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The Pasture

R. Frost

I'm going out to clean the pasture spring;

I'll only stop to rake the leaves away

(And wait to watch the water clear, I may);

I shan't be gone long. – You come too.


I'm going out to fetch the little calf

That's standing by the mother. It's so young

It totters when she licks it with her tongue.

I shan't be gone long. – You come too.

Selected bibliography and sources used

Baker, M. (2003): In Other Words. London-New York: Routledge, 2003.

Baker, M. (Ed.) (2001): Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London - New York: Routledge, 2001

Bassnett, S. (1992): Translation Studies. London -New York: Routledge, 1992.

BAzlik, M. et al. (2001): Porovná vacia gramatika anglič tiny a slovenč iny I. Bratislava: FFUK, 2001

Blatná, R. - Č ermá k, F. (Eds.) (1993): Manuá l lexikografte (1993) E. Praha: Nakladatelstvн H and H, 1993

Bell, R.T. (1991): Translation and Translating. London - New York: Longman, 1991

Catford, J.C.: A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: O.U.P., 1967

Chesterman, A.: Memes of Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1997

FerenČ Нk, J. (1982): Kontexty prekladu. Bratislava: Tatran, 1982.

Galperin, I.R. (1977): Stylistics. Moscow: Higher School Publishing House 1977.

Goddard, A. (2002): The Language of Advertising. London - New York: Routledge, 2002.

Gramly, S. -Patzold, K.M. (2002): A Survey of modern English. London: Routledge, 2002.

Gromová, E. (2003): Didaktika a teуriaprekladu. Nitra: UKF, 2003.

Gromová, E. (1996): Interpr)etá cia v procese prekladu. Nitra: VŠ Pd, 1996.

Gromová, E. (1998): Kapitoly z ъvodu do prekladatel'stva. Nitra: UKF, 1998.

Gromová, E. (Ed„ 2004): Preklá dá kultъra. Nitra, UKF, 2004.

Gromová, E. - Hrdlič ka, M. (Eds., 2003): Antologie teorie odbornйho prekladu. (Vý bйr z pracн č eský ch a slovenský ch autorщ. Nitra - Ostrava 2003

Gromová, E. - Muglová, D. (2005): Kultъra - interkultъra - translá cia. Nitra UKF, 2005.

FIeČ ko, B. (1991): Dobrodruž stvoprekladu. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel', 1991.

Hochel, B. (1990): Preklad ako komuniká cia. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel', 1990.

Holmes, J. (ed.) (1970): The Nature of Translation. The Hague - Paris: Mouton, 1970.

Hrehovč Нk, T. (2006): Prekladatelskй minimum. Bratislava: Iris, 2006

Hutchins, W.J. - Somers, H.L. (1992): An introduction to Machine Translation. London: Academic Press, 1992.

Jackson, H. (2002): Lexicography. London - New York: Routledge, 2002.

KenНŽ, A. (1999): Kapitoly z prekladu a tlmoč enia. Bratislava: FFUK, 1999.

Knittlová, D. (2000): K teorii i praxi prekladu. Olomouc: UP, 2000

Kolá r, P. (2006): A Guide to English Lexicon. Opava: Slezská univerzita, 2006.

Kubiš ová, A. - Bá zlik, M. - Votruba, M. (2000): Porovná vacia gramatika anglič tiny a slovenč iny II. Bratislava: FFUK, 2000.

Kvetko, P. (2006): An Outline of English Phraseology. Trnava: UCM, 2006

Kvetko, P. (2005): English Lexicology in Theory and Practice. Trnava: UCM, 2005

Kvetko, P. (2004): Frazeolуgia v slovnнku a preklade. In: Teoretickй vý chodiska a perspektivy wuč ovania CJ na rуznych typoch š kуl. Bratislava: PdFUK. S. 158-168.

Kvetko, P. (1995): O niektorý ch otá zká ch prekladu anglický ch frazйm. In: Vybranй " studie z anglistiky a germanistiky. Bratislava: PdFUK. 39-50.

Kvetko, P. (1996): On some problems of confrontation of English and Slovak

idioms. In: Philologia XIII. Bratislava: UK. 133-148.

Landau, S. I. (1996): Dictionaries: The Art and and Craft of Lexicography

Cambridge: CUP, 1996

Levý, J. (1983): Ъvod do teorie prekladu. Praha: SPN, 1983.

Levý, J. (1963): Umмni prekladu. Praha: Č eskoslovenský spisovatel, 1963. Makarová, V. (2004): Tlmoč enie: Hranič ná oblast'medzi vedou, skъsenosќou a

umмnнm Bratislava: Stimul, 2004.

Malmkjá R, K. (2005): Linguistics and the Language of Translation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005

Mistrik, J. (1985): Stylistika. Bratislava: SAV, 1985.

Miš š Нková, G. (2003): Linguistic Stylistics. Nitra: UKF, 2003

Munday, J. (2001): Introducing Translations Studies. London - New York: Routledge, 2001

Newmark, P. (1998): A Textbook of Translation. New York-London-Toronto-

Sydney-Tokyo-Singapore: Prentice Hall, 1998

Newmark, P. (2001): About Translation. Clevedon - Buffalo - Toronto -

Sydney: Multilingual Matters, 2001

Newmark, P. (1991): Approaches to Translation. Oxford - New York:

Pergamon Press, 1991.

Nida, E.- Tabor, C. (1969): Theory and Practice of translation. London:

United Bible Societies, 1969

Nová ková, T. (1993): Tlmoč enie: teуria - vý uč ba - prax. Bratislava: UK, 1993.

Pavlнk, R. (2006). Elements of Sociolinguistics. Bratislava: Univerzita

Komenskйho, 2006.

PopoviČ, A. et al. (1983): Originá l a preklad. Bratislava: Tatran, 1983

PopoviČ, A. et al. (1968): Preklad a vý raz. Bratislava: Veda, 1968

PopoviČ, A. (1975): Teуria umeleckйho prekladu. Bratislava: Tatran, 1975 Preklad a tlmoč enia 2. Banská Bystrica: Filozofická fakulta UMB, 2000.

Snell-Hornby, M. (1984): Translation Studies. An Integrated Approach.

Amsterdam - Philadephia: John Benjamins, 1984.

Toury, G. (1995): Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam - Philadephia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Venuty, L. (ed.) (2000): The Translation Studies Reader. London - New York: Routledge, 2000.

VILIKOVSKÝ, J. (1984): Preklad ako tvorba. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel'. 1984

Vilikovský, J. (ed., 1986): Preklad vč era a dnes. Bratislava. Slovenský

spisovatel', 1986

Zambor, J. (2000): Preklad ako umenie. Batislava: 2000.

YULE, G. (1998): Pragmalinguistics. Oxford: OUP, 1998.



1. Ammer, C. (1997): The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Boston - New York: Houghton Miflin, 1997.

2. The American Heritage Dictionary (1985). 2nd College ed. P.B. DeVinne. Boston: Houghton Miflin, 1985.

3. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary of English (2005). Cambridge: C.U.P., 2005

4. Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms (1998). Cambridge: C.U.P., 1998.

5. Cambridge Idioms Dictionary (2006). Cambridge: C.U.P., 2006.

6. Collins Cobuild Dictionary for Advanced Learners (2001). Glasgow: HarperCollins Publishers, 2001.

7. Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idioms (2002). London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2002.

8. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English (1995). 9th Ed. by D. Thompson. Oxford: O.U.P., 1995

9. Encarta Webster's Dictionary of the English Language (2004). New York - London: Bloomsbury, 2004.

10. Fronek, J. - Mokrá n, P. (2003): Slovensko-anglický frazeologický slovnнk. Slovak-English Dictionary of idioms. Bratislava: Nová Prá ca, 2003.

11. HabovŠ tiaková, K. - Kroš lá ková, E. (1996): Frazeologický slovnнk. Č lovмk a prнroda vo frazeolуgii. Bratislava: Veda, 1996.

12. HeČ KO, B. (1994): Nehá dž teperly sviniam. Bratislava: Artifex, 1994.

13. Hornby, A.S. (2005): Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. London: O.U.P, 2005.

14. Krá tký slovnнk slovenskйho jazyka (1997). Red. Kač ala, J. - Pisá rč iková, M. Bratislava: Veda, 1997.

15. Kvetko, P. (1991): Anglicko-slovenský frazeologický slovnнk. 2. vyd. Bratislava: SPN, 1991.

16. Kvetko, P. (1996): Slovensko-anglický frazeologický slovnнk. Bratislava: Iris, 1996.

17. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2003). London: Longman.

18. Longman Dictionary of Language and Culture (1998). Ed. D. Summers. Harlow: Longman, 1998.

19. Longman Exams Dictionary. (2006). Harlow: Pearson Education, 2006.

20. Longman Idioms Dictionary (1998). Ed. K. Stern. Harlow: Longman, 1998.

21. Longman Language Activator (1993). Ed. D. Summers. London: Longman.

22. Makkai, A. - Boatner, M. T. - Gates, J. E. (1995): Dictionary of American Idioms 3rd ed. Hauppauge: Barrens, 1995.

23. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. (2002). Ed. M. Rundell. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers, 2002.

24. Merriam Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary (1961). Springfield: Merriam Webster, 1961.

25. The New Oxford Dictionary of English (1998). Ed. P. Hanks. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

26. Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English (2002). Oxford: O.U.P., 2002.

27. Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English (2006). Oxford: O.U.P.

28. Oxford Thesaurus of English. 2nd rev. ed. (2006). Oxford: O.U.P., 2006.

29. Pisá rč iková, M. et al. (1995): Synonymický slovnнk slovenč iny. Bratislava: Veda, 1995.

30. Random House Webster's College Dictionary of the English Language (1991). Ed. R. Castello. New York: Random House.

31. Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1969). Ed. J. Stein. New York: Random House, 1969.

32. Slovnнk slovenskйho jazyka I-VI. (1958-1968) Ed. Bratislava: Veda, 1958- 1968

33. Slovnнk sъč asnйho slovenskйho jazyka A-G. (2006) Ed. K.Buzá ssyová - A.Jaroš ová. Bratislava: Veda, 2006

34. Smiesková, E. (1981): Malý frazeologický slovnнk. Bratislava: SPN, 1981.

35. Spears, R. A. (2000): NTC's American Idioms Dictionary. 3rd ed. Lincolnwood (Chicago): NTC, 2000.


Newspapers and magazines

1. The Daily Telegraph 1998, 2005, 2008

2. The Express 1996, 1997

3. The Daily Mail 1996, 1997

4. Financial Times 1997, 2006

5. The Independent on Sunday 1994

6. The International Herald Tribune 1997, 2000

7. The Mirror 1998

8. National Geographic 2000, 2001

9. Newsweek 1988, 2005

10. The Sun 2008

11. Sunday Telegraph 2006

12. The Sunday Times 2006

13. Time 1969, 2004

14. The Times 1997, 2008

15. US News and World Today 1995

16. Wall Street Journal 1997

17. The Week 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

Fiction, drama and other texts

1. Adler, E.: All or Nothing. New York: Delacorte Press, 1999. Adlerová, E.: Vš etko alebo nič. Preklad A. Racová Bratislava: Remedium, 2001

2. Allison, J. - Emmerson, P.: The Business. Oxford: MacMillan, 2007.

3. Amis, K.: Lucky Jim. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1968. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1961.

Š ќastný Jim. Preklad E.Simeč ková. Bratislava: Smena, 1971.

4. Archer, J.: First among Equals. New York: Harper Paperbacks, 1993. Prvý medzi rovný mi. Preklad J.Galata, Bratislava: Motý l', 1994.

5. Auster, P.: Brooklyn Follies. London: Faber and Faber, 2005.

6. Bateson, D.: The Purple Patch. In: British and American English. Ed. J. Millington Ward. London: Longman, 1965, pp 112-118.

7. Bach, R: Jonathan Livingston Seagull. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Preklad M. Dujnič. Bratislava: Gardenia Publishers, 2001.

8. Bellow, S.: Henderson, the Rain King. New York: A Fawcet Crest Book, 1958.

Henderson, krá ќdaž пa. Preklad M.Breznický. Bratislava: Pravda, 1998.

9. Bellow, S.: Herzog. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967. Herzog. Preklad M.Fridrichovský. Bratislava: Tatran 1967.

10. boyd, W.: A Good Man in Africa. London: Penguin, 1982. Dobrý č lovмk v Afrike. Preklad G.Haná ková. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel', 1987.

11. Bradford, B.T.: A Woman of Substance. New York: Avon Books, 1980.

12. Bronte, E. Wuthering Heights. Berlin: Seven Seas Publishers, 1958. Bronteová, E.: Bъrlivй vý š iny. Preklad M.Ž á ryová. Bratislava: Tatran 1980; Preklad Bukvová -Daxnerová. Bratislava: Tatran 1973

13. Brown, D.: Angels and Demons. London: Corgi, 2000. Anjeli a dйmoni. Preklad O. Havrila. Bratislava: Slovart, 2004.

14. Brown, D.: Digital Fortress. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2004.

15. Bryson, B.: Notes from a Small Island. London: Black Swan, 1998.

16. Bryson, B.: Notes from a Big Country. London: Black Swan, 1999.

17. Churchill, C.: Top Girls. London: Methuen, 1991.

18. Clancy, T.: The Bear and the Dragon. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2000.

19. Collins, J.: Hollywood Wives - New Generation. New York - London - Toronto - Sydney - Singapore: Simon and Schuster, 2001.

20. Connelly, M.: The Poet. New York: Warner Books, 1996

21. Cook, R.: Godplayer. New York: A Signet Book, 1983.

22. Cook, R.: Outbreak. New York: Berkley Books, 1988. Ná kaza. Preklad: V. Redererová. Bratislava: Smмna, 1992.

23. Crichton, M.: A Case of Need. London: Arrow, 1997.

24. Delinsky, B.: Lake News. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1999.

25. Dickens, Ch.: The Pickwick Papers. Herdfordshire: Wordworth 1993. Klub Pickwickovcov. Preklad manž elia Felberovci. Bratislava: Obroda 1949; Pamá ti klubu Pickwickovcov. Preklad J. Mihá l'. Bratislava: SVKL, 1962; Kronika Pickwickovho klubu. Preklad M. Ž á ryová. Bratislava: Tatran, 1982

26. Donleavy, J.P.: The Onion Eaters. London: Penguin, 1972.

27. Doyle, A. C.: Adventures of Sherlock Homes II-Dobrodruž stvá Sherlocka Holmes II. Ed. Bilingua. Preklad A. Bedná r. Bratislava: Petrus, 2000

28. Drabble, M.: A Natural Curiosity. London: Penguin, 1990.

29. Dreiser, T.: Sister Cary. Moscow: Progress, 1963. Sestra Cary. Prelož il I. Krč mйry. Bratislava: Tatran, 1965.

30. English through Poetry. Taped Program Series. Washington: Voice of America.

31. Fielding, H.: Bridget Jones's Diary. London: Picador, 1996, 1998. fleldingová, H.: Dennнk Bridget Jonesovej. Preklad M.Klemková, T. Benková. Bratislava: Ikar, 2001

32. Fulghum, R.: Uh-Oh. Some Observations from Both Sides of the Refrigerator Door. New York: Ivy Books, 1993.

Ojoj Niekol'ko postrehov z oboch dvier chladnič ky. Preklad J. Kot. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel' 1998.

53. Golding, W.: Lord of the Flies. London: Faber, 1971.

Boh much. Preklad: J.Kot. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel', 1968, Petit Press 2004.

54. Great Big Book of Bedtime Stories, London - New York - Sydney - Toronto: The Hamlyn, 1976.

55. Grisham, J.: The Chamber. London: Arrow Book, 1994. Cela smrti. Preklad T.Chovanová. Bratislava: Ikar, 2000.

56. Grisham, J.: Partner. London: Arrow Books, 1997, New York: Dell Publishing, 1998.

Partner. Preklad A.Redlingerová. Bratislava: Ikar, 1998

57. Grisham, J.: The Runaway Jury. London: Arrow Books, 1997. Porota. Preklad: A. Redererová. Bratislava: Ikar, 1997.

58. Grisham, J.: Street Lawyer. London: Century Arrow Books, 1998. Advoká t chudobný ch. Preklad A.Redlingerová. Bratislava: Ikar

59. Grisham, J.: The Summons. New York: Dell Book, 2002. Sudca. Preklad: A.Redlingerová. Bratislava: Ikar, 2002.

60. Grisham, J.: The Testament. London. Century, 1999. Testament. Preklad A.Redlingerová. Bratislava: Ikar, 1994.

61. Hailey, A.: Strong Medicine. New York: A Dell Book, 1986.

Liek. Preklad O.Korнnek. Bratislava, Pravda, 1986.

62. Hardy, T.: Tess of d'Ubervilles. Herefordshire: Wordsworth, 2000. Tess z d'Ubervillu. Preklad: Koš ial - Janá ková, Z. Bratislava: Tatran 1988

63. Hardy, T.: Far from the Madding Crowd. London: Penguin 1994. Daleko od hluč nйho davu. Preklad Z.Ranostajová. Bratislava: Pravda 1972.

71. Heller, J.: Catch 22. London: Corgi Books, 1991, New York: Dell Publishing 1955.

Hlava 22. Preklad D. Janá k Bratislava: Pravda, 1975; Petit Press, 2005.

72. Heller, J.: Good as Gold. New York: Simon and Schuster 1997. Gold nad zlato. Preklad. D. Janá k. Bratislava: Slovart, 1983.

73. Heller, J.: Something Happened. New York: Ballantine Books, 1976; London: J.Cape 1974.

Nieč o sa stalo. Preklad: J. Samcová. Bratislava: Pravda, 1983

74. Hornby, N.: About a Boy. London: Penguin Books, 2000.

75. Howatch, S.: The Wheel of Fortune. New York: Fawcett Crest, 1984.

76. Irving, J.: The Cider House Rules. New York: Bantam Books, 1986

77. Irving, J.: A Prayer for Owen Meany. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 1990, New York: Black Swan 1989.

Modlitba za Owena Meanvho. Preklad K.Karovič ová. Bratislava, 1996

78. Jong, E.: Fear of Flying. London: Granada, 1974

Strach z lietania. Preklad Z.Vilikovská. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel. 1992.

79. Kesey, K.: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.

80. Keyes, M.: Sushi for Beginners. London: Penguin Books, 2001.

81. Klasickй rozprá vky v slovenč ine a v anglič tinм. Preklad H. Trebatická. Bratislava, Belimax, 2006.

82. Korda, M.: The Fortune. New York: Warner Books, 1989.

83. Krantz, J.: I'll Take Manhattan. Toronto-New York-London-Sydney- Auckland: Bantam Books, 1992.

84. Lawrence, D.H.: Sons and Lovers. London: Penguin, 1993. Synovia a deti. Preklad T.Ruppeldtová. Bratislava: Tatran, 1975.

85. Le Carre, J.: A Perfect Spy. New York-Toronto-London-Sydney- Auckland: Bantam Books, 1987.

86. Lodge, D.: Changing Places. London: Penguin, 1975. Profesorská roš á da. Preklad O. Korнnek. Bratislava: Ikar 2004.

87. Lodge, D.: Small World. London: Penguin, 1985.

Svetje malý. Preklad H. Herman. Bratislava: Danubiapress, 1992.

88. Ludlum, R.: The Ambler Warning. London: 2004

89. Mailer, N.: Harlot's Ghost. London: An Abacus Book, 1992.

90. Mailer, N.: The Naked and the Dead. New York: Hold, Reinhardt, Wilson, 1948.

Nahi a mrtvi. Preklad S. Bará niková. Bratislava

91. Maugham, W.S.: The Razor 's Edge. London: Pan Books, 1974.

92. McEwan, I. On Chesil Beach. London: Jonathan Cape, 2007. Na plá ž i. Preklad. K. Karovič ová. Bratislava: Slovart 2007.

93. Melville, H.: Moby Dick. Herdfordshire: Wordsworth 1993.

94. Oxford Children Encyclopedia. Oxford: OUP, 1995.

95. Oz, A.: A Tale of Love and Darkness. Preklad N. de Lange. London: Vintage, 2001.

96. Parsons, T.: Man and Boy. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999.

97. Pinter, H.: Plays: Three. London: Methuen, 1978.

98. Poe, E. A.: Havran. Bratislava: Petrus, 2000.

99. Puzo, M.: Godfather. London: Fawcet Crest Books, 1969, New York: Random House, 1998.

Krstný otec. Preklad T. Ruppeldtová. Bratislava: Tatran, 1971, 1974.

100. Reichs, K.: Dйjá Death. London: Arrow Books, 1998.

101. Robbins, H.: The Lonely Lady. New York: Pocket Books, 1977.

102. Robert Frost - His Life. His Poems. His land. Course for Advanced Students. Washington: USIS

103. Rowling, J.K.: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. London: Bloomsbury Publications, 2000.

rowlingová, J.K.: Harry Potter a ohnivá č iara. Preklad O.Krafovič ová. Bratislava: Ikar, 2001.

104. Rowling, J.K.: Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. London: Bloomsbury Publications, 2003.

Rowlingová, J.K.: Harry Potter a fйnixov rá d. Preklad O.Krafovič ová. Bratislava: Ikar, 2003.

105. Rowling, J.K.: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. London: Cover Artwork, 1999.

Rowlingová, J.K.: Harry Potter a vá zeт z Azkabanu. Preklad O.Kralovič ová. Bratislava: Ikar, 2001.

106. Salinger, J.D.: The Catcher in the Rve. Boston: Little, Brown Books, 1968, 1991; Penguin Books 1951, 1994; London: Hamish Hamilton 1962.

Kto chytá vž itй. Preklad V. Maruš iaková. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel' 1962, 1964, 2000

107. Salinger, J.D.: Frannv and Zooey. Boston: Little, Brown, 1991, A Bantam Book 1961.

Franny a Zooey. Preklad J.Kot. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel', 1999.

108. Salinger, J.D.: Nine Stories. New York: Little, Brown 1991, Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1982.

Devá ќpoviedok. Preklad J.Kot. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel, 2001.

109. Sanders, L.: Capital Crimes. New York: Berkley Books, 1990.

110. Sanford, J.: Silent Prey. New York: Berkley Books, 1993.

111. Scanlan, P.: City Woman. London: Bantam Books, 1999.

112. Segal, E.: The Class. New York: Bantan Books, 1985.

113. Segal, E.: Doctors. New York: Bantan Books, 1989.

Leká ri. preklad D.Slobodnнk- I. Chorvá tová Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel', 1992.

114. Segal, E.: Love Story. New York: The New American Library, 1970. Pribeh nasej lá sky. Preklad V. Maruš iaková. Bratislava: Tatran 1972.

115. Shaara, J.: To the Last Man. New York: Ballantine Books, 2005.

116. Shakespeare, W.: Hamlet. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969. Preklad P.O.Hviezdoslav. Turč iansky Sv. Martin: Matica slovenská, 1931.

Preklad J. Kot. Bratislava 1973. Preklad C. Feldek. Bratislava: Ikar, 2006.

117. Shelby, P.: Gatekeeper. New York: Pocket Books 1998.

118. Sheldon, S.: The Naked Face. London: Pan Books, 1980. Tvá r bez masky. Preklad A.Jurá k. Bratislava: Tatran 1992.

119. Spark, N.: A Walk to Remember. London: Sphere, 2006.

120. Steel, D.: Daddy. New York: Dell Publ., 1990.

Steelová, D.: Oč ko. Preklad A. Bohmerová. Bratislava, Tatran, 1993.

121. Steel, D.: Kaleidoscope. New York: Dell Publ., 1987. Kaleidoskop. Preklad C. Groch, Bratislava: Remedium, 1995.

122. Steel, D.: Message from Nam. New York: Dell Publ., 1990. Steelová, D.: Sprá va z Namu. Preklad A. Bohmerová, Bratislava: Remedium, 1997.

123. Steel, D.: Palomino. New York: Dell Publ., 1981. Palomino. Preklad A.Lajdová. Bratislava: Prá ca 1993.

124. Steel, D.: Zoya. New York: Dell Publ., 1989. Zoja. Preklad M. Kastlová. Bratislava

125. Steinbeck, J.: Of Mice and Men. New York: Viking, 1994.

O myš iach a I'ud'och. Preklad K.Dlouhý. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovatel', 1958.

Preklad: K.Dlouhý, J.Boor. Liptovský Mikulá š: Tranoscius, 1996

126. Stone, I.: Depths of Glory. New York: Signet Books, 1987.

127. Styron, W.: Sophie's Choice. London: Picador, 1992; London: Vintage 2000.

Sophiina voнba. Preklad Z. Jurá ková. Bratislava: Tatran, 1986

128. Templeton, C.: Act of God New York: Bantam Books, 1979.

129. Tolkien, J.R.R.: The Lord of the Ring. London: Grafton, 1992.

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The Living Whip. Translated by A.Cincura. In: An Anthology of Slovak Literature. Riverside (California): University Hardcovers, 1976

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An Introduction to Translation Studies je prakticky orientovaná prнruč ka s teoretický m ъvodom do translatolуgie. Je urč ená pre š tudentov filozofický ch a pedagogický ch fakult, ktorн si v rá mci povinne-volitefný ch (resp. volitefný ch) predmetov vybrali kurzy z prekladatel'stva.

Prvá č asќ podá vá teoretický ná č rt zá kladný ch problйmov spojený ch s prekladom a preklá dá nнm (ekvivalencia a posun, typy, metody, postupy, a pod.) a odporъč anou literaturou na podrobnejš ie š tъdium jednotlivý ch problйmov.

Druhá č asќ sa zameriava na praktickъ prá cu vo forme rуznych ъloh a cvič enн zameraný ch na ilustrá ciu jednotlivý ch problйmov, rozbor, a preklad viet i sъvislý ch textov. Použ itй materiá ly pochá dzajъ z novin, č asopisov, modernej britskej a americkej literatъry.

Tretia č asќ obsahuje rуznorodй autentickй texty/ъryvky z textov, ktorй sa dajъ využ iќ na preklad alebo na rozbor na seminá roch, resp. ako materiá l pri zá vereč nom hodnotenн.


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