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Anybody ◈ pen II S. [pɛn] pron. one, somebody, anybody ◇ WJ/376 ◈ Usually enclitic and mutated as ben II 6 страница

firenaur S., N. [nˈɑur] n. 1. flame ○ 2. fire ◇ Ety/374, S/435, LotR/II:IV ◈ ûr I N. [ˈuːr] n. fire, heat ◇ Ety/396

firmtanc N. [tˈɑŋk] adj. firm ◇ Ety/389 ◈ * tangada- N. [tˈɑŋgɑdɑ] inf. tangado N. [tˈɑŋgɑdɔ] v. to make firm, confirm, establish ◇ Ety/389 ◈ thala N. [θˈɑlɑ] adj. stalwart, steady, firm ◇ Ety/388 ◈ thand II N. [θˈɑnd] (thann N.) adj. firm, true, abiding ◇ Ety/388, VT/46:16 ◈ Misreading thenid, thenin rectified according to VT/46:16

firmamentmenel S. [mˈɛnɛl̡] n. sky, high heaven, firmament, the region of the stars ◇ LotR/II:I, LotR/IV:X, LB/354, RGEO/72, VT/44:21,23-24

firsterui S. [ˈɛruj] adj. 1. single, alone ○ 2. by ext., first (incorrect use by the Gondorians) ◇ TI/312, WR/436, VT/42:10 ◈ The proper word for first in Sindarin was minuimain S. [m'ɑjn] (mein S.) adj. num. ord. first, (only in the sense of) prime, chief, pre-eminent ◇VT/42:10, VT/42:25 ◈ minui S. [mˈinuj] adj. num. ord. first ◇ VT/42:10, VT/42:25

fishhâl N. [hˈɑːl] n. Zool. fish ◇ VT/45:20 ◈ † lim III *S. [lˈim] (lhim N., lhimb N.) n. Zool. fish ◇ Ety/369, X/LH

fistdond S. [dˈɔnd] (donn S.) n. Biol. fist, hand (especially in punching) ◇ VT/47:23 ◈ drambor N. [drˈɑm.bɔr] n. 1. clenched fist ○ 2. by ext., blow (with fist) ◇ Ety/354 ◈ paur S., N. [pˈɑur] n. Biol. fist (often used to mean "hand", its chief use was in reference of the tighly closed hand, as in using an implement or a craft-tool, rather than to the fist used in punching) ◇ Ety/366, S/429, PM/179, PM/318, VT/47:8

fitmaer N. [mˈɑɛr] adj. useful, fit, good (of things) ◇ Ety/371

fiveleben S. [lˈɛbɛn] (lheben N.) adj. num. card. five ◇ Ety/368, TAI/150, VT/42:24-25, VT/47:10, VT/47:24, VT/48:6, X/LH

fix ◈ * penia- N. [pˈɛni.ɑ] inf. penio N. [pˈɛni.ɔ] v. to fix, to set ◇ Ety/380

flame ◈ † lach *S. [lˈɑx] (lhach N.) n. (leaping) flame ◇ S/433, X/LH ◈ * lacha- S. [lˈɑxɑ] v. to flame ◈ lacho S. [lˈɑxɔ] v. imp. of lacha-, flame! ◇ UT/65 ◈ naur S., N. [nˈɑur] n. 1. flame ○ 2. fire ◇ Ety/374, S/435, LotR/II:IV

flap ◈ * blab- N. [blˈɑb] inf. blebi N. [blˈɛbi] v. to beat, batter, flap (wings, etc.) ◇ Ety/380

flat ◈ † talu *S. [tˈɑlu] (dalw N.) adj. flat ◇ Ety/353, X/W

flee ◈ * drega- S. [drˈɛgɑ] v. to flee ◈ Only the imperative drego is attested. Therefore, the verb may also be dreg- (inf. dregi) ◈ drego S. [drˈɛgɔ] v. imp. of drega-, flee! ◇ UT/65

fleshrhaw IV S. [ɹ̥ˈɑw] n. flesh, body ◇ MR/350, VT/47:12

float ◈ † loda- *S. [lˈɔdɑ] (lhoda- N.) v. to float ◇ Ety/370, X/LH

floodduinen S. [ˈdujnɛn] n. flood, high tide ◇ VT/48:26 ◈ * iôl S. [jˈɔːl] n. Geog. wash, flood-water ← Onodiôl RC/334, VT/48:33

floorpân I N. [pˈɑːn] pl. † pain *S. [pˈɑjn] (pein N.) n. plank, fixed board (especially in floor) ◇ Ety/380, X/EI ◈ panas N. [pˈɑnɑs] n. abst. of pân I, floor ◇ Ety/380 ◈ talaf N. [tˈɑlɑv] pl. † telaif *S. [tˈɛlɑjv] (teleif N.) n. ground, floor ◇ Ety/390, X/EI

flow ◈ † rib- *S. [rˈib] (rhib- N.) v. to flow like a (torrent?) ◇ Ety/384, X/RH ◈ The reading of the gloss is uncertain ◈ * siria- N. [sˈiri.ɑ] inf. sirio N. [sˈiri.ɔ] v. to flow ◇ Ety/385

floweralfirin S. [ˈɑlfirin] n. and adj. 1. immortal ○ 2. Bot. as a noun, name of a flower, bell-like and running through many soft and gentle colours ○ 3. Bot. as a noun, also used for another small white flower ◇ LotR/V:IX, Letters/402, UT/55, UT/303, UT/316, UT/417 ◈* edlothia- S. [ɛdlˈɔθi.ɑ] v. to blossom, flower ← edlothiand WR/293, X/TL ◈ The sentence from WR/293 is hardly legible and is not translated, but this word is however a plausible form ◈ eirien S. [ˈɛjri.ɛn] n. Bot. daisy (flower) ◇ SD/129-31 ◈ elanor S. [ˈɛlɑnɔr] n. Bot. a flower, a kind of enlarged pimpernel bearing golden and silver flowers ◇ LotR/VI:IX, UT/432, Letters/402 ◈ elloth S. [ˈɛl̡lɔθ] n. sing. of loth, Bot. (single) flower ◇ VT/42:18 ◈ goloth S. [gˈɔlɔθ] n. Bot. inflorescence, a head of small flowers ◇ VT/42:18 ◈ gwaloth N. [gwˈɑlɔθ] n.Bot. blossom, collection of flowers ◇ Ety/370, VT/45:29 ◈ This form replaced deleted goloth in the manuscript of The Etymologies, see VT/45:29. The deleted form is however also later attested in VT/42:18 ◈ loth S. [lˈɔθ] (lhoth N.) n. Bot. flower, inflorescence, a head of small flowers ◇ Ety/370, LB/354, VT/42:18, X/LH ◈ The noun is collective, a single flower being lotheglotheg S. [lˈɔθɛg] n. sing. of loth, Bot. (single) flower ◇ VT/42:18 ◈ lothod N. [lˈɔθɔd] (lhothod N.) n. sing. of loth, Bot. (single) flower ◇ VT/45:29, X/LH ◈ mallos S. [mˈɑllɔs] n. Bot. a golden flower ◇ UT/451, Letters/248 ◈ meril S. [mˈɛril̡] n. Bot. rose (flower) ◇ SD/129-31 ◈ ninglor S. [nˈiŋglɔr] n. Bot. golden water-flower, gladden ◇ UT/280-81, UT/450 ◈ nínim N. [nˈiːnim] n. Bot. snowdrop (flower) ◇ Ety/367 ◈ niphredil S. [nˈifrɛdil̡] (nifredil N.) n. Bot. a pale winter flower, snowdrop ◇ Ety/376, Ety/378, LotR/II:VI, Letters/402, X/PH ◈ seregon S. [sˈɛrɛgɔn] n. Bot. "Blood of Stone", a plant of the kind called in English "stonecrop", with deep red flowers, that grew on Amon Rûdh ◇ S/437 ◈ uilos S. [ˈujlɔs] n. and adj. 1. always white, ever white as snow ○ 2. Bot. as a noun, a small white everlasting flower also called simbelmynë or "evermind" ◇ RGEO/74, Letters/278, UT/55

flowering ◈ * edlothiad (corr. edlothiand) S. [ɛdlˈɔθi.ɑd] ger. of edlothia-, blossoming, flowering ← edlothiand WR/293 ◈ Actually, edlothiand might be a misreading, according to David Salo who checked the original manuscript at Marquette and reported that his reading was unmistakably edlothiad

flowing ◈ * cell S. [kˈɛl̡l] adj. 1. running ○ 2. by ext., flowing (of water) ← Celduin LotR/Map

fly ◈ † revia- *S. [rˈɛvi.ɑ] (* rhevia- N.) inf. † revio *S. [rˈɛvi.ɔ] (rhevio (corr. rhenio) N.) v. 1. to fly, sail ○ 2. to wander ◇ Ety/382, X/RH

foamfalf N. [fˈɑlv] n. foam, breaker ◇ Ety/381 ◈ * faltha- N. [fˈɑlθɑ] inf. faltho N. [fˈɑlθɔ] v. to foam ◇ Ety/381

foe ◈ * gûd S. n. foe ← Thuringud WJ/256

foghîth S. [hˈiːθ] (hith N.) n. mist, fog ◇ Ety/364, S/432 ◈ † hithu *S. [hˈiθu] (hithw N.) n. fog ◇ Ety/364, X/W ◈ mith I N. [mˈiθ] n. white fog, wet mist ◇ Ety/373

foggy ◈ † hethu *S. [hˈɛθu] (hethw N.) adj. foggy, obscure, vague ◇ Ety/364, X/W

followaphad- S. [ˈɑffɑd] v. to follow ◇ WJ/387 ◈ In WJ/387, the verbal stem is given as aphad-, and the etymology as *ap-pata. If we follow the latter, the verb should perhaps read aphada-

followeraphadon S. [ˈɑffɑdɔn] pl. ephedyn S. [ˈɛffɛdyn] n. 1. follower ○ 2. Pop. by ext., man (elvish name for men) ◇ WJ/387 ◈ aphadrim S. [ɑffˈɑdrim] n. class pl. of aphadon, Pop. followers, men (elvish name for men) ◇ WJ/387 ◈ † bŷr II *S. [bˈyːr] (bior N., beor N.) n. follower, vassal ◇ Ety/352, X/IU ◈ echil S. [ˈɛxil̡] n. 1. follower ○ 2. Pop. by ext., human being ◇ WJ/219

foodaes N. [ˈɑɛs] n. cooked food, meat ◇ Ety/349

footpôd N. [pˈɔːd] pl. pŷd N. [pˈyːd] n. Biol. animal's foot ◇ Ety/382 ◈ tâl N. [tˈɑːl] pl. tail S. [tˈɑjl] (teil N.) n. Biol. foot ← tad-dail WJ/388, Ety/390, S/429, S/437, X/EI ◈ tellen N. [tˈɛl̡lɛn] (tellein N., tellœin N.) n. Biol. sole of foot ◇ Ety/384, Ety/390, VT/46:12

footprint ◈ † rein II *S. [rˈɛjn] (rhein N., rhœin N.) n. slot, spoor, track, footprint ◇ Ety/384, X/RH

footstooltharas N. [θˈɑrɑs] n. hassock, footstool ◇ Ety/388

foran S. [ɑn] prep. to, towards, for ◇ LotR/II:IV, UT/39, SD/129-31 ◈ With suffixed article and elision in aglar'ni Pheriannath

fordathrad S., N. [ˈɑθrɑd] pl. ethraid S. [ˈɛθrɑjd] n. (river-)crossing, ford, way ◇ Ety/349, Ety/383, UT/437, VT/42:7 ◈ * iach S. [jˈɑx] n. ford, crossing ← Arossiach S/382, Brithiach S/286, Cirith Ninniach S/387

foresttaur II S., N. [tˈɑur] n. great wood, forest ◇ Ety/391, S/420, S/438 ◈ tawar S., N. [tˈɑwɑr] n. 1. wood (as a material) ○ 2. by ext., great wood, forest ← Tawar-in-Drúedain UT/467, Ety/391

forestertauron S. [tˈɑurɔn] n. forester ◇ S/421, PM/258

forgivedíhena- S. [dˈiːhɛnɑ] v. to forgive (with matter forgiven as object?) ◇ VT/44:29 ◈ díheno S. [dˈiːhɛnɔ] v. imp. of díhena-, forgive! ◇ VT/44:21,28 ◈ gohena- S. [gˈɔhɛnɑ] v. to forgive (with person forgiven as object?) ◇ VT/44:29

forkedthanc S., N. [θˈɑŋk] adj. cleft, split, forked ← Orthanc S/415, Ety/388

formationdírnaith S. [dˈiːrnɑjθ] n. Mil. a military wedge-formation launched over a short distance against an enemy massing but not yet arrayed, or against a defensive formation on open ground ◇ UT/282

formed ◈ † cadu *S. [kˈɑdu] (cadw N.) adj. shaped, formed ◇ Ety/362-363, X/W

formeriaur S., N. [jˈɑur] adj. 1. ancient, old, original ○ 2. older, former ◇ Ety/358, Ety/399, S/433, UT/384

forsakeawartha- N. [ɑwˈɑrθɑ] v. to forsake, abandon ◇ Ety/397

forsakeneglan S. [ˈɛglɑn] pl. eglain S. [ˈɛglɑjn] n. and adj. 1. forsaken ○ 2. Pop. as a noun, an Elf of the Falathrim ◇ WJ/365, WJ/379-380 ◈ * egol S. [ˈɛgl̩] n. Pop. someone forsaken, an Elf of the Falathrim ← Eglath WJ/189, WJ/344

fortgarth N. [gˈɑrθ] n. fort, fortress ◇ Ety/360 ◈ minas S. [mˈinɑs] (minnas N.) n. abst. 1. tower ○ 2. by ext., fort, city with a citadel and central watch-tower ◇ Ety/373, S/434, VT/42:24

forthed- N. [ɛd] pref. forth, out ◇ Ety/356

fortressbarad II S., N. [bˈɑrɑd] pl. beraid S. [bˈɛrɑjd] n. tower, fortress ◇ Ety/351, S/428, LotR/B ◈ garth N. [gˈɑrθ] n. fort, fortress ◇ Ety/360 ◈ ost S., N. [ˈɔst] n. 1. city, town with wall round ○ 2. citadel, fortress or stronghold, made or strenghtened by art ◇Ety/379, S/435, WJ/414, RC/232 ◈ † othronn *S. [ˈɔθrɔnn] (othrond S., N.) n. fortress or city in underground caves, underground stronghold ◇ Ety/379, Ety/384, WJ/414, X/ND4

fortune ◈ † galu *S. [gˈɑlu] (galw N.) n. (?) blessings, (?) blessedness, (?) good fortune (meaning not entirely clear) ◇ Ety/357, X/W ◈ manadh N. [mˈɑnɑð] n. 1. doom, final end, fate, fortune ○ 2. by ext., final bliss ◇ Ety/371

fourcanad S., N. [kˈɑnɑd] (∗ canath N.) adj. num. card. four ◇ Ety/362, VT/42:24,25, VT/48:6, VT/46:3

fourthcanthui S. [kˈɑnθuj] (Arch. cantui S., Arch. canhui S.) adj. num. ord. fourth ◇ VT/42:10, VT/42:25,27

foxrusc S. [rˈusk] n. Zool. fox ◇ VT/41:10

frailmîw N. [mˈiːw] adj. small, tiny, frail ◇ VT/45:35 ◈ nimp II S. [nˈimp] adj. small and frail ◇ VT/48:18

free ◈ † lain I *S. [lˈɑjn] (lhein N., lhain N.) adj. free, freed ◇ Ety/368, X/LH

freed ◈ † lain I *S. [lˈɑjn] (lhein N., lhain N.) adj. free, freed ◇ Ety/368, X/LH

freeingleithian S., N. [lˈɛjθi.ɑn] (lheithian N.) n. release, freeing, release from bondage ◇ Ety/368, S/406, X/LH

frequent ◈ † laew *S. [lˈɑɛw] (lhaew N.) adj. frequent, many ◇ VT/45:27, X/LH ◈ † rem II *S. [rˈɛm] (rhem N., rhemb N.) adj. frequent, numerous ◇ Ety/383, X/RH

freshcîw S. [kˈiːw] adj. fresh, new ◇ VT/48:7-8 ◈ † laeb *S. [lˈɑɛb] (lhaeb N., lhoeb N.) adj. fresh ◇ Ety/368, VT/45:26, X/OE, X/LH ◈ laeg II S. [lˈɑɛg] adj. "viridis", fresh and green ◇ Letters/282, Letters/382 ◈ Seldom used (replaced by calen)

friend ◈ * elvellon S. [ɛl̡vˈɛl̡lɔn] pl. elvellyn S. [ɛl̡vˈɛl̡lyn] n. elf-friend ◇ WJ/412 ◈ meldir N. [mˈɛl̡dir] n. m. friend ◇ Ety/372 ◈ meldis N. [mˈɛl̡dis] n. f. friend ◇ Ety/372 ◈ mellon S., N. [mˈɛl̡lɔn] pl. mellyn S. [mˈɛl̡lyn] n. friend ◇ Ety/372, LotR/II:IV, SD/129-31, Letters/424

friendlymilui N. [mˈiluj] adj. friendly, loving, kind ◇ Ety/372

friendshipgwend II N. [gwˈɛnd] n. bond, friendship ◇ Ety/397-398, X/ND1

frogcabor N. [kˈɑbr̩] (cabr N.) n. Zool. frog ◇ Ety/362

From ◈ o I S., N. [ɔ] (od S.) prep. from, of (preposition (as a proclitic) used in either direction, from or to the point of view of the speaker) ◇ Ety/360, WJ/366, WJ/369-70, LotR/II:IV, SD/129-31, RGEO/72 ◈ According to WJ/366, the preposition "is normally o in all positions, thoughod appears occasionally before vowels, especially before o-". With a suffixed article, see also uin

frontnîf N. [nˈiːv] n. front, face ◇ Ety/378

fullpant S., N. [pˈɑnt] adj. full ◇ Ety/366, SD/129-31

fullnesspathred N. [pˈɑθrɛd] n. fullness ◇ Ety/366

fungushwand N. [ʍˈɑnd] (chwand N., chwann N.) n. Bot. sponge, fungus ◇ Ety/388, X/ND1, X/HW

furheleth N. [hˈɛlɛθ] n. fur, fur-coat ◇ Ety/386 ◈ helf N. [hˈɛl̡v] n. fur ◇ Ety/386


gapdîn II N. [dˈiːn] n. opening, gap, pass in mountains ◇ Ety/354 ◈ gas N. [gˈɑs] n. hole, gap ◇ Ety/357

gardensant S. [sˈɑnt] n. garden, field, yard (or other place in private ownership whether enclosed or not) ◇ VT/42:20

garland; S. [rˈiː] (rhî; N.) n. crown, wreath, garland ◇ Ety/383, PM/347, X/RH

garmenthamp II N. [hˈɑmp] n. garment ◇ Ety/363

gateannon S., N. [ˈɑnnɔn] pl. ennyn S., N. [ˈɛnnyn] n. augm. great door or gate ◇ Ety/348, S/428, LotR/II:IV, TAI/150

gatewayfennas S. [fˈɛnnɑs] n. abst. of fen, doorway, gateway ◇ LotR/II:IV, RS/463, RGEO/75

Gay ◈ gelir S. [gˈɛlir] n. merry, happy, gay person ◇ SD/129-31 ◈ meren N. [mˈɛrɛn] adj. festive, gay, joyous ◇ Ety/372 ◈ The word was changed to beren in the Etymologies, but meren would be restored together with mereth

gaze ◈ * tir- N. [tˈir] inf. tiri N. [tˈiri] v. to watch, to gaze, look at ◇ Ety/394 ◈ * tiria- N. [tˈiri.ɑ] inf. tirio N. [tˈiri.ɔ] pa. t. tiriant N. [tˈiri.ɑnt] v. to watch, to gaze, look at ◇ Ety/394

gazedtíriel S. [tˈiːri.ɛl̡] perf. of tiria-, having gazed ◇ LotR/II:I, LotR/IV:X, RGEO/72-74

gazingtiriel S. [tˈiri.ɛl̡] part. of tiria-, gazing ◇ LotR/II:I, LotR/IV:X, RGEO/72-74

generousfael I S. [fˈɑɛl] adj. fair minded, just, generous ◇ PM/352

germeredh N. [ˈɛrɛð] n. Bot. seed, germ ◇ Ety/356

giddiness ◈ † hwîn *S. [ʍˈiːn] (chwîn N.) n. giddiness, faintness ◇ Ety/388, X/HW

giddy ◈ † hwiniol *S. [ʍˈini.ɔl] (chwiniol N.) part. of hwinia-, whirling, giddy, fantastic ◇ Ety/388

giftant N. [ˈɑnt] n. gift ◇ Ety/348

girdlelest S. [lˈɛst] n. girdle ◇ WJ/333, WJ/225, WJ/228

girliell N. [jˈɛl̡l] n. f. 1. daughter ○ 2. girl, maid ◇ Ety/385, Ety/400 ◈ Stated to be an alteration of sell, remodelled after ion "son" (OS *jondo). It was "a change assisted by the loss of s in compounds and patronymics", hence the ending -iel in several feminine words ◈ neth II S. [nˈɛθ] n.f. 1. hypo. of nîth II sister ○ 2. girl (in her teens, approaching the adult) ◇ VT/47:14-16,33, VT/48:6 ◈ sell N. [sˈɛl̡l] n. f. 1. daughter ○ 2. girl, maid (child) ◇ Ety/385

give ◈ * anna- N. [ˈɑnnɑ] inf. anno N. [ˈɑnnɔ] v. to give ◇ Ety/348 ◈ anno II S. [ˈɑnnɔ] v. imp. of anna-, give! ◇ VT/44:21,27

giver ◈ * oneth S. [ˈɔnɛθ] n. f. giver ← besoneth PM/404-05

gladdenninglor S. [nˈiŋglɔr] n. Bot. golden water-flower, gladden ◇ UT/280-81, UT/450

glanceglintha- S. v. to glance at ◇ WJ/337

glasscenedril N. [kɛnˈɛdril̡] n. looking-glass, mirror ◇ TI/184, RS/466 ◈ heledh S. [hˈɛlɛd] n. glass ◇ S/433

gleamglîn S. [glˈiːn] (glînn S.) n. gleam, glint (usually of fine slender but bright shafts of light, particularly applied to light of eyes) ◇ WJ/337, S/431

glimmeringgael N. [gˈɑɛl] adj. pale, glimmering ◇ Ety/358

glintglîn S. [glˈiːn] (glînn S.) n. gleam, glint (usually of fine slender but bright shafts of light, particularly applied to light of eyes) ◇ WJ/337, S/431 ◈ * tinna- N. [tˈinnɑ] inf. tinno N. [tˈinnɔ] v. to glint ◇ Ety/393

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Композиция из абстрактных геометрических фигур Данная композиция состоит из линий, штриховки, абстрактных геометрических форм...

Важнейшие способы обработки и анализа рядов динамики Не во всех случаях эмпирические данные рядов динамики позволяют определить тенденцию изменения явления во времени...

ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ МЕХАНИКА Статика является частью теоретической механики, изучающей условия, при ко­торых тело находится под действием заданной системы сил...

Теория усилителей. Схема Основная масса современных аналоговых и аналого-цифровых электронных устройств выполняется на специализированных микросхемах...

Дренирование желчных протоков Показаниями к дренированию желчных протоков являются декомпрессия на фоне внутрипротоковой гипертензии, интраоперационная холангиография, контроль за динамикой восстановления пассажа желчи в 12-перстную кишку...

Деятельность сестер милосердия общин Красного Креста ярко проявилась в период Тритоны – интервалы, в которых содержится три тона. К тритонам относятся увеличенная кварта (ув.4) и уменьшенная квинта (ум.5). Их можно построить на ступенях натурального и гармонического мажора и минора.  ...

Понятие о синдроме нарушения бронхиальной проходимости и его клинические проявления Синдром нарушения бронхиальной проходимости (бронхообструктивный синдром) – это патологическое состояние...

Реформы П.А.Столыпина Сегодня уже никто не сомневается в том, что экономическая политика П...

Виды нарушений опорно-двигательного аппарата у детей В общеупотребительном значении нарушение опорно-двигательного аппарата (ОДА) идентифицируется с нарушениями двигательных функций и определенными органическими поражениями (дефектами)...

Особенности массовой коммуникации Развитие средств связи и информации привело к возникновению явления массовой коммуникации...

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