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Braised Beef in the Pot

I. Read the words:

- to braise - тушить

- earthenware pot - глиняный горшок

- beef - говядина

- medium sized pieces - куски средней величины

- to brown - подрумянивать

- fresh ceps - свежие белые грибы

- field mushrooms - шампиньоны

- parsley root - корень петрушки

- to divide - делить, разделять

- black peppercorns - перец горошком

- bunch - пучок

- celery - сельдерей

- stock - мясной отвар, бульон

- tender - нежный, мягкий

- pour off - сливать

- roux - подлива из муки, поджаренной в масле

- flour - мука

- to stew - тушить, парить

- ground cayenne pepper - красный молотый перец

- kidney beans – фасоль

- to pound – отбивать (мясо)

- brisket – грудинка

- horseradish – хрен

- brisket – грудинка

- bacon – копченая грудинка


II. Read after the speaker and translate:

1. - monastery, n - monasterial, adj - monasticism, n   2. - earth, n - earthen, adj - earthenware, n   3. - pepper, n/v - peppercorns, n - pepper shaker, n   4. - pour, v - pout in, v - pour over, v - pour out, v   5. - boil, v - boil down, v - boil over, v - boiled, adj - boiled water - boiled hot   6. - chop, v - chop up, v - chopped, adj - chopped meat - lamb chop - pork chop   7. - stew, n, v - stewed, adj - stewed fruit (компот) - stew pan, n

III. Read the text:

Braised Beef in the Pot

If you ever have the chance to take a trip round the his­toric Russian towns, you will see that most of them have restaurants and cafes where traditional Russian dishes are served. Tourists who have visited these towns are liberal in their praise not only for the wonderful architecture, monas­teries and cathedrals, but also for the local dishes, made according to old recipes. These include Boyar Borsch, Preobrazhensky Chicken, 'After Shrovetide Comes Lent' Blini and many others. There you will also find various kinds of meat braised in small pots, designed to hold one portion. Sometimes this is called Meat a la Novgorod, Meat in Kvas, Meat a la Monastere, and sometimes simply Braised Beef in the Pot.

Meat cooked in these small pots was served many years ago, and is still popular today. Many families have a set of these special small earthenware pots. Some cooks prefer larger dishes, holding four or six portions.

Take 0.5 kilogramme of beef, cut it into medium-sized pieces, add salt and brown until a golden crust has formed. Slice 500-600 grammes of potatoes, fresh ceps, field mush­rooms, carrots, onion and parsley roots to taste. Sauté the potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms in the fat and then divide them with the meat between four small pots or put them in one pot holding four portions. If you haven't got an earthenware pot, you can use any dish suitable for braising meat. Add some black peppercorns, a bunch of parsley or celery, pour over some stock and braise until tender.

Then take out the bunch of parsley, pour off the stock, add a roux made from butter and flour, and bring to the boil. Pour the sauce over the meat and vegetables, and bring back to the boil, add some finely chopped parsley and serve in the pot.

There are other ways of making this dish. The meat can be braised in kvas, for example. Pour 300 grammes of kvas over the browned pieces of meat, add the vegetables and some slices of fresh cucumber, and stew. The kvas will give the meat an unusual and delicate flavour.

The beef can also be braised in sour cream. Lightly pound the pieces of meat, add salt, coat in flour and brown slightly. Then add 200 grammes of sour cream and stew in the pot. When the meat is cooked, lay it out on a dish, season the sauce with lemon juice, salt and ground cayenne pepper, add 100 grammes of wine and pour this sauce over the meat. Serve with boiled potatoes and kidney beans.


IV. Make up the sentences:

1. Peter, holding, some cooks, larger, four or six, dishes, portions.

2. If you, any dish, for braising meat, haven’t got, an earthenware pot, use, you, can.

3. Add, some stock, some black peppercorns, pour over, braise, and, tender, until.

4. The pot, served, in, beef, braised, is.

5. The kvas, give, a delicate, the meat, will, flavor.

6. Sour cream, the beef, be braised, can, in.

7. With, the meat, serve, kidneys beans, boiled potatoes, and.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 637. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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