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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Answer: C


129. Choose the expression, which corresponds to position of the vector (fig.17).



Fig.17 fig.18

A) A - jB

B) –A + jB

C) A+ jB

D) –A - jB

E) –A ± jB

Answer: B


130. Choose the correct sequence of elements (they are connected in series), which corresponds to the vector diagram in fig.18.

A).L, R, L, R

B)C, R, L, R

C). R, L, R, C

D). C, R, L, C

E) R,L,C,L

Answer: B

131. The circuit, which corresponds to vector diagram in fig.18 has ________ character, because current ________ resultant voltage.

A)Resistive-inductive, lags

B) Resistive-capacitive, lags

C) Resistive-capacitive, leads

D) Resistive-inductive, lead

E) Resistive-capacitive, in phase

Answer: A


132. An exponential waveform has v(0)=5V and v(2)=1.25V. What are values of v(t) at t=1s and t=4s?

A) 4V, 0.13V

B) 3V, 0.325V

C).2.5V, 0.3125V

D) 1V, 0.285V

E) 1,5V, 0.785V


V(0)=5V; V(2)=1.25V; V(1)=?;V(4)=?

v(t)=[vAe-t/Tc] U(t)

v(0)= vA=5V;

v(2)=5e-2/ Tc =1.25V;

e-2/ Tc =0.25;


v(1)=5e-0.693=2.5V; v(4)=5e-2.773=0.3125V;

Answer: C


133. When inductor impedance for the third harmonic equals to j300 Ω its impedance for the sixth harmonic equals to ___ Ω.

A) -j600

B) j1000

C) j1200

D) j600

E) j200




jwL = Z3L/3;

Z6L=6 Z3L/3=j600

Answer: D


134. One ray of star consists of 2-F capacitor, the second ray of the star is series combination of 2-Ω resistor and 1-F capacitor, and the third ray of the star is the series combination of 1-Ω resistor and 1-H inductance. Define the star’s rays impedances in S-domain.

A) 1+s, 2+1/s, 1/2s

B) 1+2s, 1/s, 2/s

C) 1+s, 2/s,2

D) 1+s, 2/s, 2+1/s

E) 1+2s, 2/s, 1+s


First ray: Z1 = 1/2s;

Second ray: Z2 = 2+1/s;

Third ray: Z3= 1+s;

Answer: A



135. When for RLC series circuit XL=XC the circuit works like

A) short circuit

B) open circuit

C) it doesn’t work

D) its impedance is equal to 0

E) its impedance is equal to resistance

Answer: E


136. If a waveform has even symmetry the Fourier series consist of _______components

A) sine

B) cosine

C) sine and cosine odd

D) sine and cosine even

E) Dc component and cosine components

Answer: E


137. An exponential waveform has v(0)=1.2V and v(3)=0.5V. What are amplitude and time constant for the waveform?

A) 1.2V, 5.13s

B) 3V, 5.13s

C) 1.2V, 3.43s

D) 1.2V, 4.28s

E) 2,5V, 4.28s


v(t)=[vAe-t/Tc] U(t)

v(0)= vA=1.2V

v(3)= 1.2e-3/ Tc =0.5V;

e-3/ Tc =0.42;

-3/ TC= - 0.875


Answer: C


138. What statement is correct?

A). Like charges repel, while unlike charges attract one another.

B) Load is two-port network device

C) Points of an electrical circuit can’t have potentials lower than potential of the ground.

D) Diode id a linear element.

E) The algebraic sum of currents at a node is 0

Answer: A


139. When the waveform has some symmetry if dc component is removed the symmetry is called__.

A)odd B)even C)odd or even D)hidden E) half-wave

Answer: D


140. When capacitor impedance for the second harmonic equals to –j200 Ω its impedance for the fifth harmonic equals to ___ Ω.

A) -j80

B) j1000

C) -j200

D) -j600

E) j200


Z2C= -j/2wC;

Z5C= -j/5wC

-j/wC= 2Z2C;

Z5C= 2Z2C/5= -j80;

Answer: A

141. One side of delta consists of 1-F capacitor, the second side of delta is 2- Ω resistor, and the third side of delta is the series combination of 1- Ω resistor and 2-H inductance. Define the delta’s sides impedances in S-domain.

A) 1, 1-2s, 1/s

B) 1+2s, 1/s, 2

C) 1+s, 1/s,2

D) 1+s, 2/s, 2

E) 1+2s, 2/s, 1


First side: Z1 =1/s:

Second side: Z2 =2

Third side: Z3 =1+2s

Answer: B


142. Voltage of the voltage source is equal to 30 V. Resistance, connected in series with the source, is equal to 1 kΩ. In process of source transformation we defined that current of the equivalent current source is equal to ____ mA

A)20 B) 30 C) 40 D). 50 E) 60




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