Прочитайте текст еще раз и найдите эквиваленты а) слов и словосочетаний; б) предложений
а) второкурсник; сегодня, теперь; тщательная подготовка; общие и специальные предметы; и бизнес, и правительство.
б) 1. Я уверен, что профессия экономиста – одна из самых важных, учитывая экономическую ситуацию в нашей стране. 2. Профессия экономиста имеет широкое применение. 3. Если у Вас есть желание и способности стать ученым, вы можете продолжить обучение в аспирантуре.
5. Восстановите по памяти (на русском языке), в каком контексте упоминаются следующие английские слова и словосочетания:
the world outside his own country always look for research centres accountant and book-keeper the Stock Exchange
Прослушайте дикторскую запись указанных ниже предложений. Постарайтесь понять, какие слова и словосочетания в них отсутствуют. Повторите полные предложения.
1. I am ___________ of Bratsk State ___________ University. 2. In the near future ____________ and become ____________. 3. At the University we are taught various ___________ and _________ subjects, such as ___________, ____________ … 4. Some of us work as __________. 5. While a book-keeper is mostly involved in ____________, like _______, ___________, __________, an accountant is responsible for _________ of the company. Научитесь читать следующие вопросительные предложения, имитируя интонацию диктора. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Why is the profession of an economist one of the most important nowadays in our country? 2. What makes a good economist? 3. In what way do accountants differ from book-keepers? 4. How can you continue your studies after graduating from the University? 5. What does the profession of an economist contribute to?
Разделите текст на логические части и озаглавьте их.
Прослушайте тексты и ответьте на вопросы.
А) 1. What are the general types of business? 2. What business is better and why?
As we know there are two general types of business: small business on the one hand and big business on the other. Many people think that small business is more interesting than big business. At the same time they think it is more popular than the big one. Experience shows that small business is better for the people who own it and big business is better for the employees who work in it. In small business labour costs are less than in big business. So poor people can make more profit. But in big business richer people can spend money on all types of costs and stimulate worker with higher wages.
Б) 1. What problems do you have to solve setting up a business? 2. What are the types of work?
To set up a new business you have to solve a number of problems. For example, supply, the price for supply, premises and so on. All this depends on the type of your work because you may work as a sole trader, a partnership or a limited company. To work as a sole trader means that you are personally responsible for the business. Partnership means a group of people (between two and twenty) working as one firm. A limited company is a company formed by two or more shareholders who put money into business and get share of the profit.