Anybody ◈ pen II S. [pɛn] pron. one, somebody, anybody ◇ WJ/376 ◈ Usually enclitic and mutated as ben II 14 страница
sit ◈ haf- N. [hˈɑv] pa. t. hamp N. [hˈɑmp] (hafant N., † havant *S.) v. to sit ◇ VT/45:20 six ◈ eneg S., N. [ˈɛnɛg] adj. num. card. six ◇ Ety/356, VT/42:25,31, VT/48:6,8 sixth ◈ enchui S. [ˈɛnxuj] (∗ enegui S., Arch. encui S.) adj. num. ord. sixth ◇ VT/42:10,25,28 ◈ enecthui S. [ɛnˈɛkθuj] adj. num. ord. sixth ◇ VT/42:25 skill ◈ curu N. [kˈuru] (curw N.) n. craft, skill ◇ Ety/366, X/W skilled ◈ maed II S. [mˈɑɛd] (moed N.) adj. handy, skilled, skilful ◇ Ety/371, VT/47:6, X/OE ◈ maen N. [mˈɑɛn] adj. skilled, clever ◇ Ety/371 skin ◈ * flâd S. [flˈɑːd] n. Biol. skin ← Fladrif LotR/E, TC/169, TC/173 sky ◈ menel S. [mˈɛnɛl̡] n. sky, high heaven, firmament, the region of the stars ◇ LotR/II:I, LotR/IV:X, LB/354, RGEO/72, VT/44:21,23-24 slain ◈ dangen N. [dˈɑŋgɛn] pp. of dag-, slain ◇ Ety/375 slant ◈ † adlanna- *S. [ɑdlˈɑnnɑ] (* atlanna- N.) inf. † adlanno *S. [ɑdlˈɑnnɔ] (atlanno N.) v. to slope, slant ◇ Ety/390, X/TL ◈ penna- S. [pˈɛnnɑ] v. to slant down ◇ LotR/II:I, RGEO/72 slanting ◈ † adlant *S. [ˈɑdlɑnt] (atlant N.) adj. oblique, slanting ◇ Ety/390, X/TL slave ◈ mûl N. [mˈuːl] n. slave, thrall ◇ Ety/373 slay ◈ * dag- N. [dˈɑg] inf. degi N. [dˈɛgi] pa. t. danc N. [dˈɑŋk] (degant N.) v. to slay ◇ Ety/375, VT/45:37 slayer ◈ dagnir S. [dˈɑgnir] n. 1. slayer ○ 2. by ext., bane ◇ S/430 slender ◈ * fim S. [fˈim] adj. slim, slender ← Fimbrethil LotR/Index ◈ † lhind II *S. [ɬˈind] (thlind N., thlinn N.) adj. fine, slender ◇ Ety/386, X/LH, X/ND1 ◈ † nind *S. [nˈind] (ninn N.) adj. slender ◇ Ety/378, X/ND1 ◈ trîw N. [trˈiːw] adj. fine, slender ◇ Ety/392 slim ◈ * fim S. [fˈim] adj. slim, slender ← Fimbrethil LotR/Index sling ◈ hadlath N. [hˈɑdlɑθ] (haglath N.) n. Mil. sling ◇ Ety/363, Ety/368, X/TL slipping ◈ talt N. [tˈɑlt] adj. slipping, falling, insecure ◇ Ety/390 slope ◈ † adlanna- *S. [ɑdlˈɑnnɑ] (* atlanna- N.) inf. † adlanno *S. [ɑdlˈɑnnɔ] (atlanno N.) v. to slope, slant ◇ Ety/390, X/TL ◈ pend N. [pˈɛnd] (penn S., N.) pl. * pind N. [pˈind] (pinn N.) n. declivity, slope ◇ Ety/380, RC/525, X/ND1 ◈ talad N. [tˈɑlɑd] n. an incline, slope ◇ Ety/390 sloping ◈ † adlann *S. [ˈɑdlɑnn] (atland N.) adj. sloping, tilted ◇ Ety/390, X/TL, X/ND4 slot ◈ † rein II *S. [rˈɛjn] (rhein N., rhœin N.) n. slot, spoor, track, footprint ◇ Ety/384, X/RH small ◈ mîw N. [mˈiːw] adj. small, tiny, frail ◇ VT/45:35 ◈ niben S. [nˈibɛn] pl. nibin S. [nˈibin] adj. 1. small, petty ○ 2. Biol. as a noun, little finger (Elvish play-name used by and taught to children) ◇ S/435, WJ/388, WJ/408, VT/48:6 ◈ nimp II S. [nˈimp] adj. small and frail ◇ VT/48:18 smell ◈ thost N. [θˈɔst] n. smell ◇ VT/46:19 smith ◈ * mírdan S. [mˈiːrdɑn] pl. mírdain S. [mˈiːrdɑjn] n. jewel-smith ◇ S/401 smoke ◈ osp N. [ˈɔsp] n. reek, smoke ◇ Ety/396 smooth ◈ paran S. [pˈɑrɑn] adj. smooth, shaven (often applied to hills without trees) ← Dol Baran RC/433 ◈ path N. [pˈɑθ] adj. smooth ◇ Ety/380 snake ◈ lhûg S., N. [ɬˈuːg] n. Zool. snake, serpent ◇ Ety/370, S/434 ◈ lŷg (corr. lyg) S. [lˈyːg] n. Zool. snake ◇ LotR/E snatch ◈ † ritha- *S. [rˈiθɑ] (* rhitha- N.) inf. † ritho *S. [rˈiθɔ] (rhitho N.) v. to jerk, twitch, snatch ◇ Ety/383, X/RH snout ◈ bund N. [bˈund] (bunn N.) n. 1. Biol. snout, nose ○ 2. Geog. by ext., cape (of land) ◇ Ety/372, X/ND2 snow ◈ gloss S., N. [glˈɔss] adj. snow-white, dazzling-white ◇ Ety/359, RGEO/70, VT/42:18 ◈ loss S. [lˈɔss] n. snow (especially fallen or long-lying snow) ◇ S/434, VT/42:18, RGEO/70 snowdrop ◈ nínim N. [nˈiːnim] n. Bot. snowdrop (flower) ◇ Ety/367 ◈ niphredil S. [nˈifrɛdil̡] (nifredil N.) n. Bot. a pale winter flower, snowdrop ◇ Ety/376, Ety/378, LotR/II:VI, Letters/402, X/PH snowthorn ◈ aeglos S. [ˈɑɛglɔs] n. 1. Bot. snowthorn, a plant like furze (gorse), but larger and with white flowers ○ 2. Geol. icicle (a pendent spear of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water) ◇ UT/417, LotR/Index snowy ◈ lossen S. [lˈɔssɛn] adj. snowy ◇ RGEO/70 soap ◈ glûdh N. [glˈuːð] n. soap ◇ Ety/369 socket ◈ taew N. [tˈɑɛw] n. holder, socket, hasp, clasp, staple ◇ Ety/390, VT/46:17 soft ◈ moe N. [mˈɔɛ] adj. soft ◇ Ety/371 soil ◈ cef N. [kˈɛv] pl. ceif N. [kˈɛjv] n. soil ◇ Ety/363 ◈ * gwatha- N. [gwˈɑθɑ] inf. gwatho N. [gwˈɑθɔ] v. to soil, stain ◇ Ety/397 ◈ maw II N. [mˈɑw] (hmaw N.) n. soil, stain ◇ Ety/386, VT/46:14 soiled ◈ gwaur N. [gwˈɑur] adj. soiled, dirty ◇ Ety/397 soldier ◈ daug N. [dˈɑug] n. warrior, soldier (chiefly used of Orcs) ◇ Ety/375 sole ◈ tellen N. [tˈɛl̡lɛn] (tellein N., tellœin N.) n. Biol. sole of foot ◇ Ety/384, Ety/390, VT/46:12 sombre ◈ dûr S., N. [dˈuːr] pl. duir S. [dˈujr] adj. dark, sombre ◇ Ety/354, S/430, UT/434