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Read and memorize the following words:


the siege of Troy – осада Трои

a set of commands – набор команд

to give hackers access to system files – дать хакерам доступ к системе файлов

to log keystrokes of the computer user – блокировать нажатие клавиш пользователя

to disable a keyboard – выводить из строя клавиатуру.


The wooden horse that the Greeks reputedly used during the siege of Troy has been applied to malicious code that allows its creator to execute an unautho­rized command or set of commands on a computer infected by the code. It is also interesting to note that a woman, Cassandra, urged the soldiers of Troy not to take the wooden horse into the city. The soldiers obviously did not listen. Ironically perhaps, a contemporary computer security project was named for Cassandra. Hopefully this time, the soldiers will heed the warning.

Trojan horses are both problematic and a basic type of malicious code designed primarily to give hackers access to system files. This gives hackers the ability to change file settings, steal files or passwords, damage files, or monitor user activities on other computers on a network. Examples of what Trojans allow remote users controlling the Trojan to do include the following:

Remove files from the infected computer.

Download files to the infected computer.

Make registry changes to the infected computer.

Delete files on the infected computer.

Steal passwords and other confidential information.

Log keystrokes of the computer user.

Rename files on the infected computer.

Disable a keyboard, mouse, or other peripherals.

Shut down or reboot the infected computer.

Run selected applications or terminate open applications.

Disable virus protection or other computer security software.


A worm is a malicious program that originates on a single computer and searches for other computers connected through a local area network (LAN) or Internet connection. When a worm finds another computer, it replicates itself onto that computer and continues to look for other connected computers on which to replicate. A worm continues to attempt to replicate itself indefinitely or until a self-timing mechanism halts the process.


Whathas been applied to malicious code that allows its creator to execute an unautho­rized command or set of commands on a computer infected by the code?

Give examples of what Trojans can do with computers.

What is a worm? Can it replicate itself?




Read and memorize the following words:


unknown sender –неизвестный отправитель

be infected with worms –быть зараженными «червями»

floppy disk-гибкий диск;

desktop computer –настольный компьютер

to handle events –трактовать события

to design – конструировать, проектировать

to damage a system – повреждать систему

to commit crimes – совершать преступления

to help avert an attack – помочь предотвратить атаку


In addition to falling victim to social engineering tricks of attackers, computer users can do a wide variety of things to unknowingly or unwittingly enable a malicious code attack. Common mistakes include opening e-mail attachments from unknown senders, visiting Web sites that are infected with worms, and loading documents from floppy disks that result in malicious code being trans­ferred to desktop computers.

Most people do not understand their computers well enough to tell when an anomaly is occurring. When things start going wrong with their computers, most users do not know how to react. In most cases, computer problems are just technical in nature. However, when a worm or virus has damaged a system, errors or events that appear to be unknown technical problems can occur.

Employees can take several steps to help avert an attack. However, employ­ees cannot be held responsible for these types of mistakes unless adequate train­ing and documented policies and procedures have been provided for handling events that enable an attack.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 362. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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