Студопедия — VOCABULARY EXERCISES. Exercise I. a). Find the English equivalents in the text: основные измерения судна; настраивать аварийный радиопередатчик
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VOCABULARY EXERCISES. Exercise I. a). Find the English equivalents in the text: основные измерения судна; настраивать аварийный радиопередатчик

Exercise I. a). Find the English equivalents in the text: основные измерения судна; настраивать аварийный радиопередатчик, делать записи в судовом журнале; готовиться к отправлению судна; осадка; скорость судна; смазывать насосы; аппаратура спутниковой связи; паром; прерывать чью-либо работу; грузить/разгружать судно; нести вахту; осматривать насос; перевозить груз; настраивать оборудования; обязанности второго механика / второго помощника капитана; мотористы, главный двигатель, вахтенный; кают-компания, каюта стармеха/старпома; зайти на камбуз; включить/отключить приёмник; смазанный механизм; осмотренный насос; потраченное время; прибытие.


b). Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: to be on regular service; to approach a ship; to roll on; to roll off; to invite smb in; to prepare for the departure; an officer on watch; to make entries into the logbook; navigational equipment; to tune an emergency transmitter; satellite communication; to lubricate equipment; to overhaul the main engine; main particulars; draft, to spend time (money); broken device; to enter the mess-room; tuned receiver; turned off teleprinter; washed deck.


Exercise II. Read the text. The Master describes the m/v Transitor in detail.Pay attention to there is / there are. Replace Russian words with English terms.


On the m/v Transitor there are five палуб. The машинное отделение is below the first deck. There are three rooms on the first deck: the камбуз, the laundry and the storeroom. Above the прачечная there is a hospital. It is on the second deck next to the ratings' кают-компания. To the right of the ratings' mess-room is an office. There are no кают on this deck but there are cabins on the third deck. There is one cabin for the лоцмана and one for the Chief Officer. Between them is the officers' mess-room. There is a cabin for the капитана on the fourth deck between the радио рубкой and the Chief Engineer's cabin. The radio room is to the left of the Master's cabin. The капитанский мостик is on the fifth deck.


Exercise III. Match the crew member with the work he was performing during visiting a ship. Model: When the cadets came the ship's cook was preparing dinner.

Crew The work they were performing
1. the Master 2. the Chief Mate 3. the Second Mate 4. the Third Mate 5. the Chief Engineer 6. the Second Engineer 7. the Third Engineer 8. the motormen 9. the pumpman 10. the electricians 11. the Radio-Officer 12. the Radio Operator 13. the sailors 14. the Boatswain a. to prepare for the departure b. to overhaul the main engine c. to regulate the navigational equipment d. to paint the hull e. to check the life saving equipment f. to wash and scrub the deck g. to talk to a pilot h. to unload the cargo i. to plot the course j. to repair me air-conditioning system k. to lubricate the pumps l. to give commands m. to make entries into the log-book n. to tune the radio device

Exercise III. Read and translate the dialogue.

At the Agent's office:

Agent:Glad to meet you, Mr. Petrov. Can I see your Seaman's Book?
Mr. Petrov: Ah, here you are!

Agent:Mr. Petrov, we have to furnish a competent man in a second engineer's position. What grade certificate of competency do you hold?

Mr. Petrov: I am aholder of a Class 1 engineer certificate issued one year ago by Odessa Harbour Master.

Agent:Have you ever thought of working in Italy? Besides I heard you did a first class job for a Greek shipowner.

Mr. Petrov: I just did my best to perform the duties competent.

Agent:What was the name of the ship on which you were last employed?

Mr. Petrov: The "Gloria".

Agent:In what capacity were you employed on your last ship?

Mr. Petrov: I served on her board as 1st assistant engineer, which equivalent to the position of the 2nd engineer.

Agent:What was the ship's power and power plant type?

Mr. Petrov: She was propelled by a Sultzer. The engine power output was over 12000-horse power.

Agent:What was her trading area?

Mr. Petrov: Oriental port, South East Asia, Japan and back to the Mediterranean area Via Singapore and Suez Canal.

Agent:What was the reason of your discharging?

Mr. Petrov: I’ve just terminated my employment as specified in the Agreement. You can see the dates and places of my joining and leaving the "Gloria" in those columns.
Agent:Good. Now I think you can familiarize yourself with this contract of employment to see if it is something you can and want to do before you agree to it.
Mr. Petrov: Well, it isn't exactly the kind of work I would prefer, I mean the type of power plant and my position on board, but I don't have too much choice at the moment and the contract terms, especially those in the wages section, sound real good.


grade – класс, категория competency - квалификация
holder – владелец Harbour Master - капитан порта
to think (thought, thought) – думать to agree - соглашаться
power – мощность power output – выходная мощность

power plant – силовая установка, двигатель to propel – приводить в движение
discharging – списывание issued – выданный
to do one’s best – делать всё зависящее
as specified in the Agreement – как указано в соглашении terms – условия
to formalize yourself – ознакомиться to terminate – заканчивать

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