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Ex. 3. Form Participle I from the following verbs and use them in your own sentences

to examine to sell to make up to mean to involve to interrogate to exceed to concern to depend on to catch red-handed to search for to identify  

Ex. 4. Translate the word combinations of nouns with Participle I:

a controlling agency, English-speaking Canadians, a long serving policeman, an analyzing process, long-playing records, problems facing police, the rules regulating traffic, nationalities living in our country, prisoners serving their terms, a man driving a car.


Ex. 5. Translate the word combinations with Participle I Active or Passive (Present and Perfect). Pay attention to the functions of Participle I as an attribute or adverbial modifier.

1. Apprehending the offender you are to...
Sentencing the accused the jury have to...

2. Being found at the crime scene the evidence was...
Being sentenced to imprisonment the accused...

3. The missing person was...
The increasing terroristic acts make...

4. The policeman arresting the thieves was...
The barrister defending the accused must...

5. Having stolen the car, a thief...
Having sent the murderer to prison, the judge...


Ex. 6. Read and translate what is given in brackets using Participle I as an attribute and adverbial modifier. You may use the verbs from Ex. 3.


1. The first instance jurisdiction covers cases (касающиеся) claims for huge awards of damages.

2. Every investigator must know a list of “do’s” and “don’ts” while (допрашивая) the suspect or criminal.

3. A constitution (обозначающая) in American political language the set of rules, laws, regulations and customs provide the practical norms, (регулирующих) the work of the government.

4. The driver (превышающий) the speed limit was while under the influence of alcohol.

5. When (продавая) drugs, he was arrested by the police.

6. A man (продающий) drugs in a dance club was sentenced to a 5 year imprisonment.

7. The grand jury consists of 12-23 persons who sit for 3 to 18 month (в зависимости от) on the jurisdiction.

8. When (осматривая) a crime scene, the officer must remember that nothing is to be touched or moved.

9. (Будучи пойманным с поличным) the criminal didn’t deny his guilt.


Ex. 7. Say in what sentences “ing-forms” are Gerunds, Participles I or the part of the predicate in Continuous Tenses.


1. In addition to performing law enforcement tasks the sheriff is often an officer of the court: he may operate jails and serve court orders.

2. In a metropolitan area policing is usually divided among agencies at all levels of government, giving rise to conflicts between jurisdictions that may interfere with efficient use of police resources.

3. The police perform a lot of tasks, any of them having little to do with crimes and criminals.

4. The crime rate is unfortunately increasing nowadays.

5. The police service function – providing first aid, rescuing animals, helping the disoriented and so on – has become a major police function.

6. The American Government is taking a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system.

7. While speaking to a victim, suspect or witness, the main task of the investigator is to get as much information as possible trying not to intimidate or threaten the subject.

8. Checking the security of buildings clearly helps prevent crime, but other activities – dealing with runaways, drunks and public quarrel – may help solve problems before leading to criminal behaviour.

9. Although most people are willing to help the police, fear, self interest and other factors keep some from cooperating.

10. Being placed on probation a person should regularly come to a police station.

11. Having interrogated all the suspects the detective found a lot of valuable evidence necessary for court presentation.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 1306. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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