Baked Sturgeon with Mushrooms
Psychologists maintain that the emotional effect of food is no less important than the fact that it contains substances essential to support human life. Appetizing food leaves pleasant memories, while tasteless food leads to an accumulation of negative emotions and decreased vigor. Baked sturgeon with mushrooms will give you health and vitality for days to come. The sturgeon is a large silvery fish of the family Acipenseridae. It is one of the most delicious fish, and is considered a delicacy. Sturgeon can be found in various places: in the Black, Azov and Baltic seas, in the Siberian rivers and in lakes Baikal and Zaisan, but the greatest number are caught in the Caspian Sea. Breeding-farms for sturgeon have been set up recently. The sturgeon is a large fish, sometimes weighing almost 200 kilogrammes, but the usual weight is a few dozen kilogrammes. Sturgeon has graced Russian tables since ancient times. Sturgeon in aspic and smoked sturgeon make marvelous hors d'oeuvres with a fine and delicate taste. The famous black caviar, in its soft and pressed varieties, comes from sturgeon and related species. The belly of sturgeon (smoked or dry-cured) is known in Russia as tyosha. Sturgeon is used to make fish soup and fish solyanka; it is eaten boiled, coated in bread-crumbs and fried, roasted in pastry or on a spit. But various baked dishes have always been the pride of Russian cookery, and this is especially true of baked sturgeon. Russians are fond of saying that appetite comes with eating. Even if you are not hungry, you will realize how true this saying is when you try baked sturgeon. Clean and wash the sturgeon and cut into pieces. Salt and pepper it, coat it in flour and fry it gently with some butter. Gently fry 200 grammes of fresh ceps, field mushrooms or button mushrooms, as well as one onion cut into rings. Put the fish in a large baking dish, and surround with circles of fried potato, the mushrooms and onion and pour over a strained sour cream sauce. For the sauce, heat the sour cream, and when it is boiling add a teaspoonful of flour mixed with the same amount of butter, stir in well, simmer for 1-2 minutes and season with salt. Sprinkle the fish, covered with the sauce, with grated cheese, pour over some melted butter and bake in a preheated hot oven for 10 minutes. To serve, garnish with finely chopped parsley.
IV. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and expressions: - эмоциональное воздействие еды - необходимые для поддержания жизни вещества - заливная осетрина и копченая осетрина - черная икра зернистая и паюсная - брюшная часть осетрина (копченая или вяленая) - жареная в тесте или на вертеле - луковица нерезаная кольцами - полить процеженным соусом из сметаны - готовить в хорошо нагретом духовом шкафу
V. Read the definitions of the English words and try to translate them: Smoking - a method of giving a special taste to meat or fish by hanging it in smoke. Frying - a method of cooking on a pan in hot fat or oil. Baking - a method of dry cooking inside an oven.
VI. Agree or disagree with the statements: 1. Food contains substances essential to support human life. 2. The sturgeon is a very small fish which weight is about 200 grammes. 3. Sturgeon in aspic and smoked sturgeon are marvelous hors d’oeuvres with a fine and delicate taste. 4. The English is fond of saying that appetite comes with eating. 5. Sturgeon is used to make fish soup and fish solyanka. 6. Baked sturgeon with mushrooms is made on a spit. 7. Baked sturgeon with mushrooms is garnished with finely chopped parsley.