Answer: C. 171.For the circuit in fig.20 current of the Norton source is equal to _______ A Fig.20
171. For the circuit in fig.20 current of the Norton source is equal to _______ A Fig.20
D) 0.333 E) 0.666 Solution: Transform Answer: E
172. For the circuit in fig.20 Norton equivalent resistance is equal to _______ kΩ. A)4 B).5 C).7 D).9 E). 12 Solution: Answer: D
173. Define V0 for the circuit in fig.21. Fig.21
B) VS *R2/(R1+R4 C). VS *R3/(R1+R4) D) VS *[(R2R3-R4R1)/(R1+R3)(R2+R4)] E) VS *R4/(R2+R4) Answer: D V0=VA-VB= (R3*Vs/R1+R3)-(R4*Vs/R2+R4)
174. The unit of power is A)V B). J C) A D) W E) C Answer: D
175. What is correct equation for node A, if we apply node voltage analysis? (G=1/R) (fig.22)
Fig.22 A)– 0.5GvA+3GvB-0.5GvC=0 B). – 2GvA- 0.5GvB+3.5GvC=0 C)3GvA-GvB-2GvC=iS D). - 2.5GvA-0.5GvB-2GvC=iS E). 0.5GvA+3GvB-0.5GvC=0 Solution:
Answer: C
176. Picture A in fig.23 represents input signal of the filter circuit. Define the type of the filter applied if the result of filtration process is shown in picture D as output voltage?
Fig.23 A).low-pass filter B).high-pass filter C). band-pass filter D). stop-band filter E). band-reject filter Answer: B
177. What picture in fig.24 represents band-reject filter circuit?
Fig.24 A).A. B)B. C).C D).D E) E Answer: D 178. Define average power consumed by the circuit if applied voltage is v(t)=50+25sin500t, V and the resultant current is i(t)=5+2.23sin(500t-26.6°). Cos26.6°=0.8942 A).250W B)300W C)275 W D)200W E)225W Solution: Pav=I0v0+ ½I1v1 cos(y1-j1)+... => Pav=250+0.5*25*2.23*0.8942=250+24.9=275 W Answer: C
179. For RC series circuit equivalent impedance is equal to10∟- 30° Ω Define the value of R. A).5 Ω B).6.5 Ω C)7 Ω D)8.66 Ω; E)9.5 Ω Solution: Z=R – jXc=10∟- 30° Z=8.66-5j => R = 8.66W