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Інфінітивні звороти

82 Translate the sentences with infinitive constructions:

1 Streptomycin is known to be the substance of the highest antibacterial activity. 2 The constriction of stomach muscle was said to be the most probable diagnosis. 3 He is believed to be an excellent surgeon. 4 He appeared to have been wounded. 5 The disorder seems to be curable. 6 The temperature of the patient is likely to rise again. 7 Ukrainian scientists are known to work on cancer problem. 8 The red colour is said to spoil the vision. 9 He is likely to die. 10 He appeared to have lost in weight. 11 It Is likely that the temperature of the patient rises again. 12It is known that Ukrainian scientists work on cancer problem. 13 It is said that the red colour spoils the vision. 14 The doctor was expected to come tomorrow. 15The operation was supposed to have been duly performed. 16 The position of the patient was reported to be hopeless. 17 The child was made to swallow the tablet. 18 He was seen to enter the ward.


83 Define the functions of the infinitive:

1 The instruments to be used during the operation are sterilized by the surgical nurse. 2 There are special dispensaries to treat tubercu­losis. 3 Blue labels are stuck to indicate drugs to be used for injections. 4 The tumour to be excised is 2 cm in diameter. 5 Sanitation is the science of how to preserve the public health. It is insanitary to live among insects, dirt, and germs and to drink unclean water and milk. 6 To allow germs to spread abroad from the persons who are ill is also insanitary. 7 Не is said to have made an interesting report at the conference. 8Grippe is known to be a highly communicable and rapidly spreading disease. 9 The doctor is said to be there at the time of the accident. 10 She is believed to be the most skillful therapeutist in this hospital.


84 Pick out the sentences with infinitive constructions:

1 I know her to be a very skilled teacher. 2 We believe him to have finished his scientific work. 3 We know them to read many books. 4 He thinks them to be discharged from the hospital. 5 The professor considers our students to pass the exams successfully. 6 They want this patient to be examined by the professor. 7 I know this patient to have been examined by this professor. 8 We believe him to be made a correct diagnosis. 9 We think him to be ill. 10 This doctor knows her to complain of a heart trouble. 11 They considered us to have completed our research work. 12 Everybody knows him to be a skillful doctor. 13 He is known to be a skillful doctor. 14 The doctor is expected to come today. 15 We expect the doctor to come today. 16 She said them to have been discharged from the hospital. 17 They are said to have been discharged from the hospital.


85 Find the necessary translation:

а) якого будуть оперувати; для того щоб прооперувати; оперувати

1 To operate on this patient is necessary. 2 To operate on this patient a nurse has sterilized the necessary instruments. 3 The patient to be operated on suffers from the ulcer of stomach.

б) для того щоб встановити діагноз; якому треба встановити діагноз; встановити діагноз

1 To make a correct diagnosis is very important. 2 To make a correct diagnosis a doctor has to examine this patient very attentively. 3 The patient to be made a correct diagnosis was palpated attentively by this doctor.


86 Change these complex sentences into simple ones using the model:

Model: It is said that the eruption is often connected with


The eruption is said to be often connected with


1 It appears that the initial diagnosis will be affirmed by chest examination. 2 It was reported that the prodromal symptoms had been appeared 10 day before. 3 It proved that administration of those drugs had produced marked effect on his health. 4 It is expected that the rash will disappear in three days. 5 It is certain that the doctor will carry out a thorough examination to achieve a correct diagnosis. 6 It is likely that this condition will aggravate the patient’s health. 7 It is well known that substernal pain may be associated with vomiting. 8 It is likely that murmurs of the heart will disappear soon. 9 I haven’t seen how nurses make intravenous injections. 10 The surgeon believed that this patient will survive abdominal operation well. 11 I didn’t expect that he would have such serious complications. 12 The doctor thinks that the operative intervention is necessary. 13 Everybody knows that this complication will lead to further aggravation of the patients condition. 14 All consider that he is a brilliant therapeutist. 15 The patient believes that this treatment will be favorable for him.


87 Change these sentences using the model:

Model: We know that he is an expert surgeon. We know him to be an expert surgeon.

1 We know that vitamin С is quite important in cases of anaemia. 2 We believed that the case was fatal but the patient recovered. 3 I suppose that he will enter the Medical Institute next year. 4 He believed that the constant lack of sleep was the cause of his weakness. 5 We found that the appendix was stiff and extraordinarily hard.


88 Change these sentences using the model:

Model: It is said that the experiments are very interesting. The experiments are said to be very inte­resting.

1 It is known that streptomycin is the substance of the highest antibacterial activity. 2 It was said that the cons­triction of stomach muscle was the most probable diagnosis. 3 It is believed that he is an excellent surgeon. 4 It appeared that he had been wounded. 5 It seems that the disorder is curable.


89 Translate the following:

1 We expect further experiments to be made in cancer study. 2 The

doctor declared him to be out of danger. 3 The injection of the drug caused the temperature to rise for a short time. 4 We believed the case to be fatal, but the patient recovered. 5 We know vitamin С to be quite important in cases of anaemia. 6 The doctor made the boy gargle the throat with a solution of common salt. 7 I watched him make a cut with a sharp knife through the breast bone of the frog. 8 We heard him succeed in making abdominal incisions properly. 9 I do not expect this treatment to be effective. 10 They suppose certain streptococci and diplococci to be closely connected with measles. 11 He ordered everything to be prepared for blood transfusion. 12 The doctor allowed the patient to be given nutritive food. 13 He declared the patient to be getting worse. 14 I know him to be suffering from left side pulmonary tuberculosis. 15 Every­body knows morphine to be dangerous in conditions of low metabolism. 16 The experiments are said to be very interesting. 17 Ukrainian scientists are known to work on cancer problem. 18 The methods can be expected to be used widely in medicine. 19 The malignancy was unlikely to be caused by a single and simple reaction common to all of them. 20 The scientists seem to find all of new methods in the treatment of cancer. 21 The condition of the patient was reported to be hopeless.22 Quinine has been found to be specific against malaria.23 The child was made to swallow a tablespoonful of cod liver oil.


90 Pick out the appropriate form of the infinitive:

1 The patient was known … stool retention accompanied by nausea a month before his present admission to the hospital.

a) to have; b) to have had; c) to have been having; d) to be having

2 Sensitivity to antibiotics was reported … not only in this patient but in all the other members of the family as well since their early age.

a) to be present; b) to have been present

3 Prophylactic vaccination was found … since no cases of hepatitis were diagnosed after its administration.

a) to be effective; b) to have been effective

4 Skin irritation was revealed … after each parenteral administration of this preparation.

a) to occur; b) to have occurred; c) to be occurring


91 Define the forms of the infinitive:

1 The physician considered the incidence of heart attacks to be associated with the nervous overstrain. 2 The doctor wants me to have undergone the course of treatment by the end of the week. 3 We know her to be a very good therapeutist. 4 The problem to be solved is very complex. 5 To get a clear picture of the illness a contrasting substance is introduced into the patient’s carotid artery. 6 The isolated heart and lungs live for 10 hours. 7 To make the correct diagnosis of this patient’s illness the doctor examined him carefully. 8 On admission the patient was considered to have heart trouble. 9 The operation seems to have been performed successfully 10 We believe our student to make a brilliant report at the conference. 11 On physical examination the liver was considered to be enlarged. 12 The damage to the blood supply was supposed to have been present before the operation. 13 Both mental and physical overstrain have been estimated to affect the normal function of the heart in the most unfavorable way.


92 Find all the infinitives in the following sentences:

1 If a person is said to suffer from hypertension, the ex­pression means that the average arterial pressure of that person is above the level which is accepted as normal. 2 Sometimes, an underlying disease or other condition is found to be the cause of high blood pressure.3Researchers do know that essential hypertension tends to cluster in families, so heredity is thought to play a strong role.4On the whole, patients whose tumors were found during a physical examination were three times as likely to be treated with chemotherapy than those who had tumors detected by mammography.5Children with asthma who live with one smoker may be more than twice as likely to miss school because of a respiratory illness than are unexposed children.6If children with asthma live with two or more smokers, they may be more than four times as likely to be absent with respiratory illness.7Even children without asthma may be 40 percent more likely to miss school with a respiratory ailment if they live with at least two smokers.8While some foods appear to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, others seem to have the opposite effect.



Список літератури


  1. Качалова К. Н., Израилевич Е. Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – Москва: ЮНВЕС. – 2001. – 716 с.
  2. Новицкая Т. М., Кучин Н. Д. Практическая грамматика английского языка.- Москва: Высшая школа. – 1971. – 420 с.
  3. D. Beaumont, C. Granger. The Heinemann English Grammar. – Oxford: Heinemann Publishers Ltd. – 1992. – 352 с.
  4. Верба Г. В., Верба Л. Г. Довідник з граматики англійської мови. – Київ: Освіта – 1993. – С. 155-176.
  5. Лотовська Р. М., Гурська Г. І., Сенів С. М. English for Medical Students. – Київ: Вища школа. – 1994. – 260 с.
  6. Юдіна Є. Є., Потяженко Л. В. Підручник англійської мови. – Київ: Вища школа. – 1994. – 319 с.
  7. Маслова А. М., Вайнштейн З. И., Плебейская Л. С. Essential English for Medical Students. – Москва: Высшая школа. – 1977. – 344 с.
  8. Швец К. Я., Шалковская И. Н., Ящук В. Ф. Mastering English. A Manual for Medical Students. – Київ: Вища школа. – 1978. – 229 с.
  9. Гурська А. І., Новосядла Є.Й, та ін. English for Advanced Medical Students. – Львів: Світ. – 2003. – 246 с.
  10. Акмалдінов А. М., Будко Л.В. Англійська мова. – Київ: Dial. – 2001. – 62 с.
  11. Аврахова Л. Я. Англійська мова для студентів-медиків. – Київ: НМУ ім. О. О. Богомольця. – 1997. – 118 с.
  12. O. Demchenko, M. Zakaliuzhnyi. The Latin Language and the Fundaments of Medical Terminology. – Ternopil: Ukrmedknyha. – 2004. – 282 с.
  13. Коломієць В. О. Типові помилки при вивченні англійської мови. – Київ: Вища школа. – 2004. – 116 с.
  14. Янков А. В. English for Medical Students. – Київ: Вища школа. – 2004. – 260 с.


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