Anybody ◈ pen II S. [pɛn] pron. one, somebody, anybody ◇ WJ/376 ◈ Usually enclitic and mutated as ben II 9 страница
knowledge ◈ gûl S., N. [gˈuːl] n. 1. magic lore, long study (being used mostly of secret knowledge, especially such as possessed by artificers who made wonderful things) ○ 2. by ext., perverted or evil knowledge, sorcery, necromancy ◇ Ety/377, S/432, MR/350, WJ/383 ◈ ist N. [ˈist] n. lore, knowledge ◇ Ety/361 ◈ * ista- N. [ˈistɑ] inf. isto N. [ˈistɔ] pa. t. istas N. [ˈistɑs] (Arch. sint N.) v. to have knowledge ◇ Ety/361, VT/45:18 L labour ◈ * muda- N. [mˈudɑ] inf. mudo N. [mˈudɔ] pa. t. mudas N. [mˈudɑs] v. to labour, toil ◇ Ety/373 ◈ tass N. [tˈɑss] (tars N.) n. labour, task ◇ Ety/391 lacking ◈ * pen I S. [pɛn] prep. without, lacking, -less ← Iarwain ben-adar LotR/II:II lady ◈ brennil N. [brˈɛnnil̡] n. f. lady ◇ Ety/351 ◈ dî N. [dˈiː] n. f. Poet. woman, lady ◇ Ety/352, Ety/354 ◈ * heryn S. [hˈɛryn] n. f. lady ← Roheryn S/436 ◈ hiril N. [hˈiril̡] n. f. lady ◇ Ety/364 ◈ † rîn I *S. [rˈiːn] (rhîn N., rhien N.) n. and adj. 1. crowned ○ 2. as a noun, by ext.,crowned lady, queen ◇ Ety/393, Ety/389, X/RH lair ◈ caew N. [kˈɑɛw] n. lair, resting-place ◇ Ety/363 ◈ torech N. [tˈɔrɛx] n. hole, excavation, lair ◇ WR/202, RC/490 lake ◈ † ael *S. [ˈɑɛl] (oel N.) pl. aelin S. [ˈɑɛlin] (oelin N.) n. Geog. lake, pool, mere ◇ Ety/349, S/427, X/OE ◈ lô S. [lˈɔː] n. Geog. shallow lake, fenland ◇ UT/263, VT/42:8-10 ◈ nen S., N. [nˈɛn] pl. nîn S., N. [nˈiːn] n. 1. water (used of a lake, pool or lesser river) ○ 2. Geog. by ext., waterland ◇ Ety/376, S/435, UT/457, RC/327-328 ◈ † rim II *S. [rˈim] (rhim N., rhimb N.) n. Geog. cold pool or lake (in mountains) ◇ Ety/384, X/RH lament ◈ naergon S. [nˈɑɛrgɔn] n. woeful lament ◇ PM/362 lamentable ◈ † naer *S. [nˈɑɛr] (noer N.) adj. sad, lamentable ◇ Ety/375, X/OE lamentation ◈ conath S. [kˈɔnɑθ] n. coll. of caun II, 1. many voices ○ 2. by ext., lamentation ◇ PM/361-362 ◈ nírnaeth N. [nˈiːrnɑɛθ] n. (tearful) lamentation ◇ Ety/376 lamp ◈ calar S. [kˈɑlɑr] n. (portable) lamp ← celerdain LotR/V:I, WR/287, RC/523 lampwright ◈ calardan S. [kɑlˈɑrdɑn] pl. celerdain S. [kɛlˈɛrdɑjn] n. lampwright ◇ LotR/V:I, WR/287, RC/523 land ◈ dôr S. [dˈɔːr] (dor S., N.) n. Geog. land, dwelling-place, region where certain people live ◇ Ety/376, S/430, WJ/413, Letters/417, VT/45:38, RC/384 ◈ The form dor in the Etymologies is a misreading, see VT/45. In composition and in toponyms, the word is nevertheless reduced to Dor ◈ talath S. [tˈɑlɑθ] (dalath N.) n. 1. flat surface, plane ○ 2. Geog. flat land, plain, (wide) valley ← Talath Dirnen UT/465, Ety/353, S/437 ◈ talf II S. [tˈɑlv] n. Geog. flat field, flat land ← Nindalf TC/195, LotR/Map language ◈ annúnaid S. [ɑnnˈuːnɑjd] n. Ling. the "Westron" language (one of the names for Common Speech) ◇ PM/316 ◈ falathren S., N. [fɑlˈɑθrɛn] n. and adj. 1. of the shore ○ 2. Ling. as a noun, Shore-language (one of the names for Common Speech) ◇ Ety/381, PM/32, PM/55 ◈ lam II S. [lˈɑm] n. Ling. language ◇ WJ/394 last ◈ * brona- N. [brˈɔnɑ] inf. brono N. [brˈɔnɔ] v. to last, to survive ◇ Ety/353 ◈ dartha- N. [dˈɑrθɑ] v. to wait, stay, last, endure, remain ◇ Ety/353, VT/45:8 ◈ * medui S. [mˈɛduj] adj. last ← na vedui, Arvedui LotR/I:XII, LotR/A(iv) lasting ◈ bronadui N. [brˈɔnɑduj] adj. enduring, lasting ◇ Ety/353 ◈ bronwe S., N. [brˈɔnwɛ] n. endurance, lasting quality, faith ◇ Ety/353, SD/62 later ◈ ab- S. [ɑb] pref. after, later ← Abonnen WJ/387 laugh ◈ gladh- S. [glˈɑð] v. to laugh ← gladh- PM/359 laughter ◈ lalaith S. [lˈɑlɑjθ] n. laughter ◇ S/406 lay ◈ glaer N. [glˈɑɛr] n. long lay, narrative poem ◇ Ety/359, VT/45:15 ◈ Written glær (with ae-ligature) in the Etymologies, rectified here according to VT/45:15 ◈ glîr N. [glˈiːr] n. song, poem, lay ◇ Ety/359 ◈ laer II S. [lˈɑɛr] (lhaer N.) n. song, long lay ← Laer Cú Beleg S/406, VT/45:28, X/LH ◈ † lîr II *S. [lˈiːr] (lhîr N.) n. song, poem, lay ◇ VT/45:28, X/LH lead ◈ * tog- N. [tˈɔg] inf. tegi N. [tˈɛgi] v. to lead, bring ◇ Ety/395 leaf ◈ galenas S. [gˈɑlɛnɑs] n. Bot. pipe-weed (leaf) or "westmansweed", a variety of Nicotiana ◇ LotR/V:VIII ◈ lass S. [lˈɑss] (lhass N.) n. Bot. leaf ◇ Ety/367, Letters/282, TC/169, X/LH league ◈ daur S. [dˈɑur] n. 1. pause, stop ○ 2. by ext., league (about 3 miles) ◇ UT/279, UT/285 lean ◈ † lhain II *S. [ɬˈɑjn] (thlein N.) pl. † lhîn *S. [ɬˈiːn] (thlîn N.) adj. lean, thin, meagre ◇ Ety/386, X/LH leap ◈ * cab- S. [kˈɑb] v. to leap ← cabed S/386, WJ/100 ◈ cabed S. [kˈɑbɛd] ger. of cab-, 1. leap ○ 2. by ext., deep gorge ◇ S/386, WJ/100 ◈ Emended by Tolkien from earlier cabad. This is our sole late example that basic verbs should perhaps form their gerund in -ed, whereas derived verbs are well attested to use -ad (cf. aderthad) learned ◈ golwen N. [gˈɔlwɛn] adj. wise, learned in deep arts ◇ Ety/377 ◈ istui N. [ˈistuj] adj. learned ◇ Ety/361 leather ◈ † lath *S. [lˈɑθ] (lhath N.) n. (?) thong of leather ◇ Ety/368, X/LH left ◈ crom N. [krˈɔm] n. left ◇ Ety/366 ◈ crum N. [krˈum] n. left hand ◇ Ety/366 ◈ crumui N. [krˈumuj] adj. left-handed ◇ Ety/366 ◈ † hair *S. [hˈɑjr] (heir N.) n. and adj. left (hand) ◇ Ety/365, X/EI ◈ hargam N. [hˈɑrgɑm] n. left-handed ◇ Ety/365 ◈ harvo S. [hˈɑrvɔ] n. 1. left hand ○ 2. by ext., left side ◇ VT/47:6 letter ◈ têw S. [tˈɛːw] pl. tîw S., N. [tˈiːw] n. Ling. letter, written sign ◇ Ety/391, WJ/396, LotR/II:IV, LotR/E, Letters/427 level ◈ † land I *S. [lˈɑnd] (lhand N.) adj. open space, level ◇ Ety/368, X/LH, X/ND1 ◈ † pathu *S. [pˈɑθu] (pathw N.) n. level space, sward ◇ Ety/380, X/W lick ◈ † lav- *S. [lˈɑv] (* lhaf- N.) inf. † levi *S. [lˈɛvi] (lhefi N.) v. to lick ◇ Ety/367, X/LH life ◈ cuil N. [kˈujl] n. life ◇ Ety/366 lift ◈ * hal- N. [hˈɑl] inf. heli N. [hˈɛli] pa. t. haul N. [hˈɑul] v. to lift ◇ VT/45:20 light ◈ calad S., N. [kˈɑlɑd] ger. light ◇ Ety/362, UT/65 ◈ gail N. [gˈɑjl] n. bright light ◇ Ety/362 ◈ gal- N. [gɑl] pref. light ← galvorn, etc. ◈ galad S. [gˈɑlɑd] n. light, radiance, glittering, reflection (from jewels, glass or polished metal, or water) ◇ VT/45:13, PM/347, Letters/425 ◈ glaur N. [glˈɑur] (glor- N.) n. Theo. golden light (of the golden tree Laurelin) ◇ Ety/358, Ety/368 ◈ lim II S. [lˈim] adj. clear, sparkling, light ◇ WJ/337 like ◈ sui II S. [sˈuj] conj. as, like ◇ VT/44:21,27 limit ◈ gleina- S. [glˈɛjnɑ] v. to bound, enclose, limit ◇ VT/42:8, VT/42:28 ◈ This entry should perhaps read gleinia-, cf. VT/42:28, note 13 ◈ taeg S. [tˈɑɛg] n. boundary, limit, boundary line ◇ WJ/309 line ◈ taeg S. [tˈɑɛg] n. boundary, limit, boundary line ◇ WJ/309 ◈ tê N. [tˈɛː] n. line, way ◇ Ety/391 ◈ tî N. [tˈiː] n. line, row ◇ Ety/392 link ◈ * lif S. [lˈiv] n. link ← molif "hand-link" VT/47:6 lion ◈ † raw II *S. [rˈɑw] (rhaw N.) pl. † roe *S. [rˈɔɛ] (rhui N.) n. Zool. lion ◇ Ety/383, X/RH listen ◈ * lasta- S. [lˈɑstɑ] v. to listen ◈ lasto S. [lˈɑstɔ] v. imp. of lasta-, listen! ◇ LotR/II:IV, RS/463, LB/354 ◈ † lathra- *S. [lˈɑθrɑ] (* lhathra- N.) inf. † lathro *S. [lˈɑθrɔ] (lhathro N.) v. to listen in, eavesdrop ◇ Ety/368, X/LH ◈ † lathrada- *S. [lˈɑθrɑdɑ] (* lhathrada- N.) inf. † lathrado *S. [lˈɑθrɑdɔ] (lhathrado N.) v. to listen in, eavesdrop ◇ Ety/368, X/LH listener ◈ † lathron *S. [lˈɑθrɔn] (lhathron N.) n. hearer, listener, eavesdropper ◇ Ety/368, X/LH ◈ † lethril *S. [lˈɛθril] (lhethril N.) n. f. hearer, listener, eavesdropper ◇ VT/45:26, X/LH little ◈ pîn S. [pˈiːn] adj. little ← Cûl Bîn RC/536 ◈ Similar words occur in Gnomish (pinig "tiny, little", PE/11:64) and in Qenya (pinea "small" etc., PE/12:73) ◈ tithen N. [tˈiθɛn] pl. tithin N. [tˈiθin] adj. little, tiny ◇ Ety/394 live ◈ * cuinar S. [kˈujnɑr] v. pres. 3rd pl. of cuina-, (they) live ← i-chuinar Letters/417 load ◈ cûl S. [kˈuːl] n. load ← Cûl Veleg, Cûl Bîn RC/536 loaf ◈ basgorn N. [bˈɑsgɔrn] n. loaf (of bread) ◇ Ety/372, Ety/365 loathing ◈ del N. [ˈdɛl̡] n. fear, disgust, loathing, horror ◇ Ety/355 ◈ delos N. [dˈɛlɔs] (deloth N.) n. abhorrence, detestation, loathing ◇ Ety/355 loathsome ◈ deleb N. [dˈɛlɛb] adj. horrible, abominable, loathsome ◇ Ety/355 lock ◈ fing S. [fˈiŋ] n. lock of hair ← Finglas "Leaflock" RC/386 lode ◈ rant S., N. [rˈɑnt] n. 1. lode, vein ○ 2. Geog. course, riverbed ◇ Ety/383, S/436 lofty ◈ * arth S. [ˈɑrθ] adj. (unknown meaning, perhaps (?) noble, lofty, exalted) ← Arthedain LotR ◈ brand N. [brˈɑnd] (brann N.) adj. 1. lofty, noble, fine ○ 2. high (in size) ◇ Ety/351, TAI/150, X/ND1 ◈ orchal S., N. [ˈɔrxl̩] (orchall N., orchel N.) adj. 1. superior, lofty, eminent ○ 2. tall ◇ Ety/363, Ety/379, WJ/305 ◈ In his article Probable errors in the Etymologies, Helge Fauskanger lists orchel as a misreading, following Christopher Tolkien's note admitting that the e is uncertain. However, though orchal is attested in WJ/305, it does not necessarily mean that the form orchel is incorrect. It might be constructed by analogy with words such as hathol "axe" (from WJ/234 and the name of a Númenórean, Hatholdir, UT:444), which is also found as hathal (in Hathaldir, name of a companion of Barahir, LR/433, untranslated but conceivably cognate) and hathel (LR/389). Without entering into the details, such words end with a syllabic consonant (as in English "people"), and several vocalizations are apparently possible in Sindarin. The epenthetical vowel is generally o, but it seems that a or e are also allowed. Regarding orchal, its origin is of course different, as it is a compound word where the second element clearly derives from KHAL, but it may have been assimilated, later, to this class of words by analogy. We may therefore consider that orchel is a perfectly valid dialectal variant log ◈ drafn N. [drˈɑvn] n. hewn log ◇ Ety/354 lonely ◈ ereb S., N. [ˈɛrɛb] pl. erib S. [ˈɛrib] adj. isolated, lonely ◇ Ety/356, S/431, UT/422, VT/42:10 long ◈ anann S. [ˈɑnɑnn] adv. long, for a long time ◇ LotR/VI:IV, Letters/308 ◈ and S. [ˈɑnd] (ann N.) adj. long ◇ Ety/348, S/427, X/ND1 ◈ taen II N. [tˈɑɛn] adj. long (and thin) ◇ Ety/391 look ◈ thîr S., N. [θˈiːr] n. look, face, expression, countenance ◇ Ety/392, VT/41:10 ◈ * tir- N. [tˈir] inf. tiri N. [tˈiri] v. to watch, to gaze, look at ◇ Ety/394 ◈ * tiria- N. [tˈiri.ɑ] inf. tirio N. [tˈiri.ɔ] pa. t. tiriant N. [tˈiri.ɑnt] v. to watch, to gaze, look at ◇ Ety/394 ◈ tiro S. [tˈirɔ] v. imp. of tir-, look! ◇ LotR/IV:X, RGEO/72, Letters/278-79, Letters/427 loose ◈ * adleg- N. [ˈɑdlɛg] inf. adlegi N. [ˈɑdlɛgi] pa. t. adlenc N. [ˈɑdlɛŋk] v. Arch., Poet. to loose, let loose, release ◇ VT/45:27 lord ◈ brannon N. [brˈɑnnɔn] n. m. lord ◇ Ety/351 ◈ hîr S., N. [hˈiːr] n. m. master, lord ◇ Ety/364, S/432, SD/129-31, Letters/382, LB/354, VT/45:22 lore ◈ angol II N. [ˈɑŋgɔl] n. Arch., Poet. deep lore, magic ◇ Ety/377 ◈ ist N. [ˈist] n. lore, knowledge ◇ Ety/361 loud ◈ * brui S. [brˈuj] adj. loud, noisy ← Bruinen LotR/Index love ◈ * mel- N. [mˈɛl] inf. melo N. [mˈɛlɔ] pa. t. melant N. [mˈɛlɑnt] v. to love ◇ VT/45:34 ◈ meleth N. [mˈɛlɛθ] n. love ◇ Ety/372 ◈ mîl N. [mˈiːl] n. love, affection ◇ Ety/372 lovely ◈ melui S. [mˈɛluj] adj. lovely, sweet ◇ LotR/V:VIII, VT/42:18, RC/582 ◈ This word only occurs in the place name Imloth Melui, a vale where roses grew lover ◈ melethril N. [mɛlˈɛθril̡] n. f. lover ◇ Ety/372 ◈ melethron N. [mɛlˈɛθrɔn] n. m. lover ◇ Ety/372 ◈ seron S. [sˈɛrɔn] n. lover ◇ PM/348 loving ◈ milui N. [mˈiluj] adj. friendly, loving, kind ◇ Ety/372 low ◈ tofn N. [tˈɔvn] adj. lowlying, deep, low ◇ Ety/394 lowlying ◈ tofn N. [tˈɔvn] adj. lowlying, deep, low ◇ Ety/394 lust ◈ † mael II *S. [mˈɑɛl] (moel N.) n. lust ◇ Ety/373, X/OE lustful ◈ † maelui *S. [mˈɑɛluj] (moelui N.) adj. lustful ◇ Ety/373, X/OE M machine ◈ gaud N. [gˈɑud] n. device, contrivance, machine ◇ Ety/358 magic ◈ angol II N. [ˈɑŋgɔl] n. Arch., Poet. deep lore, magic ◇ Ety/377 ◈ gûl S., N. [gˈuːl] n. 1. magic lore, long study (being used mostly of secret knowledge, especially such as possessed by artificers who made wonderful things) ○ 2. by ext., perverted or evil knowledge, sorcery, necromancy ◇ Ety/377, S/432, MR/350, WJ/383 magician ◈ gollor N. [gˈɔllɔr] n. magician ◇ Ety/377 maid ◈ elleth S. [ˈɛl̡lɛθ] n. f. elf-maid ◇ WJ/148, WJ/256, WJ/363-364 ◈ iell N. [jˈɛl̡l] n. f. 1. daughter ○ 2. girl, maid ◇ Ety/385, Ety/400 ◈ Stated to be an alteration of sell, remodelled after ion "son" (OS *jondo). It was "a change assisted by the loss of s in compounds and patronymics", hence the ending -iel in several feminine words ◈ sell N. [sˈɛl̡l] n. f. 1. daughter ○ 2. girl, maid (child) ◇ Ety/385 make ◈ caro S. [kˈɑrɔ] v. imp. of car-, do! make! ◇ VT/44:21,25 ◈ * echad- N. [ˈɛxɑd] inf. echedi N. [ˈɛxɛdi] pa. t. echant S., N. [ˈɛxɑnt] v. to fashion, make ◇ Ety/363, LotR/II:IV maker ◈ ceredir N. [kˈɛrɛdˌir] n. doer, maker ◇ Ety/354 making ◈ * cared N. [kˈɑrɛd] ger. of car-, making, doing ← ceredir Ety/354 male ◈ † anu *S. [ˈɑnu] (anw N.) adj. male ◇ Ety/360, X/W ◈ A literal interpretation of the Etymologies would class this word as a noun, but David Salo notes that the punctuation in The Etymologies is not always reliable. Noldorin anw cannot be cognate to the Quenya noun hanu (*3anû) because the final -u would drop. It must rather be cognate to the Quenya adjective hanwa (*3anwâ) attested under the stem INI, where it is also stated that inw, corresponding to Quenya inya "female", has been remodelled after anw. The combination of these two entries, along with the phonological evidences, clearly indicates that anw is actually an adjective ◈ benn N. [bˈɛnn] n. m. man, male ◇ Ety/352, VT/45:9 man ◈ abonnen S. [ɑbˈɔnnɛn] pl. ebœnnin S. [ɛbˈɛnnin] n. and adj. 1. born later, born after ○ 2. as a noun, man, one born later than the Elves, a human being (elvish name for men) ◇ WJ/387 ◈ adan S. [ˈɑdɑn] pl. edain S. [ˈɛdɑjn] n. man, one of the Second People (elvish name for men) ◇ LotR/A(v), S/427, PM/324, WJ/387, Letters/282 ◈ * adanadar S. [ɑdˈɑnɑdɑr] pl. edenedair S. [ɛdˈɛnɛdɑjr] n. man, one of the Fathers of Men ◇ MR/373 ◈ adanath S. [ˈɑdɑnɑθ] n. coll. of adan, men ◇ MR/373 ◈ aphadon S. [ˈɑffɑdɔn] pl. ephedyn S. [ˈɛffɛdyn] n. 1. follower ○ 2. Pop. by ext., man (elvish name for men) ◇ WJ/387 ◈ aphadrim S. [ɑffˈɑdrim] n. class pl. of aphadon, Pop. followers, men (elvish name for men) ◇ WJ/387 ◈ benn N. [bˈɛnn] n. m. man, male ◇ Ety/352, VT/45:9 ◈ dîr N. [dˈiːr] n. m. Arch. man, referring to an adult male (elf, mortal, or of any other speaking race) ◇ Ety/354, Ety/352 ◈ drû S. [drˈuː] pl. drúin S. [drˈuː.in] n. Pop. wild man, Wose, Púkel-Man ◇ UT/385 ◈ In PE/11:31, an older Gnomish word drû, drui meant "wood, forest", and in PE/13:142, the early Noldorin word drú was assigned the meaning "dark". Drû pl. Drúin later came to be used for the name of the Woses, with other derivatives (Drúadan, etc.). "Wose" is actually the modernization of an Anglo-Saxon word wasa only found in the compound wudu-wasa "wild man of the woods", cf. UT/385 sq. In the drafts of the "Ride of the Rohirrim" in WR/343-346, the Woses first appeared as "the dark men of Eilenach". Though internally said to derive from drughu in their own tongue, Tolkien's choice for the Sindarin name of the Woses was apparently influenced by earlier meanings assigned to this word ◈ drúadan S. [drˈuːɑdɑn] pl. drúedain S. [drˈuːɛdɑjn] n. Pop. wild man, one of the Woses ◇ UT/385 ◈ dúnadan S. [dˈuːnɑdɑn] pl. dúnedain S. [dˈuːnɛdɑjn] n. Pop. Man of the west, Númenórean ◇ LotR/I:XII, WJ/378, S/390 ◈ forodrim N. [fɔrˈɔdrim] n. class pl. of forod, Pop. Northmen ◇ Ety/392 ◈ forodwaith N. [fɔrˈɔdwɑjθ] (forodweith N.) n. class pl. of forod, 1. Pop. Northmen ○ 2. by ext., the lands of the North ◇ Ety/382, Ety/398, X/EI