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Anybody ◈ pen II S. [pɛn] pron. one, somebody, anybody ◇ WJ/376 ◈ Usually enclitic and mutated as ben II 7 страница

glisten ◈ * thilia- N. [θˈili.ɑ] inf. thilio N. [θˈili.ɔ] v. to glisten ◇ Ety/392, VT/46:18

glitteringgalad S. [gˈɑlɑd] n. light, radiance, glittering, reflection (from jewels, glass or polished metal, or water) ◇ VT/45:13, PM/347, Letters/425 ◈ silivren S. [silˈivrɛn] adj. (white) glittering ◇ LotR/II:I, RGEO/72

globecoron S., N. [kˈɔrɔn] n. 1. globe, ball ○ 2. Geog. by ext., mound ◇ Ety/365, S/429

globedcorn N. [kˈɔrn] adj. round, globed ◇ Ety/365

gloomdaw N. [dˈɑw] n. night-time, gloom ◇ Ety/354 ◈ fuin S., N. [fˈujn] n. night, dead of night, gloom, darkness ◇ Ety/354, Ety/382, S/431 ◈ maur N. [mˈɑur] n. gloom ◇ Ety/373

gloomydem N. [dˈɛm] adj. sad, gloomy ◇ Ety/354 ◈ No language indication in the Etymologies, but Noldorin from context and phonological evidence ◈ dofn N. [dˈɔvn] adj. gloomy ◇ Ety/355

glorify ◈ * egleria- S. [ɛglˈɛri.ɑ] v. to glorify, to praise ◈ eglerio S. [ɛglˈɛri.ɔ] v. imp. of egleria-, glorify! praise! ◇ LotR/VI:IV, Letters/308

gloriousaglareb S., N. [ˈɑglɑrɛb] adj. glorious ◇ Ety/348, S/427, WJ/412

gloryaglar S., N. [ˈɑglɑr] n. glory, brilliance, splendour ◇ Ety/348, S/427, LotR/II:I, LotR/VI:IV, RGEO/73, VT/47:13 ◈ claur N. [klˈɑur] n. Poet. splendour, glory ◇ Ety/362

gobletsûl II N. [sˈuːl] n. goblet ◇ Ety/388

goblinorch S., N. [ˈɔrx] pl. yrch S., N. [ˈyrx] (eirch N., erch N.) n. Pop. Goblin, Orc ◇ Ety/379, LR/406, WJ/390, LotR/II:VI, LotR/F, Letters/178

goldcôl N. [kˈɔːl] n. gold (metal) ◇ Ety/365 ◈ mallen N. [mˈɑɬɛn] (Arch. malthen N.) adj. of gold, golden ◇ Ety/386, RC/625, VT/46:14, Tengwestie/20031207 ◈ malt N. [mˈɑlt] n. gold (as metal) ◇ Ety/386, VT/46:14, VT/42:27, Tengwestie/20031207

goldenmallen N. [mˈɑɬɛn] (Arch. malthen N.) adj. of gold, golden ◇ Ety/386, RC/625, VT/46:14, Tengwestie/20031207

goodmaer N. [mˈɑɛr] adj. useful, fit, good (of things) ◇ Ety/371

goosegwaun N. [gwˈɑun] pl. † gwoen *S. [gwˈɔɛn] (guin N.) n. Orn. goose ◇ Ety/397, X/Z

gorenaith S., N. [nˈɑjθ] pl. natsai N. [nˈɑtsɑj] n. any formation or projection tapering to a point: a spearhead, triangle gore, wedge, narrow promontory ◇ Ety/387, UT/282, RC/307

gorgecabed S. [kˈɑbɛd] ger. of cab-, 1. leap ○ 2. by ext., deep gorge ◇ S/386, WJ/100 ◈ Emended by Tolkien from earlier cabad. This is our sole late example that basic verbs should perhaps form their gerund in -ed, whereas derived verbs are well attested to use -ad (cf. aderthad) ◈ cîl I N. [kˈiːl] n. Geog. cleft, pass between hills, gorge ◇ Ety/365

grassthâr N. [θˈɑːr] n. Bot. stiff grass ◇ Ety/388

grasslandnan S. [nˈɑn] (nand S., N., nann N.) n. 1. Geog. wide grassland, land at foot of hills with many streams ○ 2. by ext., valley ◇ Ety/374, S/435, Letters/308, VT/45:36, X/ND1 ◈ parth S. [pˈɑrθ] n. Geog. field, enclosed grassland, sward ◇ UT/260, PM/330, RC/349

gravehaudh S., N. [hˈɑuð] n. (burial) mound, grave, tomb ◇ Ety/363-364, S/432, LotR/A(iv) ◈ sarch S. [sˈɑrx] n. grave ◇ UT/463

gravelbrith N. [brˈiθ] n. gravel ◇ Ety/353

greatbeleg S., N. [bˈɛlɛg] adj. great, mighty ◇ Ety/352, S/428 ◈ daer I S. [dˈɑɛr] adj. great ◇ UT/450, WJ/187, WJ/335, VT/42:11

greedymelch N. [mˈɛl̡x] adj. greedy ◇ Ety/373

greencalen S., N. [kˈɑlɛn] pl. celin S. [kˈɛlin] adj. green ◇ Ety/362, S/429, Letters/282, RC/349, VT/42:19 ◈ laeg II S. [lˈɑɛg] adj. "viridis", fresh and green ◇ Letters/282, Letters/382 ◈ Seldom used (replaced by calen)

greet ◈ * suila- S. [sˈujlɑ] v. to greet ← suilad SD/129-31 ◈ * suilanna- S. [sujlˈɑnnɑ] v. to greet, to give greetings ← suilannad SD/129-31

greeting ◈ * suil S. [sˈujl] n. greeting ← Arassuil LotR/A(ii) ◈ Deduced from Arassuil, conceivably aran+suil. For the meaning, see suiladsuilad S. [sˈujlɑd] ger. of suila-, greeting ◇ SD/129-31 ◈ suilannad S. [sujlˈɑnnɑd] ger. of suilanna-, greeting, giving of greetings ◇SD/129-31

greymith II S., N. [mˈiθ] adj. (pale) grey ◇ Ety/373, S/434, TC/187 ◈ * mithren S. [mˈiθrɛn] pl. mithrin S. [mˈiθrin] adj. grey ◇ UT/436 ◈ thind S., N. [θˈind] (thinn N.) adj. grey, pale ◇ Ety/392, S/438

grosshost N. [hˈɔst] n. gross (144) ◇ Ety/364

groundtalaf N. [tˈɑlɑv] pl. † telaif *S. [tˈɛlɑjv] (teleif N.) n. ground, floor ◇ Ety/390, X/EI

grow ◈ * gala- N. [gˈɑlɑ] inf. galo N. [gˈɑlɔ] v. to grow ◇ Ety/357

growthgalas N. [gˈɑlɑs] n. abst. of gala-, Bot. growth, plant ◇ Ety/357

guardtirith S., N. [tˈiriθ] n. watch, guard (abstract noun), vigilance ◇ Ety/394, S/437, Letters/158, VT/42:11

guarded ◈ * tirnen S. [tˈirnɛn] pp. of tir-, guarded ← Talath Dirnen UT/465, Ety/394, S/437

guessinc N. [ˈiŋk] n. guess, idea, notion ◇ Ety/361

gulf; S. [jˈɑː] (ia N.) n. 1. gulf ○ 2. abyss, void ◇ Ety/400, S/432, Letters/383 ◈ iau II N. [jˈɑu] n. Geog. ravine, cleft, gulf ◇ Ety/400, VT/46:22

gullgwael S. [gwˈɑɛl] n. Orn. gull ◇ WJ/418 ◈ maew N. [mˈɑɛw] n. Orn. gull ◇ Ety/373 ◈ mŷl S. [mˈyːl] n. Orn. gull ◇ WJ/379-380, WJ/418


habithaew N. [hˈɑɛw] n. custom, habit ◇ Ety/364, VT/45:22 ◈ Written hæw (with ae-ligature) in the Etymologies, rectified here according to VT/45:22

hack ◈ * hasta- N. [hˈɑstɑ] inf. hasto N. [hˈɑstɔ] v. to hack through ◇ Ety/389

hairfast N. [fˈɑst] n. shaggy hair ◇ Ety/381 ◈ fing S. [fˈiŋ] n. lock of hair ← Finglas "Leaflock" RC/386 ◈ finnel N. [fˈinnɛl̡] (findel N.) n. (braided) hair ◇ Ety/387, X/ND2 ◈ † laws *S. [lˈɑws] (lhaws N.) n. hair ringlet ◇ Ety/370, X/LH

halfper- N. [pɛr] pref. half, divided in middle ◈ perin N. [pˈɛrin] adj. half, divided in middle ◇ Ety/380

halflingperian S. [pˈɛri.ɑn] pl. periain S. [pˈɛri.ɑjn] n. Pop. Hobbit, Halfling ◇ LotR/VI:IV, LotR/E, RGEO/75, Letters/308, X/ND4 ◈ periannath S. [pˌɛri.ˈɑnnɑθ] n. coll. of perian, Pop. the Hobbits, Halflings ◇ LotR/VI:IV, LotR/E-F, RGEO/75, Letters/308

halltham N. [θˈɑm] (thamb N.) n. hall ◇ Ety/387 ◈ thamas N. [θˈɑmɑs] (thambas N.) n. abst. of tham, great hall ◇ Ety/387

haltdaro S., N. [dˈɑrɔ] v. imp. of dar-, halt! stop! ◇ Ety/353, LotR/II:VI ◈ post N. [pˈɔst] n. pause, halt, rest, cessation, respite ◇ Ety/382

hammerdam N. [dˈɑm] n. hammer ◇ Ety/375 ◈ damma- N. [dˈɑmmɑ] pa. t. dammant N. [dˈɑmmant] v. to hammer ◇ Ety/375, VT/45:37 ◈ It was long considered that damna-, dammint in the Etymologies might have been misreadings. VT/45:37 confirms this, though the exact reading actually remains rather uncertain ◈ * dring S. [drˈiŋ] n. hammer ← Glamdring H, Ety/355

handcam S., N. [kˈɑm] (camb N., camm N.) n. Biol. hand ◇ Ety/361, Ety/371, S/429 ◈ † camlann *S. [kˈɑmlɑnn] (camland N.) n. Biol. palm of hand ◇ Ety/367, X/ND4 ◈ crum N. [krˈum] n. left hand ◇ Ety/366 ◈ dond S. [dˈɔnd] (donn S.) n. Biol. fist, hand (especially in punching) ◇ VT/47:23 ◈ † fair II *S. [fˈɑjr] (feir N., fœir N.) n. right (hand) ◇ Ety/382, VT/46:10 ◈ forvo S. [fˈɔrvɔ] n. 1. right hand ○ 2. by ext., right side ◇ VT/47:6 ◈ † hair *S. [hˈɑjr] (heir N.) n. and adj. left (hand) ◇ Ety/365, X/EI ◈ harvo S. [hˈɑrvɔ] n. 1. left hand ○ 2. by ext., left side ◇ VT/47:6 ◈ mâb S. [mˈɑːb] (mab- S.) n. Biol. a hand-full, complete hand (with all five fingers) ◇ Ety/371, VT/45:32, VT/47:6-7 ◈ maw I S. [mˈɑw] n. Biol. Arch. hand ◇ VT/47:6 ◈ paur S., N. [pˈɑur] n. Biol. fist (often used to mean "hand", its chief use was in reference of the tighly closed hand, as in using an implement or a craft-tool, rather than to the fist used in punching) ◇ Ety/366, S/429, PM/179, PM/318, VT/47:8 ◈ plad S. [plˈɑd] n. Biol. palm, flat of the hand, hand held upwards or forwards, flat and tensed (with fingers and thumb closed or spread) ◇ VT/47:9 ◈ † talf I *S. [tˈɑlv] (dalf N.) n. Biol. palm of hand ◇ Ety/353

handedcrumui N. [krˈumuj] adj. left-handed ◇ Ety/366 ◈ erchamion S. [ɛrxˈɑmi.ɔn] adj. one-handed ◇ WJ/51, WJ/231, ◈ † erchammon *S. [ɛrxˈɑmmɔn] (erchamon S.) n. m. one-handed man ◇ VT/47:7, X/Z ◈ † erchammui *S. [ɛrxˈɑmmuj] (erchamui N.) adj. one-handed ◇ Ety/361, X/Z ◈ forgam N. [fˈɔrgɑm] adj. right-handed ◇ Ety/382 ◈ hargam N. [hˈɑrgɑm] n. left-handed ◇ Ety/365

handlemaetha- II S. [mˈɑɛθɑ] v. to handle, wield, manage, deal with ◇ VT/47:6

handymaed II S. [mˈɑɛd] (moed N.) adj. handy, skilled, skilful ◇ Ety/371, VT/47:6, X/OE

hanggling- N. [glˈiŋ] v. to hang, dangle ◇ Ety/359, Ety/369, VT/45:15,27

happygelir S. [gˈɛlir] n. merry, happy, gay person ◇ SD/129-31

harasstrasta- N. [trˈɑstɑ] v. to harass, trouble ◇ Ety/391

harbourhûb N. [hˈuːb] n. Geog. haven, harbour, small land-locked bay ◇ Ety/364 ◈ lond S., N. [lˈɔnd] (lonn S., N., lhonn N.) n. 1. narrow path or strait ○ 2. by ext., entrance to harbour, land-locked haven ◇ Ety/348, Ety/370, S/434, UT/450, VT/42:10, X/LH, X/ND1 ◈† lorn *S. [lˈɔrn] (lhorn N.) n. 1. quiet water ○ 2. by ext., anchorage, harbour ◇ VT/45:29, X/LH

harbouragehobas N. [hˈɔbɑs] n. abst. of hûb, harbourage ◇ Ety/364

hardnorn N. [nˈɔrn] pl. nyrn S. [nˈyrn] adj. 1. twisted, knotted, crabbed, contorted ○ 2. hard ◇ Ety/387

harp ◈ * ganna- N. [gˈɑnnɑ] inf. ganno N. [gˈɑnnɔ] v. to play a harp ◇ Ety/377 ◈ * gannada- N. [gˈɑnnɑdɑ] inf. gannado N. [gˈɑnnɑdɔ] v. to play a harp ◇ Ety/377 ◈ gannel N. [gˈɑnnɛl̡] (gandel N.) n. harp ◇ Ety/377, X/ND2

harper ◈ † talagan *S. [tˈɑlɑgɑn] (talagand N.) n. harper ◇ Ety/377, X/ND4

hasptaew N. [tˈɑɛw] n. holder, socket, hasp, clasp, staple ◇ Ety/390, VT/46:17

hassocktharas N. [θˈɑrɑs] n. hassock, footstool ◇ Ety/388

hastyceleg S., N. [kˈɛlɛg] adj. swift, agile, hasty ◇ Ety/366, PM/353, VT/41:10

hatcarab S. [kˈɑrɑb] n. hat ◇ WJ/187

hateful ◈ † delu *S. [dˈɛlu] (delw N.) adj. hateful, deadly, fell ◇ Ety/355, X/W

have ◈ * gar- N. [gˈɑr] inf. garo N. [gˈɑrɔ] v. to hold, have ◇ Ety/360 ◈ gerin N. [gˈɛrin] v. pres. 1st of gar-, I hold, I have ◇ Ety/360

haven ◈ † círbann *S. [kˈiːrbɑnn] (cirban N.) n. haven ◇ Ety/380, X/ND4 ◈ hûb N. [hˈuːb] n. Geog. haven, harbour, small land-locked bay ◇ Ety/364 ◈ lond S., N. [lˈɔnd] (lonn S., N., lhonn N.) n. 1. narrow path or strait ○ 2. by ext., entrance to harbour, land-locked haven ◇ Ety/348, Ety/370, S/434, UT/450, VT/42:10, X/LH, X/ND1 ◈ lonnath S. [lˈɔnnɑθ] n. coll. of lond, havens ◇ WR/294, WR/370

hawthorntoss N. [tˈɔss] n. Bot. bush, low-growing tree (as maple, hawthorn, blackthorn, holly, etc.) ◇ Ety/379, Ety/395

hee S. [ɛ] pron. 3rd he ◇ SD/129-31 ◈ The meaning "he" is deduced from the apparent function of this word in the so-called "King's Letter", but it also seems possible to interpret it as "indeed" (as in Q. e, LR/63, VT/45:11), used here in a way of formal address expressing the wishes or the will of the King ◈ ho N. [hɔ] (hon N., hono N.) pl. † hyn *S. [hyn] (huin N.) pron. 3rd m. he ◇ Ety/385, X/Z

headdôl N. [dˈɔːl] (dol S.) n. 1. head ○ 2. Geog. by ext., hill or mountain ◇ Ety/376, S/430, RC/268

headland ◈ * cast S. [kˈɑst] n. Geog. cape, headland ← Angast VT/42:28

heal ◈ * nesta- N. [nˈɛstɑ] v. to heal ← nestad WR/379-380

healingnestad N. [nˈɛstɑd] ger. of nesta-, healing ◇ WR/379-80 ◈ * nestadren N. [nɛstˈɑdrɛn] pl. nestedrin (corr. nestedriu) N. [nɛstˈɛdrin] adj. healing ◇ WR/380

heapcum N. [kˈum] (cumb N.) n. mound, heap ◇ Ety/365 ◈ ovras N. [ˈɔvrɑs] n. abst. of ovor, crowd, heap. ◇ Ety/396

hearer ◈ † lathron *S. [lˈɑθrɔn] (lhathron N.) n. hearer, listener, eavesdropper ◇ Ety/368, X/LH ◈ † lethril *S. [lˈɛθril] (lhethril N.) n. f. hearer, listener, eavesdropper ◇ VT/45:26, X/LH

heartgûr I S. [gˈuːr] n. heart (in the moral sense), counsel ◇ VT/41:11,15 ◈ hûn N. [hˈuːn] n. Biol. heart (physical) ◇ Ety/364 ◈ ind N. [ˈind] (inn N.) n. inner thought, meaning, heart ◇ Ety/361, X/ND1

heatbrass N. [brˈɑss] n. white heat ◇ Ety/351 ◈ ûr I N. [ˈuːr] n. fire, heat ◇ Ety/396

heavenmenel S. [mˈɛnɛl̡] n. sky, high heaven, firmament, the region of the stars ◇ LotR/II:I, LotR/IV:X, LB/354, RGEO/72, VT/44:21,23-24

heavy ◈ † long *S. [lˈɔŋ] (lhong N.) adj. heavy ◇ Ety/370, X/LH

hedgecai S. [kˈɑj] n. hedge ◇ UT/282

heighttaen I N. [tˈɑɛn] n. height, summit of high mountain ◇ Ety/389

heir ◈ * hîl S. [hˈiːl] n. heir ← Eluchíl PM/369

helmthôl S. [θˈɔːl] n. Mil. helm ◇ S/438

helmetharn IV N. [hˈɑrn] n. Mil. helmet ◇ VT/45:21

hemglân II S. [glˈɑːn] n. hem, border (of textile and other hand-made things) ◇ VT/42:8 ◈ † rîw *S. [rˈiːw] (rhîf N.) n. edge, hem, border ◇ Ety/383, X/RH

herbathelas S. [ˈɑθɛlɑs] n. Bot. "kingsfoil", a healing herb brought to Middle-earth by the Númenóreans ◇ LotR/V:VIII ◈ salab N. [sˈɑlɑb] pl. † selaib *S. [sˈɛlɑjb] (seleb N.) n. Bot. herb ◇ Ety/385, X/EI

here; S. [sˈiː] adv. here ◇ LotR/II:I, RGEO/72

herocallon N. [kˈɑllɔn] n. hero ◇ Ety/362 ◈ thalion S., N. [θˈɑli.ɔn] pl. thelyn N. [θˈɛlyn] n. hero, dauntless man (especially as surname of Húrin Thalion) ◇ Ety/388, S/438

hew ◈ * draf- N. [drˈɑv] inf. dravo N. [drˈɑvɔ] pa. t. drammen N. [drˈɑmmɛn] (dravant N., Arch. dramp N.) v. to hew ◇ Ety/354, VT/45:8

hewndrafn N. [drˈɑvn] n. hewn log ◇ Ety/354

hiddendolen N. [dˈɔlɛn] pp. of doltha-, concealed, hidden ◇ Ety/355 ◈ hall II N. [hˈɑll] adj. veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady ◇ Ety/386 ◈ thurin N. [θˈurin] adj. secret, hidden ◇ LB/304, Ety/394

hideousuanui N. [ˈu.ɑnuj] adj. monstrous, hideous ◇ Ety/351

highara- S. [ɑrɑ] (ar- S.) pref. high, noble, royal ◇ S/428 ◈ brand N. [brˈɑnd] (brann N.) adj. 1. lofty, noble, fine ○ 2. high (in size) ◇ Ety/351, TAI/150, X/ND1 ◈ taur III N. [tˈɑur] adj. mighty, vast, overwhelming, huge, awful, high, sublime ◇ Ety/395

hillamon S., N. [ˈɑmɔn] pl. emyn S., N. [ˈɛmyn] (emuin N.) n. Geog. hill, steep-sided mount ◇ Ety/348, LotR/E, RC/334 ◈ dôl N. [dˈɔːl] (dol S.) n. 1. head ○ 2. Geog. by ext., hill or mountain ◇ Ety/376, S/430, RC/268 ◈ mindon N. [mˈindɔn] n. 1. Geog. isolated hill, especially a hill with a watch tower ○ 2. by ext., tower ◇ Ety/373, Ety/395 ◈ tund N. [tˈund] (tunn N.) n. Geog. hill, mound ◇ Ety/395, X/ND1

hindmosttele N. [tˈɛlɛ] pl. telei N. [tˈɛlɛj] n. end, rear, hindmost part ◇ Ety/392

hisîn I S. [ˈiːn] adj. poss. 3rd his (referring to the subject) ◇ SD/129-31 ◈ * tîn I S. [tˈiːn] adj. poss. 3rd his ← bess dîn SD/129-31

historicalgobennathren N. [gˌɔbɛnnˈɑθrɛn] adj. historical ◇ Ety/366

historygobennas N. [gɔbˈɛnnɑs] n. history ◇ Ety/366 ◈ pennas N. [pˈɛnnɑs] n. abst. of pent II, history, historical account ◇ Ety/366, WJ/192, WJ/206

hobbitperian S. [pˈɛri.ɑn] pl. periain S. [pˈɛri.ɑjn] n. Pop. Hobbit, Halfling ◇ LotR/VI:IV, LotR/E, RGEO/75, Letters/308, X/ND4 ◈ periannath S. [pˌɛri.ˈɑnnɑθ] n. coll. of perian, Pop. the Hobbits, Halflings ◇ LotR/VI:IV, LotR/E-F, RGEO/75, Letters/308

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Функция спроса населения на данный товар Функция спроса населения на данный товар: Qd=7-Р. Функция предложения: Qs= -5+2Р,где...

Аальтернативная стоимость. Кривая производственных возможностей В экономике Буридании есть 100 ед. труда с производительностью 4 м ткани или 2 кг мяса...

Вычисление основной дактилоскопической формулы Вычислением основной дактоформулы обычно занимается следователь. Для этого все десять пальцев разбиваются на пять пар...

Расчетные и графические задания Равновесный объем - это объем, определяемый равенством спроса и предложения...

Ведение учета результатов боевой подготовки в роте и во взводе Содержание журнала учета боевой подготовки во взводе. Учет результатов боевой подготовки - есть отражение количественных и качественных показателей выполнения планов подготовки соединений...

Сравнительно-исторический метод в языкознании сравнительно-исторический метод в языкознании является одним из основных и представляет собой совокупность приёмов...

Концептуальные модели труда учителя В отечественной литературе существует несколько подходов к пониманию профессиональной деятельности учителя, которые, дополняя друг друга, расширяют психологическое представление об эффективности профессионального труда учителя...

ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ЦЕНТРА ТЯЖЕСТИ ПЛОСКОЙ ФИГУРЫ Сила, с которой тело притягивается к Земле, называется силой тяжести...

СПИД: морально-этические проблемы Среди тысяч заболеваний совершенно особое, даже исключительное, место занимает ВИЧ-инфекция...

Понятие массовых мероприятий, их виды Под массовыми мероприятиями следует понимать совокупность действий или явлений социальной жизни с участием большого количества граждан...

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