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II. Замените активный залог на пассивный, как в примере


0. The engineers develop a new method. - New methods are developed by the engineers.

1. Students write most of these articles.

2. They import oranges in our country.

3. He painted the house last month.

4. A burglar stole my wallet.

5. This team will win the prize.

6. They are rebuilding the damaged stadium.

7. He has bought a new car.

8. They are playing the match on Friday evening.

III. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. The storm ____ the house.
    a) destroy b) destroyed c) is destroyed  
2. The house ___ by the storm.
    a) destroy b) destroys c) is destroyed  
3. The professor ____ the department.
    a) head b) headed c) was headed  
4. The delegation ___ by the professor.
    a) head b) headed c) was headed  
5. You can _____ a lot of interesting books in the library.
    a) find b) found c) is founded  
6. A lot of useful articles can ___ in these magazines.
    a) find b) be find c) be found  


7. Young people like _____ to music.
    a) listened b) to listen c) is listened  
8. The professor ____ to with a great interest.
    a) listens b) listen c) is listened  
9. This topic has already _____.
    a) been studied b) is studied c) studied  
10. We haven’t ______ this topic yet.
    a) study b) studied c) been studied  

IV. Раскройте скобки, используя соответствующий залог (Active or Passive) и время, как в примерах.


0. The engineers (use) new machining methods. - The engineers use new machining methods.

00. Many Russian engineers (employ) in foreign companies nowadays. - Many Russian engineers are employed in foreign companies nowadays.

1. Every year my parents (send) me a present for my birthday.

2. She (know) as a talented writer nowadays.

3. My friend (give) me a good book to read.

4. The letters (send) in the morning.

5. My friend (know) many interesting things.

6. Who (tell) you the news?

7. The report (give) to my boss to look through.

8. The story (tell) in a very interesting way.

V. Дайте вероятные ответы на предложенные вопросы.

1. Where is milk used?

2. How much money are you paid every month?

3. How often are you given a bonus (премия)?

4. What presents were you given for your last birthday?

5. Who was invited to your birthday party?

6. When is Christmas celebrated in your country?

7. Are you often sent on business to any other countries?

8. What homework have you been given for today’s English class?

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.


Edison is known as one of the greatest inventors of his time. He invented so much that it is difficult to say which of his achievements is the greatest. He was an experimenter and a practical man more than a theoretician.

Edison did not have any education. He went to school for only three months. Then he left because the teacher considered him a dull boy. His mother became his teacher. The boy loved books and his mother said that he had a wonderful memory. When he first visited a public library and saw a lot of shelves with books he decided that he would read all of them and then he would know everything in the world. He measured the shelf and decided to read books every week.

In 1868 Edison built his first patented invention – an electromagnetic device. It is said that he planned to ask three thousand dollars for his invention, though he secretly decided he would sell it for two thousand if necessary He was invited to a meeting of businessmen who were interested in buying his invention. When he was asked to name a price he was very nervous and quite unable to speak.

" It is no use asking us a big price, " said one of the businessmen, “we’ve already decided how much we will pay. Forty thousand dollars is our limit."

With this money Edison established a workshop and began his career as a professional inventor at the age of twenty-two.

All his inventions were the result of hard work. Thousands of experiments were conducted by him. The idea that a genius works only by inspiration was questioned by this inventor. " Genius is 2 percent inspiration and 98 percent perspiration, " he often said.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 1006. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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