Pressing economic and social problems have plagued the world's developing nations in the decades following World War II. The demand for natural resources, the creation of jobs, and the need for more open land to settle growing populations have led many nations to introduce deforestation programs. Although a useful short-term solution to economic problems, deforestation has disastrous consequences. Deforestation can decrease soil quality and create erosion problems, reducing rich forests to wastelands. The destruction of the tropical rain forests in Brazil threatens to alter the world's climate and contribute to the greenhouse effect. Deforestation recently led to a major disaster in Thailand. The Thai government's 30-year policy of encouraging logging resulted in the loss of fully half the nation's forests. A violent rainstorm that hit one of the deforested regions in November 1988 created flash floods on the bare, muddy hillsides. These floods killed 400 people and left thousands more injured and homeless. If the forests had remained to absorb the downpour, floods would not have threatened the valley's residents. By ignoring the consequences of their actions, Thai officials and loggers not only destroyed a vital resource but also created a disaster. Experts say the destructive floods have set the region's economy back 20 years. Соотнесите русские и английские словосочетания.
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Вставьте пропущенное слово согласно информации, данной в тексте. 1. After World War II there was _________ for natural resources and creation of jobs. 2. The need for land to settle made the nations to ___________ deforestation programs. 3. Deforestation has _______________ consequences. 4. A violent __________ in 1988 created flash floods. 5. The destructive floods ________ the region's economy back 20 years.
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Найдите в тексте необходимую информацию и дайте ответы на следующие вопросы. 1. What consequences can deforestation have? 2. What did the Thai government's 30-year policy lead to? 3. Why did many Thai people suffer in 1988? 4. What other environmental problems do you know? 5. Is the problem mentioned typical in our country and in your region?