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Приложение. Все реплики главного героя в анализируемых отрывках.

Все реплики главного героя в анализируемых отрывках.


No. No. No No No No No. No, don't do this. Don't do this, why are you doing this? Why are you doing this?



-Tuco, come on, hey. He is...There is clearly some dimension, he is not... listen..

-Nothing, nothing...

- I don't know, i sware, i don't know..i..no, i i.. maybe it was..i i i did change the channel on his TV, but that...

- We were trying to poison you. We tried to poison you... because you are an insane degenerate piece of filth... and you deserve to die


-How could you have known that they were there before you took off the tape... How could you have known that they were there before you took off the tape, say it. Say it!

-That's a private dumb asylum and I won't be arrest. Yeah, i got some...It's me. I need your help.




-Please, don't do this, Mike. You don't have to do this.

I'll cook. i'll cook for free and there won't be any more troubles, i promise you. If i could just talk to Gus, i know i could make him understand, please. if i could talk to Gus, i could convince him,okay? Just let me please, please. Please, let me talk to him.

I'll give you Jesse Pinkman. Okay? Like you said, he's the problem, he's always been a problem. Without him we would.. and.. he, he is in town, alright? He is not in Virginia or where the hell you are looking for him, he's right here in Albuqerque and i can take you to him. I'll take you right to him. What do you say?

I don't know, he moves, he moves around, but if if you let me call him... No no, please.. No, i just.. My phone.. Just my phone, i'll call him and i'll have him meet me, alright? Okay. Okay.

No, i didn't do it. I can't. Now. It's gonna have to be you. Listen to me, you are closer than we are. You'll have about a twenty minute leave, they've got me in the laundry and they're going to kill me.

Jesse do it now, do it! Jesse, do it!

You might wanna hold off... because your boss is gonna need me. Sixty three, fifty three, Juan-Tabo, appartment six... Yeah.


-Oh, is that.. Is that what you want? This this short-order cook? You gotta flipping hamburgers here, pal. What happens when you get a bad barrel of precursor or how would you even know it? And what happens in sommer, when when the humidity rises and your product goes clouded? How would you guard against that? Ha? Gus, you do this. All you'll have left is eight million dollars hole in the ground. This lab, this equipment is useless without us- without Jesse and myself you'll have no new product, you'll have no income. Your people up there will not be paid. Your distribution chain collapses. Without us you have nothing. You kill me - you have nothing. You kill Jesse - you don't have me


- Say you understand! You understand? Tell me you understand, Saul! Every dollar! If you don't hear from me in twenty four hours.. no no! Saul! Saul! Shut up! Shut up and listen to me! I want you to give her every last dollar, you hear me? I don't care if you stub it in trashbags, just make sure she gets everything. I.. Just make it happen!

Ah, hey, it's me. I'm.. I i... I just wanted to say that i was thinking about you and the kids. I love you.




- No, Jack! Jack! Jack! No no no!Jack! No! No!

Jack! No! Don't kill him! Don't kill him! Don't kill him! No. he's... he's family! He's my family! He's my brother-in-law!

I called you off! Remember, i told you not to come!

He wasn't supposed to be here. It doesn't... it doesn't matter, it doesn't concern you

This is between him and me.

No, no, no, Jack! Jack! No, the DEA doesn't know about this. Not yet.

Hank. Nothing can change what just happened, but you can walk out of here alive if you just promise us that you'll.. you'll let this go


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 386. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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