1. What do you understand by the term “alliance”? 2. What do you know about the history of NATO?
alliance – 1) the act of allying or state of being allied; union; confederation 2) a formal agreement or pact, esp a military one, between two or more countries to achieve a particular aim 3) the countries involved in such an agreement; treaty - 1) a formal agreement or contract between two or more states, such as an alliance or trade arrangement; 2) the document in which such a contract is written; equivalent – 1) equal or interchangeable in value, quantity, significance, etc; 2) having the same or a similar effect or meaning; precursor - 1) a person or thing that precedes and shows or announces someone or something to come; harbinger; 2) a predecessor or forerunner; headquarters – 1) any centre or building from which operations are directed, as in the military, the police, etc; 2) a military formation comprising the commander, his staff, and supporting echelons; to counter – 1) to say or do (something) in retaliation or response; 2) to move, act, or perform in a manner or direction opposite to (a person or thing); 3) to return the attack of (an opponent);
Map of NATO countries The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, the Atlantic Alliance or the Western Alliance, is an international organisation for collective security established in 1949, in support of the North Atlantic Treaty signed in Washington, DC, on 4 April 1949. Its headquarters are located in Brussels, Belgium. Its other official name is the French equivalent, l'Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord (OTAN) (English and French being the two official languages of the organisation).