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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Agree or Disagree with the following statements using the expressions. Give the right answer

For Agreement: For Disagreement:

That’s right I don’t agree with you

I agree with you I wouldn’t say so

Sure You are wrong

Quite right No, I don’t think that’s correct


1) My future speciality is technology of bakery, confectionary and pasta products.

2) Our faculty trains engineers for food industry.

3) I think my future speciality is connected with growing plants.

4) A specialist must know the production technology of bread, grain, flour, bakery and pasta products.

5) On graduating from the Academy I shall receive a diploma of an economist.

6) All these subjects don’t help us to become qualified specialists.

7) Our Academy has four Institutes: Agro-Technology, Mechanical-Technology, Institute of Economy and Finance and the Institute of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine.


Text L “Farm Electrification faculty”

I study at the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy. I am a second-year student of Farm Electrification faculty, the Mechanical- Technology Institute. Our Institute was founded in 2000.

Nowadays there are seven faculties at the Mechanical- Technology Institute. It has a highly qualified teaching staff. Moreover, there are 28 modern laboratories: laboratories of agricultural machines, tractors and automobiles, well-equipped baking shop and workshops at the Mechanical- Technology Institute.

Farm Electrification faculty was established in 2001. Our faculty trains electrical engineers. I am a full-time student.

I think my future speciality is very important and necessary one. It requires deep knowledge in all branches of agriculture. We study many subjects, which are interesting and necessary for our future speciality. They are Mathematics, English, descriptive geometry, strength of materials, automatization and many others. All these subjects help us to become qualified specialists.

An electrical engineer should provide service, installation, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment, power plants and controlling gauges.

As a matter of fact, we can not imagine our life without electricity. Thus, this speciality (an electrical engineer) is considered to be very useful and necessary.

Nowadays electricity is widely used in agriculture. Modern applications of electricity in farming include conditioning and storage of grain and grass; preparation and rationing of animal feed; and many others. Electricity plays an equally important part in the dairy farm for feed rationing, milking, and milk cooling; all these applications are automatically controlled.

The engineer and farmer have combined to develop electrically powered equipment for crop conservation and storage to help overcome weather hazards at harvesttime and to reduce labour requirements to a minimum.

While studying the students have their practical work on the experimental training farm and at different plants of our region. An electrical engineer has a chance to use his deep knowledge working at different plants and enterprises of our region. Different enterprises are always eager to get our qualified specialists.

On graduating from the Academy, I’ll receive a diploma of an electrical engineer.

I think I like my future speciality and find it to be very useful and important.


1. Memorize the following words and expressions:


1) to be founded = to be established – быть основанным (быть созданным)

2) highly qualified – высококвалифицированный

3) well-equipped – хорошо оборудованный

4) workshop – мастерская

5) descriptive geometry – начертательная геометрия

6) strength of materials – сопротивление материалов

7) installation – монтаж, установка

8) maintenance – эксплуатация

9) repair – ремонт

10) electrical equipment - электрооборудование

11) to provide – обеспечивать

12) power plants – энергетические установки

13) controlling gauges – контрольно-измерительные приборы

14) enterprise – предприятие

15) to imagine – представлять себе

16) application – применение

17) storage – хранение

18) to ration – нормировать (продукты), снабжать продовольствием

19) equipment – оборудование

20) crop – с/х культура

21) hazard – риск, опасность

22) harvesttime – время сбора урожая

23) to reduce – снижать

24) requirement – требование, потребность, нужда


2. Answer the following questions:

1) Where do you study?

2) What year-student are you?

3) What faculty do you study at?

4) When was your Institute founded?

5) When was your faculty established?

6) What specialists does your faculty train?

7) How many faculties are there at the Institute now?

8) What subjects do you study to become good specialists?

9) What is the main task of an electrical engineer?

10) Why is your future speciality useful and necessary?

11) Is electricity widely used in agriculture? Why?

12) What do modern applications of electricity in farming include?

13) What part does electricity play in the dairy farm?

14) Where do the students of your faculty have their practical work?

15) What chance has an electrical engineer after graduating from the Academy?

16) What degree will you receive?

17) Do you like your future speciality? Why?


3. Disagree with the following statements avoiding a simple negation:

Model: - I study at the Tyumen State University.

- No, I don’t think that’s correct. I study at the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy.

1) Our faculty trains economists.

2) I am a final-year student of Farm Electrification faculty, the Mechanical- Technology Institute.

3) While studying the students have their practical work at school.

4) Farm Electrification faculty was established in 2000.

5) On graduating from the Academy, I’ll receive a diploma of a mechanical engineer.

6) Nowadays there are five faculties at the Mechanical- Technology Institute.

7) Our Institute was founded in 2001.


4. Complete the following sentences:

1) The engineer and farmer have combined to develop ….

2) We study many subjects, which are ….

3) Moreover, there are 28 modern laboratories: ….

4) Thus, this speciality (an electrical engineer) is considered ….

5) An electrical engineer has a chance to use his deep knowledge working ….

6) Modern applications of electricity in farming include ….

7) On graduating from the Academy, I’ll receive a diploma ….


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 810. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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