Basic literature
1. S. Simonovich etc. Computer for lawyers and economists / Edited by S. Simonovich: Textbook. SPb., 20052. S. Simonovich Computer and others. Basic Course / Edited by S. Simonovic, St. Petersburg, 20033. Makarova N.V., Matveev L.A. etc. Computer/Ed. Makarova N.V., Moscow, 20034. Garnaev A. Excel, VBA, Internet in economics and finance. SPb.: BHV-Petersburg, 20055. Balafanov E.K. New information technologies: 30 lessons of informatization. Almaty, 20016. E. Tanenbaum Computer Networks. SPb., 20027. Bezruchko V.T. Informatics. Textbook. Moscow, 20068. Sable BG Informatics. Textbook. Moscow, 20069. Bezruchko V.T. Practicum on the course «Informatics.» Uchebnik.M., 200810. Stepanov A.N. Informatics. Textbook. St. Petersburg, 200712. Abdikarimova G.A., Daripbaeva S.J. Methodical complex discipline «Informatics.» Astana. Kazakh Agro Technical University. S.Seifullin, 200813. Abdikarimova G.A., Daripbaeva S.J. Methodical complex discipline «Fundamentals of Information Technology» Astana. Kazakh agrotehnichal University. S.Seifullin, 200814. Abdikarimova G.A., Daripbaeva S.J. A short course in computer science. Astana. Kazakh Agro Technical University. S.Seifullin, 200815. Recommendations for the teaching of computer science at the university. St. Petersburg State University, 200216. Asanov M.O., Baranskii V.A., Discrete Mathematics: Moscow, 200817. Churikova L.A., Romanenko A.V. Guidance on the implementation of the laboratory and practical work on «Number Systems». WKSU, Uralsk, 200118. N.I. Sawicki, Economic Informatics. New York: The Economist, 200519. A.N.Stepanov, Informatics. Peter.: 2007 Additional literature 1. S. Simonovich Special Informatics. - Moscow, 2001 2. V.M. Glushkov Fundamentals of paperless computer. - Moscow, 2003 3. Retrov A. Computer Science and Programming / Ed. A.V.Retrov. Moscow, 1990 4. Alexey Kuznetsov basics of computer science. - Moscow, 1998 5. Kushnirenko A.G. Computer and others. Moscow, 1998 6. Shautsukova L.Z. Informatics. Moscow, 2000 7. Bukhvalov A. Bukhvalov V. Idelson A. Financial calculations for professionals. SPb., 2001 8. Zeldner G. Quickbasic 4.5. - ABF: Moscow, 1994 9. Microsoft Excel 97. Step by step:Lane. from English. - Moscow, 1998 10. Edited by N. Makarova. Informatics. Workshop on the technology you work on your computer. - Moscow, 2003 11. Ovcharenko, E., Ilyin O.P., Balyberdin E.V., Financial and economic calculations in Excel. M., 1998. 12. Blatter P., Using MS Excel. - St., 2005 13. Figurnov V.E., IBM-PC user, Moscow, 2002 14. Zelnick D.S. How to create a website of any complexity. Moscow, 2008 15. E. Tanenbaum Computer Architecture. SPb., 2002 16. E. Tanenbaum Modern Operating Systems. SPb., 2002 17. Syretsky G.A. Informatics. Fundamental course. SPb., 2005 18. Knutt D. Art programming. 3rd edition. Moscow, 2002 19. Kolesnikov. Excel 97. Kiev, BHV, 1997 20. Lavrenov S.M. Excel. Collection of examples and problems. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2001 21. V. Utkin. IP and technology in the economy. Textbook. Moscow, 2003 22. Zemlyansky A.. Workshop on Informatics. Textbook. Moscow, 2004 23. Recommendations for the teaching of software engineering and computer science in universities. /Internet University IT. Moscow, 2007 24. William Stallings Operating Systems. The structure and the principles of proektion. M. Williams, 2002 25. Olifer V.G. Olifer N.A. Computer networks. Principles, technologies, protocols. SPb.: Peter, 2002 26. Vorontsov P.G. Computer graphics. SPb., 2000 27. Workshop on economic science. Textbook /Ed. Shura-mova E.L., Timakova N.A., Mammoth E.A. - M.: Perspective, 2000 28. Kosarev V.P. etc. Economic Informatics: Textbook / ed. Kosarev. VP - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2004 29. Atovmyan I.O. Computer Systems. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, 2002 30. Gurov V., Lensky, OD, G. Soloviev, Chukanov VO Architecture, structure and organization of the computational process in computers such as IBM PC Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, 2002 31. Taha H. Introduction to Operations Research. - M. Williams, 2001 32. Yourdon, E., Argila Carl. Structural models in object-oriented analysis and design. - Moscow: LORI, 1999 33. Andrei A. Specification of object-oriented languages programming. - Moscow, 2004 34. Smith C. Methods of object-oriented analysis and design. - St., 2005 35. Fedoseyev L. Fundamental programming in the object-oriented environment. M, 2005 36. Dyakonov V. Computer mathematics. Theory and practice. M.: Hot Line - Telecom, 2001 A. Shcherbakov, Introduction to the theory and practice of computer security - M, 2001