is called……..which is represented by the opposition………….

7. In comparison with notional parts of speech, structural words ………. further on subcategorized into ……………..

8. With the categorical meaning of substance, nouns are characterized by………. and substantive syntactic…………..

9. Number is defined as…………which can be distinguished between……….

10. Case is defined as a morphological category manifested in the form of………..

11. Notional verbs have a full lexical……….while auxiliary verbs are those which have no……….

12. A single verbal grammatical form means …………… whereas a combined verbal grammatical form consists of …………..

13. Due to the morphological features, the finite forms serve the function of …………, unlikewise, the verbals ………….

14. The reference to the moment of speaking is termed as……………..

15. The general invariant grammatical meaning of the category of Taxis is defined as the process…………….

16. The direction of the process………..being reflected in the sentence structure by…………is defined as the general invariant meaning of the category of ….

17. The forms of the Subjunctive indicate relatively time relations in actions which are considered to be as……..

18. Semantically, unreal Subjunctive splits into three types, namely, ……….

19. Predicative relations make up the predication consisting of…….

20. One way domination leads to ………… Conversely, two way domination results in ………….

21.Explicit predication creates ……….. while implicit predication is observed in………

22.Unlike word-groups, sentences are characterized as ……………In terms of the given assumptions sentence is understood to be …………

23.The centre of the sentence is ………… which is termed as a structural expression of ……… through ……...

24. A word-phrase as a syntactic unit is defined as ………….. which can be described in accordance with ………….

25. Structure of a sentence is defined as a constructive integration of………..occupying certain syntactic positions of……………cjnnected syntagmatically………..

26. Semantics of a sentence is considered as semantic structure………

27. The subject serves the function of……….by exposing substantivity……….

28. The predicate serves the function of …………..by giving the description of……….

29. The grammatical valency determines the syntactic expansion of the predicative line through………..

30. The composite sentence functions as a polypredicative unit being formed of…………

31. In accord with the categorical principle, subordinate clauses are classed as………..; based on functional analogy, the classification brings about………

32. Position-sharing and linear expansion characterizes…………

33. The functional property of coordination is determined by the semantic relations between the clauses, namely,………


Task 2.Make up theoretical comments on the grammatical phenomena as highlighted in the illustrative example s:

· the risk of driving, record of the champion, point of view; children’ s television, instant’s silence, the three week’s rest.

· the clock struck\ the clock was striking; I have been wondering whether \ I have always wondered why; he’ll be visiting his granny \ he’ll visit his granny.

· They prevented the crime being committed. These steps will enable us to seek new methods of work. We reached the lane leading to the back of the garden. They consider the ecology problem as timely brought into focus. company car \ car company, flower garden \ garden flower, school teacher \ teacher school, head office \ office head.

· citerion-criteria, leaf-leaves, ox-oxen, study-studies, key-keys; experience, difficulty, hair, work.

· grew steadily \ grew tall, went wrong \ went downstairs, is depressed \ is at home, tasted sour \ tasted food, have a nice flat \ have returned.

· neither sister nor brother, high quality products, the meeting in the office, facts referred to in the article, are aching terribly, both developed and undeveloped countries, the problem under discussion, congratulated him on the event.

· A picturesque scenery. Winter but sunny. Quarter past five. Pass the salt please. To be on time?

· permanent state, past habit, recently completed, changing situations, on-the-spot decisions, action in progress.

· crew, blood, simplicity, group, Turkish, basis, Mathematics, Moscow News, university, intelligence, coal, paper, student, the Pacific ocean. accordingly, hence, therefore, that is, such as, either … or. otherwise.

· He is said to be doing well at school. She denied having made mistakes. We got lost not knowing the address.

· additional, kindness, nevertheless, dust bin, blackmail, underestimate, appropriateness, come down, otherwise, both.

· showed \ was shown, are going to give \ are going to be given, had explained \ had been explained, is looking for \ is being looked for.

· it snowed, it was freezing, it was necessary to do, it is time to start, there is nothing to do, there were a lot of people waiting.

· decided on grounds, ask no questions, take him as a scientist, consider the problems, gave nice gifts to her, divided the cake into halves, will be laughing at me.

· likely to happen, untrue in the present, imaginary situation, contrary to facts, regret or criticism, implied condition.

· were, him, better, mine, am, went, spoke, most, less, gone, worst.

· A real beauty? - Yes, indeed. Do you agree? - Alright. You don’t mind if I do? - of course not.

· at a party at my friend’s house, on purpose, really luxurious apartment, close enough to see, in spite of a long pause, by accident, waited impatiently, until next week, in order to get details.

· had been doing, would have been waiting, could come, should be writing, might have spoken, were to come, would drive.

· fat, flat, sink, content, present, lock, book, strike, tap, close, branch, future, hard, ring.

· She looks down on me. He is an old friend of mine. He has been working here for years. It is getting hot. It sounds quite interesting. Lions have paws. The table stands at the window.

· the work to be done, a three year experience, a small dreamy-looking man, relaxing atmosphere, a growing interest, a gold ring, a teacher of English, disadvantaged people.


Task 3. Show up your comprehension skills in Theoretical Grammar; match the correct answer:

The distinctive features of English as an analytical Language are

· A great number of grammatical inflections and suppletive grammatical forms;

· A wide use of functional words and scarcity of syntheical grammatical forms;

· Free word order.


The subject matter of Morphology is to study

· Syntagmatic connections of grammatical forms;

· Sentence-building rules;

· Grammatical classes of words, their grammatical categories and systems of paradigms.

Paradigmatic relations connect

· Syntagmatic groupings of words;

· Marked and unmarked members of the morphological opposition;

· Textual segments.


What is the definition of the grammatical category?

· The grammatical category is defined as a number of grammatical forms expressing both lexical and grammatical meanings;

· The grammatical category is defined as a system, expressing a generalized grammatical meaning by means of paradigmatic correlation of grammatical forms, analytical or synthetical;

· The grammatical category is defined as a system expressing variant grammatical meanings by means of correlated grammatical forms.


By grammatical forms we understand

· Variants of a word having the same lexical meaning but differing grammatically;

· Variants of a word having the same lexical and grammatical meanings;

· Variants of a word having different lexical and grammatical meanings.


Which criteria are used in the distributional analysis of the morphemic structure of the word?

· Lexico-semantic specification;

· Word-building features;

· Degree of self-dependence and grammatical alteration.


Notional parts of speech are the words that

· Have an incomplete nominative meaning:

· Are used as structural function words;

· Have full lexical nominative meaning.


Grammatical features of Noun are outlined like the following:

· Categorical meaning of substance, categorical forms of gender and person, derivational patters, substantive syntactic function;

· Categorical meaning of substance, categorical forms of number and case, derivational patters, substantive syntactic function;

· Categorical meaning of property, categorical forms of number and case, derivational patters, proper syntactic function.


Case is defined as

· A lexical device to express relations between nounal referents in a sequence of words;

· A syntactic construction showing connections between different nouns occupying certain positions in a sentence;

· A morphological category manifested in the form of a noun declension showing the relations of a nounal reference to its neighbours as objects of the reality.


Is the division of verbs into notional, structural and modal based on

· Functional significance;

· Structural features;

· Lexical meaning.


Apart from derivational patterns and structural dimensions, which of the grammatical features are included into morphological characteristics of Verb?

· Categorical meaning of action, opposition of finite\nonfinite verb forms, functional significance;

· Categorical meaning of process, functional significance, categorical changeable forms, opposition of finite\nonfinite verb forms;

· Categorical meaning of state, functional significance, categorical changeable forms, opposition of finite\nonfinite verb forms.


Morphological distinctions of verbals are

· Person, number, tense, mood, voice;

· Tense, aspect, mood, voice, person;

· Tense, aspect, voice.


Which of the factors are excluded from the main characteristics of the non-finite forms?

· Relative tense distinctions;

· Process-naming function;

· Nominal features.


What is the general invariant meaning of the category of Tense?

· The reference to the moment of speaking;

· The reference to some event at present;

· The reference to the time of objective reality.


Taxis is defined as

· The process measured from some definite moment located at present;

· The process measured from some definite moment located at present and past;

· The process measured from some definite moment located at present, past and



Figure out what makes the system of English tenses controversial:

· Categorical expression of verbal tense by shall\will forms;

· Absolute and relative expression of time;

· Understanding mode of the process as tine distinctions,


Non-continuous verbal forms have variant grammatical meaning of

· Of being repeated or single occurrence;

· Of being developed during the period of time;

· Of being simultaneous with another process.


Does the grammatical category of Voice indicate

· Conditions of development of the process;

· Direction of the process as regards its subject;

· Direction of the process as regards its subject and object.


Semantic domain of Subjunctive is outlined as

· Unreal condition, unreal comparison, unreal volition;

· Unreal wish, unreal supposition, unreal condition;

· Unreal event, unreal speculation, unreal desire.


Syntactic relations are based on

· Dominational and equipotent connections;

· Only one-way and two-way domination;

· Only equipotent connection.


Predicative relations build up word-groups as

· Secondary parts of the sentence;

· Both principal and secondary parts of the sentence;

· Principal parts of the sentence.


In comparison with exocentric word phrases, are endocentric phrases

· Subordinate and coordinate;

· Subordinate and predicative;

· Predicative and prepositional.


According to the internal structure, are word combinations with head element

· Regressive\progressive;

· Independent\dependent;

· Both.


In Grammar the word combination theory studies

· Semantic collocations of separate words;

· Structure, grammatical peculiarities of its constituents, syntactic relations between them;

· Lexical meanings of words and their groupings.

Sentence is defined as

· Communicative unit with a meaning and a form;

· Immediate integral unit of speech built up of words according to a definite syntactic pattern and distinguished by a meaning and contextually relevant communicative purpose.

· Immediate integral unit of speech built up of grammatical forms structured according to their meanings and communicative purpose.


Naming a situation, is the predicative centre of the sentence presented in the position of

· Subject and attribute group;

· Subject and predicate group;

· Predicate and object group.


Implicit predication is found in

· Sentences with double headed predication;

· Sentences with single headed predication;

· Sentences with both single and double headed predication.


Composite sentence as a polypredicative unit is formed

· By two or more predicative lines;

· By two predicative lines;

· By one predicative line.


Which types of sentences are excluded from structural classification?

· Complete\incomplete;

· Simple\composite;

· Declarative\interrogative.


Reflecting the semantics of the predicate, sentences fall into

· Personal human\non-human;

· Actional, statal, relational;

· Impersonal factual\perceptional.


Qualifying syntactic relations form the constituents of

· Attributive group;

· Subject and predicate group;

· Object and adverbial modifier group.


Being nominal, contaminated, phraseological characterizes

· Subject;

· Object;

· Predicate.


Which of the following provides for the model of immediate constituents?

· Kernel sentences;

· IC-derivation tree;

· Base patterns and transforms.

Exclude the given functions from characteristics of the adverbial modifier:

· Attending circumstances;

· Being restrictive\non-restrictive;

· Concession.


In a composite sentence the predicative lines are made up of

· Clauses;

· Separate sentences:

· Principal and secondary parts.


Exclude the right word from the list of coordinate connectors:

· Conjunctive substitutes;

· Conjunctions proper;

· Semi-functional clausal connectors.


Which of the clauses in the complex sentence comes from the functional classification:

· Predicative clause;

· Substantive-nominal;

· Qualification nominal.


Does parallel homogeneous, heterogeneous, consecutive arrangement relate to

· Subordination;

· Coordination;

· Predication.


Does being adversative, copulative, disjunctive, consequential point out functional property of

· Predication;

· Subordination;

· Coordination.


The semi-complex sentence is based on

· Fusion of explicit (primary) predication and implicit (secondary) predication;

· Explicit (primary) predication;

· Implicit (secondary) predication.

Recommended literature:

1. Александрова О.В. Хрестоматия по английской филологии / Ольга Викторовна Александрова. – М.: Высшая школа, 1991. – 252 с.

2. Ахманова О.С. Современные синтаксические теории / Ольга Сергеевна

Ахманова. – М.: Едиториал УРСС, 2003. – 165 с.

3. Alexeyeva I.A. Theoretical English Grammar Course / Irina Alexandrovna Alexeyeva. – Kijiv: Нова Книга, 2007. – 327 p.

4. Blokh M.I. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar / Mihail Yakovlevich Blokh. – Москва: Высшая школа, 1983. – 383 p.

5. Бархударов Л.С. Очерки по морфологии современного английского языка / Леонид Сергеевич Бархударов. – М.: Высшая школа, 1975. – 156 с.

6. Блох М.Я. Практикум по английскому языку: Грамматика. Сборник упражнений / Михаил Яковлевич Блох. – Москва: Астрель, 2005. – 239 с.

7. Булатецька Л.I. Теорiя i теоретизацiя у лiнгвiстицi / Людмила Ивановна Булатецкая. – Вiнниця: Нова Книга, 2004. – 175 с.

8. Иофик Л.Л. Хрестоматия по теоретической грамматике английского языка / Любовь Лазаревна Иофик. – М.: Наука, 1992. – 220 с.

9. Ильиш Б.А. Строй современного английского языка \ Борис Алексеевич Ильиш. – Л.: Просвещение, 1982. – 365 с.

10. Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка / Георгий Георгиевич Почепцов. – М.: Высшая школа, 1981. – 285 с.

11. Rayevskaya N.N. Modern English Grammar / Natalia Nikolajevna Rayevskaya. – Київ: Вища школа, 1976. – 304 p.

12. Irtenyeva N.F., Barsova O.M. A Theoretical English Grammar / Natalia Fedorovna Irtenyeva, Olga Mihaylovna Barsova. – Moscow: Higher School Publishing House, 1979. – 280 p.




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