The purpose of the «Informatics» course is acquaintance of students with the theoretical and practical data reflecting the main tendencies of development of informatics, providing and acquisition of knowledge and abilities students in use of modern software, principles of operation of the personal computer, with technology of use of computer graphics, the main concepts of network technologies. Objectives of teaching the discipline are: · Acquaintance with the main categories of the software available to the user of the personal computer, satisfying to a wide range of practical requirements; · Instilling the skills in use of tabular processors, various categories of applied programs. · Training the students algorithmization of economics and administrative tasks, programming bases in information systems, bases of artificial intelligence in economy and management; · Studying a condition and prospects of development of the electronic computer, information systems and computer networks and their software; · Ordering of theoretical knowledge for active practical application; · Instilling in students of skills on use of possibilities of modern applied programming for the solution of problems of economy; · Instilling in students of skills of practical use of text, tabular processors for data processing, skills of practical use of the computer in the field of programming of problems of computing character, economic tasks. As a result of discipline studying students should know: · Main concepts in area of development of algorithms and programs for the solution of applied economic tasks · Condition of the modern software of computer facilities · Prospects of development of new information technologies · Current state of the applied software and tendency of its development · Current trends of development of electronic equipment · Possibilities of the tabular MS Excel processor 6. DISCIPLINE CONTENT (list of subjects and summary of lecture, laboratory researches, IWS)