Read the heading of the text. Investigate the idea of law
a) Write down some words and phrases related to law. b) Guess the meaning of these words. System, consolidate, social, economic, constitution, leading, principle, structure, organization, legal, status, form, concrete, financial, regulate, budget, credit, sphere, central, industrial, office, code, general, individual, type, special. c) Give your own definition of " law". d) In groups of three or four compare and contrast your notes. Discuss and e) Study the dictionary definitions of " law":
" Rule made by authority for the proper regulation of a community or society or for correct conduct in life; the whole body of laws considered collectively. Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English " A rule that is supported by the power of government and that controls the behaviour of members of a society; the whole set of such rules. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English " Rule of conduct or action, recognized by custom or decreed by formal enactment, considered binding on the members of a nation, community, or group; a system or body of such rules. Webster's Dictionary Notes 1. decree, v – постановлять 2. enactment, n – принятие 3. binding, n – обязательство Vocabulary theme: law and laws LAWS are separate, individual rules. A LAW is one individual rule, or one Act of Parliament. LAW or THE LAW is a whole system. Each rule, which we call A LAW, is part of the whole system, which we call LAW or THE LAW.
f) Underline the similarities and circle the differences. g) Compare your own definition with the dictionary ones, h) Write your fine-tuned definition. i) Interview the students of the other group on what their idea of law is. Report back to the class on your findings.
2. Answer the following questions:
a) Why do we study law? b) Do people always observe law? c) What can we call people who break law? d) What law violations do you know? e) What categories of law are known to you?
3. Skim the text to complete the following statements: a) This text considers the... b) It discusses... (the categories of...) c) It tells us how... d) Each paragraph is about... Vocabulary 1. rule, n – 1) норма права, 2) правило 2. law, n – право, закон 3. source, n – источник 4. concern, v – касаться; иметь отношение 5. executive, adj. – исполнительный 6. government, n – государственная власть, государственное устройство 7. apply, v – применять 8. wrong, n – правонарушение, деликт 9. harm, v – наносить ущерб, причинять вред 10. well-being, n – благосостояние