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Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 687

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I get up at 8 o'clock in the morning. I turn on my favourite music and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom, take a warm shower, wash myself and dress.

Usually my mother makes breakfast for me.

At 7 o’clock I leave home and go to the College. It is rather far from my house and I go there by bus or and go to the nearest underground station.

It takes me an hour and a half to get to the college. As a rule, I come to the College at a quarter to 9. My lessons begin at 9 sharp.

We have from 2 to 4 classes every day. We study different subjects, for example, literature, mathematics, history, chemistry. My favourite subjects are physical training and geography. I spend a lot of time on it, and I usually get good or excellent marks. I enjoy English too. At the lessons we read and translate texts, speak English, answer the teacher’s questions and sometimes write tests. At 12 o’clock we have a long break. I go to the students’ canteen to have dinner. Classes are over at four. I take my coat and boots from the cloak-room and go home.

Sometimes my mother is already at home and cooks dinner for me. We have dinner together, talk and watch TV. After dinner I rest a little or help my mother about the house: I wash up the dishes, go shopping or tidy the flat.

At 7 o’clock I sit down to do my homework. It usually takes me 2 hours. Sometimes I go out in the evening. It depends on the weather and time. When the weather is bad, I stay at home. I always have a shower in the evening. I go to bed at about 10 o’clock. Оn Monday and on Wednesday I go in for swimming. I have a good coach. I like swimming very much.

And still I always look forward to my next day at college because I like to study.


to turn on – включить

todo morning exercises - делать утреннюю зарядку

to dress- одеваться

to leave home – выйти из дома

It is rather far from… – достаточно далеко от…

underground station – станция метро

It takes me an hour and a half – это занимает полтора часа

subject – предмет (дисциплина)

physical training - физкультура

break – перемена

canteen - столовая

cloak-room - раздевалка


Ex. 1. Match the time.

1. It’s three o’clock. a. 12.35
2. It’s a quarter past eight. b. 8.05
3. It’s ten thirty. c. 11.25
4. It’s five to five. d. 1.58
5. It’s nine twenty five. e. 8.15
6. It’s twenty-five to eleven. f. 4.55
7. It’s two to two. g. 10.35
8. It’s eleven twenty-five. h. 9. 25
9. It’s five past eight. i. 10.30
10. It’s twelve thirty-five. j. 3.00



Ex. 2. What time is it? Write in numbers.

It’s seven thirty - ………………….. 6. It’s ten past eleven-…………………….

2. It’s five to ten - …………………….. 7. It’s a quarter to three- ………………

It’s one to one - ……………………. 8. It’s four thirty-five - ………………….

It’s a quarter past three - ………. 9. It’s twelve o’clock - …………………….

5. It’s eight forty-five - ……………… 10. It’s two fifty-five. - …………………

Ex. 3. Look at the clocks and write the time.

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