Baptistery at Florence
Gothic architecture was born out of the experiences gained during the final phases of Romanesque architecture. The new architects took over many features of Late Romanesque architecture, subjecting them, however, to a new ideal of structural lightness, less massive, and demanding more sophisticated forms. Gothic architecture endeavoured to organise the space of the basilica into a unity, in which the significance of the walls was minimised, and the building was raised to soaring heights, stressing the vertical principle throughout in the compositional rhythm of all parts of the structure. The final and predominant aim was the attainment of imaginary space, elevating man’s mind into the supernatural space.
The Rheims Cathedral, erected between 1211 and 1430, illustrates one of the man’s most noble ventures and serves as an excellent example of the structures medieval man raised lo praise his God. Europe inherited a great number of cathedrals built in Gothic style: Chartes Cathedral, Notre Dame de Paris, Amiens Cathedral (France), Milan Cathedral (Italy), and Westminster Abbey (England).