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Упражнение 52

А. Проанализируйте сложно-подчинённые предложе­ния с придаточными условия. Используя таблицу на стр. 79, определите форму глагола-сказуемого в главном и придаточном предложениях и укажи­те, какое условие (реальное или нереальное) опи­сано в предложениях.

Б. Переведите предложения.

1. The skeletons of animals would be too stiff to move if they were not carefully
fitted with joints.

2. If the arteries had rigid walls, the heart would have to pump all the blood without
their assistance and would work harder than it does.

3. If the small intestine were removed from the body it would be 6.7 m long. In the
body, however, it is shortened like a concertina to a mere 2.4 m.

4. If the kidney were not able to concentrate the filtrate produced by glomerular
filtration, fluid losses would lead to fatal dehydration in a matter of hours.

5. If there were no way for excess interstitial fluid to return to the blood, the tissues
would become swollen.

6. If the cell membrane were freely permeable to sodium ions, more of these positively
charged ions would move into the cell and the transmembrane potential would
move close to zero.

7. Inflamed surfaces of peritoneum tend to adhere and so to restrict the spread of
peritonitis. If this were not so, untreated peritonitis would almost always be fatal
within a day or two.

8. Even if 80 to 90 per cent of the small intestine were removed, the remaining part
would still provide for sufficient absorption.

9. If the spinal column were indeed a single bone, the back would be rigid and


10. Skin is the largest organ of the body. If the skin of an adult were spread out flat,
it would cover about 1.7 square meter.

11. It is not true that hypnotized persons will do absolutely anything they are asked.
Most subjects, for instance, will not respond to any suggestions they would consider
immoral or illegal if they were awake.

12. If the sensory nerves were evenly distributed over the whole body, each square
inch of skin would have about 50 heat receptors, 8 for cold, 100 for touch and 800
for pain.

13. Large quantities of caffeine are deadly: tea or coffee could kill you, if you managed
to drink between 50 and 100 cups in one go.

14. A person would bleed to death from even a small cut if blood did not clot.

Упражнение 53

А. Проанализируйте структуру предложений и опре­делите форму глагола-сказуемого. Условие в дан­ных предложениях выражено не придаточным пред­ложением, а оборотом с предлогом without. Ука­жите, какому типу условия соответствует форма глагола-сказуемого.

Б. Переведите предложения.

1. Without anesthesia, doctors could not perform most of the surgical operations.

2. Many discoveries and advances would not have been made without microscope.

3. Without protective antibodies, we could die of the first disease that struck us.

4. Without cholesterol we would surely die — every cell in the body depends on
the waxy substance to provide strength and resilience to its outer membrane.

5. Without oxygen the food that all living things take in would be useless to them
and they would die.

6. Without the protection provided by the body's natural defences, we might bleed
to death from even minor cuts.

7. Without plants, the atmosphere would soon fill up with carbon dioxide, and
human beings and the other animals would suffocate.

8. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions in the cell. Without enzymes, these reactions
would occur very slowly, and the cell could not function normally.

9. The human body contains more than 1, 000 types of enzymes. Each kind of enzyme
performs one specific job. Without enzymes, a person could not breathe, see,
digest food, nor move any part of his body.

10. The brain requires a constant, unvarying supply of blood. Without the presence of a special control system consisting of the action of two nerves, one located in the aorta and the other in the carotid artery, this would be impossible to maintain, since every time a person moved or shifted position the quantity of blood flowing to the brain would change.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 580. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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