Anybody ◈ pen II S. [pɛn] pron. one, somebody, anybody ◇ WJ/376 ◈ Usually enclitic and mutated as ben II 4 страница
debate ◈ athrabeth S. [ˈɑθrɑbɛθ] n. debate, converse ◇ MR/329 december ◈ girithron S. [girˈiθrɔn] n. Cal. december (month) ◇ LotR/D declivity ◈ pend N. [pˈɛnd] (penn S., N.) pl. * pind N. [pˈind] (pinn N.) n. declivity, slope ◇ Ety/380, RC/525, X/ND1 decripit ◈ gern N. [gˈɛrn] adj. worn, old, decripit (used of things only) ◇ Ety/360 ◈ ingem N. [ˈiŋgɛm] adj. old (of person, in mortal sense: decripit, suffering from old age) ◇ Ety/358, Ety/399, Ety/400 ◈ New word coined by the Elves after meeting with Men deed ◈ carth N. [kˈɑrθ] (cardh N.) n. deed, feat ◇ Ety/362 deep ◈ nûr I N. [nˈuːr] adj. deep ◇ Ety/378 ◈ tofn N. [tˈɔvn] adj. lowlying, deep, low ◇ Ety/394 deer ◈ aras S. [ˈɑrɑs] n. Zool. deer ◇ WJ/156-157 defile ◈ † aglonn *S. [ˈɑglɔnn] (aglond N., aglon N.) n. defile, pass between high walls ◇ Ety/348, X/ND4 ◈ cirith S. [kˈiriθ] n. cleft, high climbing pass, narrow passage cut through earth or rock, ravine, defile ◇ S/387, UT/426, TC/181, RC/334-335 dell ◈ im II S., N. [ˈim] (imm N., imb N.) n. Arch. Geog. dell, deep vale ← imlad, imloth, imrath, imrad, VT/45:18, VT/47:14 ◈ This word only survived in compounds (due to the clash with im I) delving ◈ groth S. [grˈɔθ] n. 1. cave, tunnel, large excavation ○ 2. delving, underground dwelling ◇ WJ/415, S/431, VT/46:12 demon ◈ raug S. [rˈɑug] (graug S., rhaug N.) n. a powerful, hostile and terrible creature, a demon ◇ Ety/384, S/436, WJ/415, X/RH denial ◈ ubed N. [ˈubɛd] n. denial ◇ WR/132, WR/137-138 depart ◈ * gwanna- N. [gwˈɑnnɑ] inf. gwanno N. [gwˈɑnnɔ] v. to depart, die ◇ Ety/397 departed ◈ gwann N. [gwˈɑnn] adj. departed, dead ◇ Ety/397 deprive ◈ * neitha- S. [nˈɛjθɑ] v. to wrong, to deprive ← Neithan UT/456 deprived ◈ neithan S. [nˈɛjθɑn] adj. deprived, wronged ◇ UT/456 descendant ◈ ion S. [jˈɔn] († iond *S., ionn N.) n. m. 1. son ○ 2. by ext., scion, male descendant ◇ Ety/400, MR/373, X/ND1, X/ND2 ◈ For the second meaning, cf. Hadorion, a Húrin's epithet in WJ/294, Hurinionath referring to the house of Húrin the Steward in PM/202-3,218, and Gil-Galad's epithet Ereinion, cf. also the gloss of the old Qenya cognate yondo "descendant of" in PE/12:106, or the use of the same suffix in later Quenya names such as Isildurioni and Anárioni "Heirs of Isildur (resp. Anárion)" in PM/192,196 desert ◈ eru N. [ˈɛru] n. waste, desert ◇ Ety/356 desire ◈ aníra- S. [ɑnˈiːrɑ] v. to desire ◇ SD/129-31 ◈ îr N. [ˈiːr] n. sexual desire ◇ VT/46:23 detestation ◈ delos N. [dˈɛlɔs] (deloth N.) n. abhorrence, detestation, loathing ◇ Ety/355 device ◈ gaud N. [gˈɑud] n. device, contrivance, machine ◇ Ety/358 dew ◈ mîdh N. [mˈiːð] n. dew ◇ Ety/373 diacritic ◈ gasdil N. [gˈɑsdil̡] n. Ling. "stopgap", name of a diacritic sign used to indicate that g had been lenited to zero ◇ Ety/354, Ety/357 die ◈ * gwanna- N. [gwˈɑnnɑ] inf. gwanno N. [gwˈɑnnɔ] v. to depart, die ◇ Ety/397 dim ◈ gwathra- S. [gwˈɑθrɑ] v. to overshadow, dim, veil, obscure ◇ VT/42:9 ◈ gwathren S. [gwˈɑθrɛn] pl. gwethrin S. [gwˈɛθrin] adj. shadowy, dim ← Ered Wethrin S/432, VT/42:9 dimness ◈ dû S., N. [dˈuː] n. nightfall, late evening, night, dimness ◇ Ety/354, S/430, VT/45:9 din ◈ glam S. [glˈɑm] (glamm S., N., glamb S., N.) n. 1. barbarous speech, shouting, confused noise ○ 2. din, uproar, the confused yelling and bellowing of beasts ○ 3. Pop. by ext., as a coll. noun, any body of Orcs ◇ Ety/358, Ety/377, WJ/390, WJ/416 dirty ◈ gwaur N. [gwˈɑur] adj. soiled, dirty ◇ Ety/397 disgust ◈ del N. [ˈdɛl̡] n. fear, disgust, loathing, horror ◇ Ety/355 ◈ * fuia- N. [fˈuj.ɑ] inf. fuio N. [fˈuj.ɔ] v. to feel disgust at, abhor ◇ Ety/381 distance ◈ haered S. [hˈɑɛrɛd] n. remote distance, the remote ← na-chaered LotR/II:I, RGEO/72 distant ◈ hae S., N. [hˈɑɛ] adj. far, remote, distant ← Gwahaedir PM/186, VT/45:21 ◈ haeron S. [hˈɑɛrɔn] adj. far, remote, distant ◇ PM/273 distinct ◈ † minai *S. [mˈinɑj] (minei N.) adj. single, distinct, unique ◇ Ety/373, X/EI district ◈ * trann S. [trˈɑnn] n. shire, administrative district, division of a realm ← i-Drann SD/129-31 disturb ◈ * presta- N. [prˈɛstɑ] inf. presto N. [prˈɛstɔ] v. to affect, trouble, disturb ◇ Ety/380 divinity ◈ balan S., N. [bˈɑlɑn] pl. belain S. [bˈɛlɑjn] (belein N., belen N.) n. Theo. Vala, divine power, divinity ◇ Ety/350, S/439, Letters/427, X/EI ◈ * rodon S. [rˈɔdɔn] pl. rodyn S. [rˈɔdyn] n. Theo. Vala, divinity ◇ LotR/D do ◈ * car- S. [kˈɑr] irreg. pa. t. agor S. [ˈɑgɔr] v. to do ← avo garo WJ/371, WJ/415 ◈ caro S. [kˈɑrɔ] v. imp. of car-, do! make! ◇ VT/44:21,25 doer ◈ ceredir N. [kˈɛrɛdˌir] n. doer, maker ◇ Ety/354 dog ◈ hû N. [hˈuː] n. Zool. dog ◇ Ety/364 doing ◈ * cared N. [kˈɑrɛd] ger. of car-, making, doing ← ceredir Ety/354 dome ◈ telu N. [tˈɛlu] n. dome, high roof ◇ Ety/391 doom ◈ amarth S. [ˈɑmɑrθ] (ammarth N.) n. fate, doom ◇ Ety/372, S/427, LotR/A(i), TC/183 ◈ * bartha- N. [bˈɑrθɑ] inf. bartho N. [bˈɑrθɔ] v. to doom ◇ Ety/372 ◈ manadh N. [mˈɑnɑð] n. 1. doom, final end, fate, fortune ○ 2. by ext., final bliss ◇ Ety/371 doomed ◈ barad I N. [bˈɑrɑd] adj. doomed ◇ Ety/372 door ◈ annon S., N. [ˈɑnnɔn] pl. ennyn S., N. [ˈɛnnyn] n. augm. great door or gate ◇ Ety/348, S/428, LotR/II:IV, TAI/150 ◈ fen S. [fˈɛn] (fend N., fenn N.) n. door, threshold ◇ Ety/381, LotR/V:IV, WR/341, RC/550, X/ND1 doorway ◈ fennas S. [fˈɛnnɑs] n. abst. of fen, doorway, gateway ◇ LotR/II:IV, RS/463, RGEO/75 dot ◈ peg N. [pˈɛg] n. small spot, dot ◇ Ety/382 double ◈ edaid S. [ˈɛdɑjd] adj. num. quant. double ◇ VT/42:26-27 ◈ tadol N. [tˈɑdɔl] adj. num. quant. double ◇ Ety/391 dough ◈ moeas N. [mˈɔɛ.ɑs] n. abst. of moe, dough ◇ Ety/371 dove ◈ cugu N. [kˈugu] n. dove ◇ Ety/365 down ◈ dad N. [dˈɑd] adv. down, downwards ◇ Ety/354 downhill ◈ dadbenn N. [dˈɑdbɛnn] (dadben N.) adv. 1. downhill, inclined ○ 2. by ext., inclined, prone (to do something) ◇ Ety/354, Ety/380, VT/46:8, X/ND4 downs ◈ penneth S. [pˈɛnnɛθ] n. coll. of pend, ridges, group of downs ◇ RC/525 ◈ pinnath S. [pˈinnɑθ] n. coll. of pend, ridges, group of downs ◇ LotR/Index, RC/525 ◈ tyrn S. [tˈyrn] n. pl. Geog. downs ◇ LotR/A(iii), PM/194 ◈ Tyrn Gorthad "the Barrow-downs" downwards ◈ dad N. [dˈɑd] adv. down, downwards ◇ Ety/354 dragon ◈ amlug N. [ˈɑmlug] n. dragon ◇ Ety/349, Ety/370 ◈ † limlug *S. [lˈimlug] (lhimlug N.) n. fish-dragon, sea-serpent ◇ Ety/370, X/LH drain ◈ sautha- N. [sˈɑuθɑ] v. to drain ◇ Ety/388 draught ◈ † suith *S. [sˈujθ] (sûth N.) n. draught ◇ Ety/388, X/Z dread ◈ * achas S. [ˈɑxɑs] n. dread, fear ← Daerachas WJ/187 ◈ This might also be *gachas, mutated in composition ◈ gae N. [gˈɑɛ] n. dread ◇ Ety/358 ◈ gost N. [gˈɔst] n. dread ◇ Ety/359 dreadful ◈ gaer I N. [gˈɑɛr] adj. dreadful ◇ Ety/358 ◈ goeol S. [gˈɔɛ.ɔl] adj. dreadful, terrifying ◇ PM/363 dream ◈ ôl N. [ˈɔːl] pl. elei N. n. dream ◇ Ety/370, Ety/379 ◈ oltha- N. [ˈɔlθɑ] v. to dream ◇ Ety/370, Ety/379 drear ◈ muil S. [mˈujl] n. drear ← Emyn Muil RC/334 drink ◈ * sog- N. [sˈɔg] inf. sogo N. [sˈɔgɔ] pa. t. sogant N. [sˈɔgɑnt] (sunc N.) v. to drink ◇ Ety/388, VT/46:16 drunk ◈ sogannen (corr. sogennen) N. [sɔgˈɑnnɛn] pp. of sog-, drunk ◇ Ety/388 dry ◈ † apharch *S. [ˈɑffɑrx] (afarch N.) adj. very dry, arid ◇ VT/45:5, X/PH ◈ parch N. [pˈɑrx] adj. dry ◇ Ety/380, VT/45:5 dungeon ◈ gador N. [gˈɑdr̩] (gadr N.) n. prison, dungeon ◇ Ety/358 Dunlendings ◈ gwathuirim S. [gwɑθˈujrim] n. class pl. of gwathui, Pop. The Dunlendings or People of Dunland ◇ PM/330 duress ◈ band S., N. [bˈɑnd] (bann N.) n. duress, prison, custody, safe-keeping ◇ Ety/371, S/428, MR/350, X/ND1 ◈ thang S., N. [θˈɑŋ] n. compulsion, duress, need, oppression ◇ Ety/388, S/438 dusk ◈ tinnu N. [tˈinnu] (tindu N.) n. 1. dusk, twilight, early night (without Moon) ○ 2. by ext., starry twilight ◇ Ety/355, Ety/393, X/ND2 dusky ◈ doll N. [dˈɔll] (dolt N.) adj. dark, dusky, obscure ◇ Ety/355, Ety/376, Tengwestie/20031207 dust ◈ ast N. [ˈɑst] n. dust ◇ Ety/349 ◈ lith S., N. [lˈiθ] n. ash, sand, dust ◇ Ety/369, S/434, TC/178 dwarf ◈ anfang N. [ˈɑnfɑŋ] pl. enfeng S., N. [ˈɛnfɛŋ] n. Pop. one of the Longbeards (a tribe of Dwarves) ◇ Ety/348, Ety/387, WJ/322 ◈ anfangrim S. [ɑnfˈɑŋgrim] n. class pl. of anfang, Pop. the Longbeards (a tribe of Dwarves) ◇ WJ/322 ◈ dornhoth S. [dˈɔrn.hɔθ] n.class pl. of dorn, Pop. the Dwarves, lit. "the Thrawn Folk" ◇ WJ/388 ◈ hadhod S. [hˈɑðɔd] n. Pop. Dwarf ◇ WJ/388, WJ/414 ◈ hadhodrim S. [hɑðˈɔdrim] n. class pl. of hadhod, Pop. the Dwarves (as a race) ◇ WJ/388 ◈ naug S., N. [nˈɑug] pl. noeg S. [nˈɔɛg] n. and adj. 1. stunted, dwarf ○ 2. Pop. as a noun, a Dwarf ◇ Ety/375, WJ/388, UT/100, UT/148 ◈ naugol N. [nˈɑugl̩] (naugl N.) pl. nauglin S. [nˈauglin] n. dim. of naug, dwarf ◇ Ety/375 ◈ naugrim S. [nˈɑugrim] n. class pl. of naug, Pop. Dwarves ◇ WJ/388 ◈ nawag N. [nˈɑwɑg] pl. neweg N. (neweig N.) n. Pop. Dwarf ◇ Ety/375 ◈ nogoth S. [nˈɔgɔθ] pl. negyth S. [nˈɛgyθ] (nœgyth S.) n. Pop. Dwarf, lit. "the Stunted Folk" ◇ S/435, WJ/338, WJ/388, WJ/408, WJ/413 ◈ nogotheg S. [nˈɔgɔθɛg] n. dim. of nogoth, Pop. lit. "dwarflet", a name of the Petty-Dwarves ◇ WJ/388 ◈ nogothrim S. [nɔgˈɔθrim] n. class pl. of nogoth, Pop. Dwarf-folk ◇ RGEO/75, UT/318, WJ/388 ◈ nornwaith S. [nˈɔrn.wɑjθ] n. class pl. of norn, Pop. the Dwarves ◇ MR/93, MR/106 dwell ◈ * dortha- N. [dˈɔrθɑ] inf. dortho N. [dˈɔrθɔ] v. to dwell, stay ◇ Ety/376 dwelling ◈ bar S. [bˈɑr] pl. bair S. [bˈɑjr] n. 1. dwelling, home ○ 2. by ext., inhabited land ◇ S/428, WR/379-80, SD/129-31 ◈ groth S. [grˈɔθ] n. 1. cave, tunnel, large excavation ○ 2. delving, underground dwelling ◇ WJ/415, S/431, VT/46:12 E eager ◈ bara N. [bˈɑrɑ] adj. 1. fiery ○ 2. eager ◇ Ety/351 eagle ◈ thôr I S., N. [θˈɔːr] n. Orn. eagle ← Belecthor S/322,365, LotR/A(ii), Ety/392 ◈ thoron S., N. [θˈɔrɔn] pl. † theryn *S. [θˈɛryn] (therein N.) n. Orn. eagle ◇ Ety/392, S/438, X/Z ◈ thoronath S. [θˈɔrɔnɑθ] n. coll. of thoron, eagles ◇ S/387, S/438 ear ◈ lhaw S., N. [ɬˈɑw] n. pl. Biol. ears (referring to one person's pair of ears only) ◇ Ety/368, LotR/II:IX ◈ lhewig N. [ɬˈɛwig] n. sing. of lhaw, Biol. ear ◇ Ety/368, LotR/II:IX earth ◈ amar N. [ˈɑmɑr] (ambar N.) n. earth ◇ Ety/372 ◈ † cae I *S. [kˈɑɛ] (coe N.) n. earth ◇ Ety/363, X/OE ◈ This word is indeclinable, according to the Etymologies ◈ ceven S. [kˈɛvɛn] n. Earth ◇ VT/44:21,27 ◈ ennor S. [ˈɛnnɔr] n. central land, middle-earth ◇ LotR/E, X/ND2◈ ennorath S. [ˈɛnnɔrɑθ] n. coll. of ennor, central lands, middle-earth ◇ LotR/E, LotR/II:I, RGEO/72-75 earthen ◈ † cefn *S. [kˈɛvn] (cevn N.) adj. earthen ◇ Ety/363, X/Z east ◈ amrûn S., N. [ˈɑmruːn] n. east, orient ◇ Ety/348, Ety/384, S/437, LotR/E ◈ rhûn S., N. [ɹ̥ˈuːn] n. east ◇ Ety/384, S/436, LotR/E ◈ † rhuven *S. [ɹ̥ˈuvɛn] (rhufen N.) n. Arch., Poet. east ◇ Ety/384, X/RH eastern ◈ rhúnen S. [ɹ̥ˈuːnɛn] adj. eastern ← Talath Rhúnen S/420 eat ◈ * mad- N. [mˈɑd] inf. medi N. [mˈɛdi] v. to eat ◇ Ety/371 eavesdrop ◈ † lathra- *S. [lˈɑθrɑ] (* lhathra- N.) inf. † lathro *S. [lˈɑθrɔ] (lhathro N.) v. to listen in, eavesdrop ◇ Ety/368, X/LH ◈ † lathrada- *S. [lˈɑθrɑdɑ] (* lhathrada- N.) inf. † lathrado *S. [lˈɑθrɑdɔ] (lhathrado N.) v. to listen in, eavesdrop ◇ Ety/368, X/LH eavesdropper ◈ † lathron *S. [lˈɑθrɔn] (lhathron N.) n. hearer, listener, eavesdropper ◇ Ety/368, X/LH ◈ † lethril *S. [lˈɛθril] (lhethril N.) n. f. hearer, listener, eavesdropper ◇ VT/45:26, X/LH ebb ◈ dannen II S. [dˈɑnnɛn] n. ebb, low tide ◇ VT/48:26 echo ◈ glamor N. [glˈɑmr̩] (glambr N.) n. echo ◇ Ety/358 echoing ◈ glamren N. [glˈɑmrɛn] adj. echoing ◇ Ety/358 eddy ◈ † hwinia- *S. [ʍˈini.ɑ] (* chwinia- N.) inf. † hwinio *S. [ʍˈini.ɔ] (chwinio N.) v. to twirl, whirl, eddy ◇ Ety/388 edge ◈ lanc III S. [lˈɑŋk] n. sharp edge (not of tools), sudden end (as a cliff-edge, or the clean edge of things made by hand or built) ◇ VT/42:8 ◈ † rîw *S. [rˈiːw] (rhîf N.) n. edge, hem, border ◇ Ety/383, X/RH eight ◈ toloth N. [tˈɔlɔθ] (tolodh S.) adj. num. card. eight ◇ Ety/394, VT/42:25, VT/42:31, VT/48:6 ◈ Tolkien emended toloth to tolodh, cf. VT/42:31 (and also VT/48:6). If we are to follow him, a word such as tolothen would be incorrect, unless the two forms coexisted eighth ◈ tollui S. [tˈɔɬuj] (Arch. tolhui S., Arch. tolthui S.) adj. num. ord. eighth ◇ VT/42:25, VT/42:27, VT/47:32, VT/42:10, Tengwestie/20031207 ◈ tolothen S. [tˈɔlɔθɛn] adj. num. ord. eighth ← erin dolothen SD/129-31 elder ◈ einior S. [ˈɛjni.ɔr] adj. elder ◇ PM/358 elephant ◈ annabon N. [ˈɑnnɑbɔn] (andabon N.) n. Zool. elephant ◇ Ety/372, X/ND2 eleven ◈ ∗ mimp S. [mˈimp] adj. num. card. eleven ◇ PE/17:95 ◈ minib S. [mˈinib] adj. num. card. eleven ◇ VT/48:6-8 elf ◈ avar S. [ˈɑvɑr] pl. evair S. [ˈɛvɑjr] n. 1. refuser ○ 2. Pop. esp. in the pl., the Avari, Elves who refused the invitation of the Valar ◇ WJ/380, VT/47:12 ◈ This plural name was known to the loremasters, but went out of daily use at the time of the Exile ◈ calben S. [kˈɑlbɛn] pl. celbin S. [kˈɛl̡bin] n. 1. Pop. Elf of the Great Journey (lit. "light person") ○ 2. Pop. by ext., all Elves but the Avari ◇ WJ/362, WJ/376-377, WJ/408-409 ◈ danwaith S. [dˈɑnwɑjθ] n. class pl. Pop. the Nandor (a tribe of Elves) ◇ WJ/385 ◈ denwaith S. [dˈɛnwɑjθ] n. class pl. Pop. the Nandor (a tribe of Elves), the people of Denwe ◇ WJ/385 ◈ * dúnedhel S. [dˈuːnɛðɛl̡] pl. dúnedhil S. [dˈunːɛðil̡] n. Pop. Elf of the West, Elf of Beleriand (including Noldor and Sindar) ◇ WJ/378 ◈ edhel S., N. [ˈɛðɛl̡] pl. edhil S., N. [ˈɛðil̡] n. Pop. Elf ◇ Ety/356, S/430, WJ/363-364 ◈ edhelharn S. [ɛðˈɛl̡hɑrn] n. elf-stone ◇ SD/128-129 ◈ egladhrim S. [ɛglˈɑðrim] n. class pl. of eglan, Pop. "The Forsaken", Elves of the Falathrim ◇ WJ/189, WJ/365, WJ/379 ◈ eglan S. [ˈɛglɑn] pl. eglain S. [ˈɛglɑjn] n. and adj. 1. forsaken ○ 2. Pop. as a noun,an Elf of the Falathrim ◇ WJ/365, WJ/379-380 ◈ eglath S. [ˈɛglɑθ] n. coll. of egol, Pop. "The Forsaken", Elves of the Falathrim ◇ WJ/189, WJ/344 ◈ * egol S. [ˈɛgl̩] n. Pop. someone forsaken, an Elf of the Falathrim ← Eglath WJ/189, WJ/344 ◈ elleth S. [ˈɛl̡lɛθ] n. f. elf-maid ◇WJ/148, WJ/256, WJ/363-364 ◈ ellon S. [ˈɛl̡lɔn] n. m. elf ◇ WJ/363-364 ◈ * elvellon S. [ɛl̡vˈɛl̡lɔn] pl. elvellyn S. [ɛl̡vˈɛl̡lyn] n. elf-friend ◇ WJ/412 ◈ galadhrim S. [gɑlˈɑðrim] n. class pl. of galadh, Pop. Elves of Lothlórien ◇ LotR ◈ glinnel S. [glˈinnɛl̡] pl. glinnil S. [glˈinnil̡] n. Pop. Elf, one of the Teleri ◇ WJ/378, WJ/385 ◈ gódhel S. [gˈɔːðɛl̡] pl. gódhil S. [ˈgɔːðil̡] n. Pop. "Deep Elf" or "Gnome", one of the Wise Folk ◇ WJ/364, WJ/379 ◈ gódhellim S. [gɔːðˈɛl̡lim] n. class pl. of gódhel, Pop. "Deep Elves" or "Gnomes", the Wise Folk ◇ WJ/364 ◈ golodh S., N. [gˈɔlɔð] pl. gelydh S. [gˈɛlyð] (gœlydh S., gœlœidh N., geleidh N.) n. Pop. "Deep Elf" or "Gnome", one of the Wise Folk ◇ Ety/377, S/431, WJ/364 ◈ golodhrim S., N. [gɔlˈɔðrim] n. class pl. of golodh, Pop. Deep Elves, Gnomes ◇ Ety/377, WJ/323 ◈ iathrim S. [jˈɑθrim] n. class pl. of iâth, Pop. Elves of Doriath ◇ WJ/378 ◈ † lachenn *S. [lˈɑxɛnn] (lachend S.) pl. † lechinn *S. [lˈɛxinn] (lechind S.) n. Pop. Deep Elf (Sindarin name for the Ñoldor) ◇ WJ/384, X/ND4 ◈ laegel S. [lˈɑɛgɛl̡] pl. laegil S. [lˈɑɛgil̡] n. Pop. a Green Elf ◇ WJ/385 ◈ laegrim S. [lˈɑɛgrim] (laegeldrim S.) n. class pl. of laegel, Pop. the people of the Green Elves ◇ WJ/385 ◈ miniel S. [mˈini.ɛl̡] pl. mínil S. [mˈiːnil̡] n. Pop. an Elf, one of the Vanyar ◇ WJ/383 ◈ mornedhel S. [mˈɔrnɛðɛl̡] n. Pop. Dark-Elf ◇ WJ/377, WJ/380 ◈ ódhel S. [ˈɔːðɛl̡] pl. ódhil S. [ˈɔːðil̡] n. Pop. Deep Elf or Gnome, one of the Wise Folk ◇ WJ/364, WJ/366, WJ/378-379 ◈ ódhellim S. [ɔːðˈɛl̡lim] n. class pl. of ódhel, Pop. Deep Elves or Gnomes, the Wise Folk ◇ WJ/364 ◈ tawarwaith S. [tɑwˈɑrwɑjθ] n. class pl. of tawar, Pop. Silvan elves ◇ UT/256 ◈ teler S. [tˈɛlɛr] pl. telir S. [tˈɛlir] n. Pop. an Elf, one of the Teleri ◇ PM/385 ◈ telerrim S. [tɛlˈɛrrim] n. class pl. of teler, Pop. the Teleri, a tribe of Elves ◇ PM/385