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u-stems included nouns of masculine and feminine genders. Case endings of both genders coincided. The ending of the nominative and accusative singular depended on the shortness or length of the root syllable. In the nominative and accusative singular nouns with a short root syllable had the ending – u, those with a long root syllable had no ending at all.


sunu (son), hand (hand)

  Masculine gender Feminine gender
Case Sg number Pl number Sg number Pl number
Nom. sunu suna hand handa
Gen. suna suna handa handa
Dat. suna sunum handa handum
Acc. sunu suna hand handa

u-stems correspond to Latin nouns of the 4-th declension, such as fructus (fruit)


2.6.3. Consonant Stems: Weak Declension, Minor Declensions

N-stems (weak declension)

n-stems (weak declension) comprised many masculine and feminine nouns and only a few nouns of neuter gender: OE ēaʒe (eye) and OE ēare (ear). They had only two forms in the singular: one form for the nominative case and the other – for genitive, dative and accusative (homonymy of case endings). Masculine n-stems in the nominative singular ended in –a, feminine and neuter ones - in –e.

oxa (ox), ēare (ear), heorte (heart)

  Masculine gender Neuter gender Feminine gender
Case Sg number Pl number Sg number Pl number Sg number Pl number
Nom. oxa oxan ēare ēaran heorte heortan
Gen. oxan oxena ēaran ēarena heortan heortena
Dat. oxan oxum ēaran ēarum heortan heortum
Acc. oxan oxan ēaran ēaran heortan heortan


The element -n was originally a stem-building suffix, which has acquired a new grammatical function. Cf.

OE ox- en -a, Russian: им- ен -а, име н; сем- ен -а, сем-я н.

The ModE plural ending -en in oxen comes back to the OE -an in oxan plural. The ending –an (ModE -en) was later extended to some nouns of other declensions, e.g. children, brethren.


r-stems include five masculine and feminine nouns denoting relationship: fæder (father), brōþor (brother), mōdor (mother), dohtor (daughter), sweostor (sister). The dative case singular of the nouns brōþor, mōdor, dohtor has mutation.

fæder (father), brōþor (brother)

Masculine gender
Case Sg number Pl number Sg number Pl number
Nom. fæder fæderas brōþor brōþor
Gen. fæder, -es fædera brōþor brōþra
Dat. fæder fæderum brēþer brōþrum
Acc. fæder fæderas brōþor brōþor


mōdor (mother), dohtor (daughter,) sweostor (sister)

Feminine gender
Case Sg number Pl number Sg number Pl number Sg number Pl number
Nom. mōdor mōdru, -a dohtor dohtor,-tra,-tru sweostor sweostor
Gen. mōdor mōdra dohtor dohtra sweostor sweostra
Dat. mēder mōdrum dehter dohtrum sweostor sweostrum
Acc. mōdor mōdru dohtor dohtor,-tra,-tru sweostor sweostor


r-stems correspond to the Russian nouns мать, дочь and to the Latin nouns of the 3-rd declension: pater, māter; r-stems are probably the only stems that have survived in ModE.



Es-stems comprised nouns of the neuter gender, though this [s] had long changed into [r] due to rhotacism. In the singular they were declined like neuter a-stems, but in the plural they had a specific inflection, not found outside that group.


lamb (lamb), cealf ( calf), cild (child)

Neuter gender
Case Sg number Pl number Sg number Pl number Sg number Pl number
Nom. lamb lambru cealf cealfru cild cild,cildru
Gen. lambes lambra cealfes ceafra cildes cild(r)a
Dat. lambe lambrum cealfe cealfrum cilde cildrum
Acc. lamb lambru cealf cealfru cild cild,cildru


Note. «Cild» had also an uninflected Nom. Acc. Pl. «cild». In ME «cildru» changed into «childre» and acquired an additional plural ending by analogy with the n-stem, hence children.


Later the endings of the a-stems spread to all the forms of the es-stems nouns. Es-stems correspond to the Russian es-stems nouns: небо – неб ec а, чудо - чуд ес а, слово – слов ес а and to Latin nouns of the 3-rd declension: genu s sg – gene r a pl (gender), opu s sg – ope r a pl (work).


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