Anybody ◈ pen II S. [pɛn] pron. one, somebody, anybody ◇ WJ/376 ◈ Usually enclitic and mutated as ben II 12 страница
prickle ◈ erch II N. [ˈɛrx] n. prickle ◇ Ety/356 prince ◈ * caun IV S. [kˈɑun] pl. conin S. [kˈɔnin] n. prince, ruler ◇ LotR/VI:IV, Letters/308 ◈ † cund *S. [kˈund] (cunn N.) n. Arch. prince ◇ Ety/366, VT/45:24, X/ND1 ◈ ernil II S. [ˈɛrnil̡] pl. ernil S. n. prince ◇ LotR/VI:IV, Letters/308, UT/428, RGEO/75 prison ◈ band S., N. [bˈɑnd] (bann N.) n. duress, prison, custody, safe-keeping ◇ Ety/371, S/428, MR/350, X/ND1 ◈ gador N. [gˈɑdr̩] (gadr N.) n. prison, dungeon ◇ Ety/358 private ◈ said S. [sˈɑjd] adj. private, separate, not common, excluded ◇ VT/42:20 prohibition ◈ ablad S. [ˈɑblɑd] n. prohibition, refusal (with reference to the gesture one makes with the hand) ◇ VT/47:13 promontory ◈ naith S., N. [nˈɑjθ] pl. natsai N. [nˈɑtsɑj] n. any formation or projection tapering to a point: a spearhead, triangle gore, wedge, narrow promontory ◇ Ety/387, UT/282, RC/307 prone ◈ dadbenn N. [dˈɑdbɛnn] (dadben N.) adv. 1. downhill, inclined ○ 2. by ext., inclined, prone (to do something) ◇ Ety/354, Ety/380, VT/46:8, X/ND4 prop ◈ tulu N. [tˈulu] n. support, prop ◇ Ety/395 property ◈ garn N. [gˈɑrn] n. own, property ◇ Ety/360 protect ◈ * beria- N. [bˈɛri.ɑ] inf. berio N. [bˈɛri.ɔ] v. to protect ◇ Ety/351 province ◈ ardhon S. [ˈɑrðɔn] n. augm. of ardh, 1. Geog. great region, province ○ 2. by ext., world ← Calenardhon S/386, PM/348 puddle ◈ both N. [bˈɔθ] n. puddle, small pool ◇ Ety/372 puff ◈ † hwest *S. [ʍˈɛst] (chwest N.) n. puff, breath, breeze ◇ Ety/388, X/HW purpose ◈ thel- S. [θˈɛl̡] v. to intend, mean, purpose, resolve, will ◇ WJ/318-319 Q quarrel ◈ cost N. [kˈɔst] n. quarrel ◇ Ety/365 quarter ◈ canath II S. [kˈɑnɑθ] n. "quarter", silver coin used in Gondor, the fourth part of a "mirian" → mirian ◇ PM/45 queen ◈ bereth S., N. [bˈɛrɛθ] n. f. queen, spouse ◇ Ety/351, RGEO/74 ◈ † rîn I *S. [rˈiːn] (rhîn N., rhien N.) n. and adj. 1. crowned ○ 2. as a noun, by ext., crowned lady, queen ◇ Ety/393, Ety/389, X/RH ◈ † rîs *S. [rˈiːs] (rhîs N.) n. f. queen ◇ Ety/383, X/RH quench ◈ * luithia- S. [lˈujθi.ɑ] v. to quench ← uluithiad SD/62 ◈ Perhaps compare with Q. luita- "to flood, inundate, drench" and the root LUY - See VT/48:31 quenching ◈ * luithiad S. [lˈujθi.ɑd] ger. of luithia-, quenching ← uluithiad SD/62 ◈ uluithiad S. [ulˈujθi.ɑd] adj. unquenchable, without quenching ◇ SD/62 quiet ◈ tîn II S. [tˈiːn] adj. silent, quiet ◇ RC/551 ◈ See also dîn I for a discussion regarding this word quite ◈ far N. [fˈɑr] adj. or adv. sufficient, enough, quite ◇ Ety/381 R race ◈ nûr II N. [nˈuːr] n. race ◇ Ety/378 radiance ◈ galad S. [gˈɑlɑd] n. light, radiance, glittering, reflection (from jewels, glass or polished metal, or water) ◇ VT/45:13, PM/347, Letters/425 ◈ glaw N. [glˈɑw] n. radiance ◇ Ety/362 ◈ glawar N. [glˈɑwɑr] n. Theo. sunlight, radiance (of the golden tree Laurelin) ◇ Ety/368, VT/45:15 radiant ◈ † faen *S. [fˈɑɛn] (foen N.) adj. radiant, white ◇ Ety/381, X/OE rain ◈ † ross I *S. [rˈɔss] (rhoss N.) n. rain ◇ Ety/384, X/RH rainbow ◈ † eiliant *S. [ˈɛjli.ɑnt] (eilianw N., eilian N.) n. rainbow ◇ Ety/360, Ety/400 ◈ See ianu and iant for a discussion ◈ ninniach S. [nˈinni.ɑx] n. rainbow ◇ S/387 raise ◈ * ortha- N. [ˈɔrθɑ] inf. ortho N. [ˈɔrθɔ] pa. t. orthant N. [ˈɔrθɑnt] v. to raise ◇ Ety/379 range ◈ † lîr I *S. [lˈiːr] (lhîr N.) n. row, range ◇ Ety/369, X/LH ransom ◈ danwedh S. [dˈɑnwɛð] n. ransom ◇ S/384 rapid ◈ † lagor *S. [lˈɑgr̩] (lhagr N.) pl. † legrin *S. [lˈɛgrin] (lhegrin N.) adj. swift, rapid ◇ Ety/367, VT/45:25, Tengwestie/20050318, X/LH ◈ The form lhegin in the published Etymologies might be a misreading for lhegrin, see VT/45:25. As noted by Bertrand Bellet, the two forms are listed side by side, and they may simply be doublets, but it is also possible that we have here a singular followed by its plural. rat ◈ nâr N. [nˈɑːr] n. rat ◇ Ety/379 rather ◈ sennui S. [sˈɛnnuj] adv. (?) rather, (?) instead (used as an adverb?) ◇ SD/129-31 raven ◈ * craban S. [krˈɑbɑn] pl. crebain S. [krˈɛbɑjn] n. Orn. kind of crow of large size, raven ◇ LotR/II:III ravine ◈ cirith S. [kˈiriθ] n. cleft, high climbing pass, narrow passage cut through earth or rock, ravine, defile ◇ S/387, UT/426, TC/181, RC/334-335 ◈ * falch S. [fˈɑlx] n. Geog. deep cleft, ravine ← Orfalch Echor UT/468 ◈ iau II N. [jˈɑu] n. Geog. ravine, cleft, gulf ◇ Ety/400, VT/46:22 ◈ † riss *S. [rˈiss] (rhis N., rhess N.) n. ravine ◇ Ety/384, X/RH readiness ◈ hûr N. [hˈuːr] n. readiness for action, vigour, fiery spirit ◇ Ety/364 realm ◈ ardh N. [ˈɑrð] n. realm, region ◇ Ety/360 reap ◈ * critha- N. [krˈiθɑ] inf. critho N. [krˈiθɔ] v. to reap ◇ Ety/365 rear ◈ adel N. [ɑdɛl̡] prep. behind, in rear (of) ◇ Ety/392 ◈ tele N. [tˈɛlɛ] pl. telei N. [tˈɛlɛj] n. end, rear, hindmost part ◇ Ety/392 recite ◈ glir- N. [glˈir] inf. gliri N. [glˈiri] v. to sing, trill, to recite a poem ◇ Ety/359, Ety/369, VT/45:15 ◈ The form glin in the Etymologies is a misreading according to VT/45:15 reckon ◈ * genedia- S. [gɛnˈɛdi.ɑ] v. to reckon ← genediad SD/129-31 ◈ gonod- N. [gˈɔnɔd] v. to count, count up, reckon, sum up ◇ Ety/378, Ety/399, VT/46:6 reckoning ◈ genediad S. [gɛnˈɛdi.ɑd] ger. of genedia-, 1. reckoning ○ 2. by ext., calendar ◇ SD/129-31 recount ◈ * trenar- N. [trˈɛnɑr] inf. treneri N. [trˈɛnɛri] pa. t. trenor N. [trˈɛnɔr] (trener N.) v. to recount, to tell to end ◇ Ety/374 red ◈ born S. [bˈɔrn] adj. hot, red ◇ Letters/426-27 ◈ caran S., N. [kˈɑrɑn] adj. red ◇ Ety/362, S/429, LotR/E ◈ coll I N. [kˈɔll] adj. (golden) red ◇ Ety/365 ◈ † gaer II *S. [gˈɑɛr] (goer N.) adj. red, copper-coloured, ruddy ◇ Ety/358, X/OE ◈ naru N. [nˈɑru] (narw N.) adj. red ◇ Ety/374, X/W ◈ ruin S. [rˈujn] adj. (fiery) red ◇ PM/366 reek ◈ osp N. [ˈɔsp] n. reek, smoke ◇ Ety/396 reflection ◈ galad S. [gˈɑlɑd] n. light, radiance, glittering, reflection (from jewels, glass or polished metal, or water) ◇ VT/45:13, PM/347, Letters/425 refusal ◈ ablad S. [ˈɑblɑd] n. prohibition, refusal (with reference to the gesture one makes with the hand) ◇ VT/47:13 ◈ avad S. [ˈɑvɑd] ger. of ava-, refusal, reluctance ◇ WJ/371 refuser ◈ avar S. [ˈɑvɑr] pl. evair S. [ˈɛvɑjr] n. 1. refuser ○ 2. Pop. esp. in the pl., the Avari, Elves who refused the invitation of the Valar ◇ WJ/380, VT/47:12 ◈ This plural name was known to the loremasters, but went out of daily use at the time of the Exile regiment ◈ gwaith S., N. [gwˈɑjθ] (gweith N.) n. 1. manhood ○ 2. by ext., man power, troop of able-bodied men, host, regiment, people ○ 3. by ext., region, wilderness ◇ Ety/398, VT/46:21, X/E1 region ◈ ardh N. [ˈɑrð] n. realm, region ◇ Ety/360 ◈ ardhon S. [ˈɑrðɔn] n. augm. of ardh, 1. Geog. great region, province ○ 2. by ext., world ← Calenardhon S/386, PM/348 ◈ dôr S. [dˈɔːr] (dor S., N.) n. Geog. land, dwelling-place, region where certain people live ◇Ety/376, S/430, WJ/413, Letters/417, VT/45:38, RC/384 ◈ The form dor in the Etymologies is a misreading, see VT/45. In composition and in toponyms, the word is nevertheless reduced to Dor ◈ gardh S. [gˈɑrð] n. 1. Geog. bounded or defined region ○ 2. by ext., world ◇ WJ/402 ◈ gwaith S., N. [gwˈɑjθ] (gweith N.) n. 1. manhood ○ 2. by ext., man power, troop of able-bodied men, host, regiment, people ○ 3. by ext., region, wilderness ◇ Ety/398, VT/46:21, X/E1 release ◈ * adleg- N. [ˈɑdlɛg] inf. adlegi N. [ˈɑdlɛgi] pa. t. adlenc N. [ˈɑdlɛŋk] v. Arch., Poet. to loose, let loose, release ◇ VT/45:27 ◈ leithia- N. [lˈɛjθi.ɑ] (lheitho N.) v. to release ◇ Ety/368, X/LH ◈ leithian S., N. [lˈɛjθi.ɑn] (lheithian N.) n. release, freeing, release from bondage ◇ Ety/368, S/406, X/LH reluctance ◈ avad S. [ˈɑvɑd] ger. of ava-, refusal, reluctance ◇ WJ/371 remain ◈ * dar- N. [dˈɑr] inf. deri N. [dˈɛri] v. to stay, wait, stop, remain ◇ Ety/353 ◈ dartha- N. [dˈɑrθɑ] v. to wait, stay, last, endure, remain ◇ Ety/353, VT/45:8 remembrance ◈ rîn II S. [rˈiːn] n. remembrance ◇ PM/372 remote ◈ hae S., N. [hˈɑɛ] adj. far, remote, distant ← Gwahaedir PM/186, VT/45:21 ◈ haered S. [hˈɑɛrɛd] n. remote distance, the remote ← na-chaered LotR/II:I, RGEO/72 ◈ haeron S. [hˈɑɛrɔn] adj. far, remote, distant ◇ PM/273 rend ◈ narcha- N. [nˈɑrxɑ] v. to rend ◇ Ety/374 ◈ † rista- *S. [rˈistɑ] (* rhista- N.) inf. † risto *S. [rˈistɔ] (rhisto N.) v. 1. to cut ○ 2. to rend, rip ◇ Ety/384, X/RH renewal ◈ cîl II S. [kˈiːl] n. (?) renewal ◇ VT/48:8 reply ◈ dangweth S. [dˈɑŋgwɛθ] n. answer, reply giving new information ◇ PM/395 repose ◈ îdh S. [ˈiːð] n. rest, repose ◇ WJ/403 resolve ◈ thel- S. [θˈɛl̡] v. to intend, mean, purpose, resolve, will ◇ WJ/318-319 resonant ◈ tong N. [tˈɔŋ] adj. taut, tight (of strings), resonant ◇ Ety/394 respite ◈ post N. [pˈɔst] n. pause, halt, rest, cessation, respite ◇ Ety/382 response ◈ dambeth S. [dˈɑmbɛθ] n. answer, response ◇ PM/395 ◈ In Tolkien's manuscript, this form was rejected in favor of dangweth, with a slightly different meaning. However, it may possibly be assumed that the word is valid per se (although it may be argued that this compound word does not show the regular mutation that one would have expected) rest ◈ îdh S. [ˈiːð] n. rest, repose ◇ WJ/403 ◈ post N. [pˈɔst] n. pause, halt, rest, cessation, respite ◇ Ety/382 ◈ * send S. [sˈɛnd] (* senn S.) n. (?) rest ← sennas RC/523 retain ◈ * heb- S. [hˈɛb] v. to retain, keep, do not give away or release, keep hold of ← *khep VT/41:6 reunion ◈ aderthad S. [ɑdˈɛrθɑd] ger. of adertha-, reuniting, reunion ◇ S/409 reunite ◈ * adertha- S. [ɑdˈɛrθɑ] v. to reunite ← Aderthad S/409 reuniting ◈ aderthad S. [ɑdˈɛrθɑd] ger. of adertha-, reuniting, reunion ◇ S/409 ride ◈ * nor- S. [nˈɔr] v. 1. to run ○ 2. by ext., to ride rider ◈ rochon S. [rˈɔxɔn] n. (horse) rider ◇ UT/463 ridge ◈ ceber S., N. [kˈɛbɛr] pl. cebir S., N. [kˈɛbir] n. stake, spike, stone ridge ◇ Ety/363, LotR/II:VIII, S/437, RC/327 ◈ penneth S. [pˈɛnnɛθ] n. coll. of pend, ridges, group of downs ◇ RC/525 ◈ pinnath S. [pˈinnɑθ] n. coll. of pend, ridges, group of downs ◇ LotR/Index, RC/525 right ◈ † fair II *S. [fˈɑjr] (feir N., fœir N.) n. right (hand) ◇ Ety/382, VT/46:10 ◈ forgam N. [fˈɔrgɑm] adj. right-handed ◇ Ety/382 ◈ forn S., N. [fˈɔrn] n. right, north ◇ Ety/382, UT/426, S/431 ◈ forvo S. [fˈɔrvɔ] n. 1. right hand ○ 2. by ext., right side ◇ VT/47:6 ◈ tîr N. [tˈiːr] adj. straight, right ◇ Ety/391 rigid ◈ tharn N. [θˈɑrn] adj. sapless, stiff, rigid, withered ◇ Ety/388 ringlet ◈ † laws *S. [lˈɑws] (lhaws N.) n. hair ringlet ◇ Ety/370, X/LH ◈ † loch *S. [lˈɔx] (lhoch N.) n. ringlet ◇ Ety/370, X/LH rip ◈ † rista- *S. [rˈistɑ] (* rhista- N.) inf. † risto *S. [rˈistɔ] (rhisto N.) v. 1. to cut ○ 2. to rend, rip ◇ Ety/384, X/RH rise ◈ * eria- N. [ˈɛri.ɑ] inf. erio N. [ˈɛri.ɔ] pa. t. erias N. [ˈɛri.ɑs] (Arch. oronte N.) v. to rise ◇ Ety/379, VT/46:7 rising ◈ orthad S. [ˈɔrθɑd] ger. of ortha-, rising ◇ MR/373 river ◈ celon N. [kˈɛlɔn] n. Geog. river ← Celon (name) Ety/363 ◈ duin S. [dˈujn] n. Geog. (long and large) river (having strong current) ◇ S/430, LotR/F, TC/179, VT/48:24 ◈ duirro N. [dˈujrrɔ] n. Geog. river-bank ◇ VT/46:10 ◈ ethir I S., N. [ˈɛθir] n. Geog. mouth (of a river), estuary ◇ LotR/II:X, Ety/356, RC/350 ◈ nen S., N. [nˈɛn] pl. nîn S., N. [nˈiːn] n. 1. water (used of a lake, pool or lesser river) ○ 2. Geog. by ext., waterland ◇ Ety/376, S/435, UT/457, RC/327-328 ◈ sîr S., N. [sˈiːr] n. Geog. river ◇ Ety/385, S/437, RC/384 ◈ sirion I N. [sˈiri.ɔn] n.augm. of sîr, Geog. great river ← Sirion Ety/385 riverbed ◈ rant S., N. [rˈɑnt] n. 1. lode, vein ○ 2. Geog. course, riverbed ◇ Ety/383, S/436 ◈ rath S., N. [rˈɑθ] n. 1. course, riverbed ○ 2. street (in a city) ◇ Ety/383, LotR/Index, RC/523,551 road ◈ men II S. [mˈɛn] n. way, road ◇ UT/281 rock ◈ gond S. [gˈɔnd] (gonn N.) n. great stone, rock ◇ Ety/359, S/431, X/ND1 roof ◈ * orthel- N. [ˈɔrθɛl] inf. ortheli N. [ˈɔrθɛli] v. to roof, screen above ◇ Ety/391 ◈ rond S. [rˈɔnd] (rhond N., rhonn N.) n. 1. cave roof ○ 2. vaulted or arched roof, as seen from below (and usually not visible from outside), or a (large) hall of chamber so roofed ◇ Ety/384, VT/46:12, S/437, WJ/414, X/RH, X/ND1 ◈ telu N. [tˈɛlu] n. dome, high roof ◇ Ety/391 ◈ * toba- N. [tˈɔbɑ] inf. tobo N. [tˈɔbɔ] v. to cover, roof over ◇ Ety/394 ◈ tobas N. [tˈɔbɑs] n. abst. of toba-, roofing, roof ◇ Ety/394, VT/46:19 roofing ◈ tobas N. [tˈɔbɑs] n. abst. of toba-, roofing, roof ◇ Ety/394, VT/46:19 root ◈ solch N. [sˈɔlx] n. Bot. root (especially as edible) ◇ Ety/388 ◈ thond S. [θˈɔnd] n. Bot. root ◇ LotR/E, Letters/178 rope ◈ hithlain S. [hˈiθlɑjn] n. mist-thread (a substance used by the Elves of Lothlórien to make strong ropes) ◇ LotR/II:VIII, LotR/Index ◈ * raph S. [rˈɑf] n. rope ← Udalraph UT/424 rose ◈ meril S. [mˈɛril̡] n. Bot. rose (flower) ◇ SD/129-31 rotten ◈ thaw N. [θˈɑw] adj. corrupt, rotten ◇ Ety/393 round ◈ corn N. [kˈɔrn] adj. round, globed ◇ Ety/365 row ◈ † lîr I *S. [lˈiːr] (lhîr N.) n. row, range ◇ Ety/369, X/LH ◈ tî N. [tˈiː] n. line, row ◇ Ety/392 royal ◈ ara- S. [ɑrɑ] (ar- S.) pref. high, noble, royal ◇ S/428 ◈ * arn S. [ˈɑrn] adj. royal ← arn(a)gon-ath Letters/427 ◈ arnen S. [ˈɑrnɛn] pl. ernin S. [ˈɛrnin] adj. (?) royal ← Emyn Arnen, Lonnath-Ernin LotR/V:I, WR/294, WR/370 ◈ Originally, Lonnath-Ernin might have been intended to mean 'royal havens', assuming the second element to be a regular adjective. However, the second element in Emyn Arnen 'hills of Arnen' is singular, and Tolkien later decided that it should mean 'Hill beside the water', see VT/42:17 and HL/119-124. Nevertheless, this meaning cannot apply to Lonnath-Ernin (havens are near water by definition), so unless we entirely reject this earlier form, we may assume that an adjective 'royal' is still possible. ruddy ◈ crann N. [krˈɑnn] adj. ruddy (of face) ◇ Ety/362 ◈ † gaer II *S. [gˈɑɛr] (goer N.) adj. red, copper-coloured, ruddy ◇ Ety/358, X/OE ◈ gruin N. [grˈujn] adj. ruddy ◇ Ety/384 ruler ◈ * caun IV S. [kˈɑun] pl. conin S. [kˈɔnin] n. prince, ruler ◇ LotR/VI:IV, Letters/308 ruling ◈ * conui S. [kˈɔnuj] adj. commanding, (?) ruling ← Argonui LotR/A(ii) run ◈ * nor- S. [nˈɔr] v. 1. to run ○ 2. by ext., to ride rune ◈ angerthas S. [ɑŋgˈɛrθɑs] n. Ling. runic alphabet, long rune-rows (extended version of the Certhas) ◇ S/427, LotR/E ◈ certh S. [kˈɛrθ] pl. cirth S. [kˈirθ] n. Ling. rune ◇ WJ/396, LotR/E ◈ certhas S. [kˈɛrθɑs] n. abst. of certh, Ling. runic alphabet, rune-rows ◇LotR/E running ◈ * cell S. [kˈɛl̡l] adj. 1. running ○ 2. by ext., flowing (of water) ← Celduin LotR/Map rushing ◈ alag N. [ˈɑlɑg] adj. rushing, impetuous ◇ Ety/348, VT/45:5 ◈ asgar N. [ˈɑsgɑr] (ascar N.) adj. violent, rushing, impetuous ◇ Ety/386 rustling ◈ † lhoss *S. [ɬɔˈss] (floss N., thloss N.) n. whisper or rustling sound ◇ Ety/386, X/LH ◈ † rhoss II *S. [ɹ̥ˈɔss] (thross N.) n. whisper or rustling sound ◇ Ety/386, X/RH