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Приложение 1. (форма текста - «определение»; для изучающего чтения на исполнительско-репродуктивной ступени)


(форма текста - «определение»; для изучающего чтения на исполнительско-репродуктивной ступени).

Bank is a business establishment that safeguards people's money and uses it to make loans and investments. People keep their money in banks rather than at home for several reasons. Money is safer in a bank than at home. A checking account with a bank provides an easy way to pay bills. Also, money deposited in many types of bank accounts earns additional money for the depositor. People who put money in a bank are actually lending it to the bank, which may pay them interest for the use of their funds.

Banks are an essential part of business activity. Business companies borrow from banks to buy new equipment and build new factories. People who do not have enough money to pay the full price of a home, an automobile, or some other product also borrow from banks. In these ways, banks promote the sale of a wide range of goods and services.

В тексте A1 дается определение такого финансового института как банк, разъясняются его основные функции, формы его взаимодействия с клиентами, виды потребностей клиентов, которые удовлетворяет банк.



(форма текста - «характеристика»; для изучающего чтения на исполнительско-репродуктивной ступени).

Kinds of banks

Banks differ in the services they provide and in how they are owned. Many financial experts use the word bank to refer only to a commercial bank. These experts believe that savings banks, savings and loan associations, and credit union are not true banks because they do not prefer all the functions of commercial banks. Saving banks, savings and loan association, and credit union are often called thrift institutions, or simply thrifts, because their chief purpose is to encourage savings. Many countries also have institutions called central banks, and some have investment banks. Although such institutions are called banks, they don't accept deposits or lend money to the public. In the UK the banks are divided into 2 groups merchant banks and commercial banks.


В данном тексте дается перечень основных типов банков, различий их функций и назначений.


(форма текстов - «спецификация»; для изучающего чтения на исполнительско-репродуктивной ступени).

I. Commercial banks are the most numerous banks in the United States. The nation has about 11, 900 such banks, and their assets total about $3 1/2 trillion. Commercial banks offer a full range of services, including checking and savings accounts, loans, and trust services. They primarily serve the needs of businesses but also offer their services to individuals. A commercial bank is owned by stockholders who buy shares in it In return for investing in the bank's stock, the stockholders expect the bank to pay them cash dividends from its profits.

II. Savings banks and loan associations are the second largest group of deposit institutions in the United States. There are about 2, 000 savings and loans, as they are known. They total assets of about $8000 billion. Saving and loans were established to help people to purchase homes. Through the years they have been the chief source of home mortgages. Traditionally, they loaned money to businesses only for real estate construction. But today, savings and loan associations offer a variety of services for individuals and businesses, including NOW accounts, money market accounts, IRA's, and business loans. In the past, almost all savings and loans were owned and operated by their depositors. But today, almost half are owned and operated by stockholders.

III. Central banks, which in most countries are government agencies, perform many financial services for the national government. Their chief responsibilities are to regulate banking and to control the nation's money supply. The money supply is the total quantity of money in the country, including cash and bank deposits. Central banks also perform a variety of services for other banks.

For example, they serve as a lender of last resort—that is, they make emergency loans to banks that are short of cash. Central banks also handle the clearing of checks, the process by which banks settle claims against one another resulting from checks. In the United States, the Federal Reserve System serves as a central bank.. Most large U.S. commercial banks belong to it. Central banks in other nations include the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England.

IV. Investment banks purchase newly issued stocks and bonds from corporations and governments. These banks then resell the securities to individual investors in smaller quantities. An investment bank makes a profit by selling securities at a higher price than it paid for them. Most banks in the United States once did such buying and selling, but now only specialized investment banks and a few large commercial banks do so. An investment bank may overestimate the demand for the securities that it buys and may have to sell them at a loss. Congress believed this risk helped cause many bank failures during the early years of the Great Depression. As a result, Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933. One provision of the act prohibited an institution that accepted deposits and made loans from doing investment banking.

V. Merchant bank tend to encourage larger organizations to use their services, and while the facilities they offer are similar to those of the commercial banks, the former specialize in areas of international trade and finance, discounting bills, confirming credit status of overseas customers through confirming houses, acting in the new issue market (placing shares), and in the billion and Eurobond market. They are, in addition, involved in shipping, insurance, and foreign exchange markets.

VI. Credit unions are an important type of savings institution in the United States. There are about 14, 300 credit unions, and their assets total about $230 billion. Most credit unions are formed by people with a common bond. For example, they may work for the same company or belong to the same church. The members pool their savings. When one of them needs money, he or She may borrow from the credit union, often at a lower rate of interest than from another financial institution. Many credit unions enable their members to pay bills by writing share drafts. A credit union distributes its earnings to the members as dividends. Federal and state laws limit credit unions to meeting the needs of

individual members, and these institutions cannot lend to businesses.

В текстах группы А3 дается спецификация каждого вида банка, номенклатура выполняемых ими функций, различия в их назначениях, объектах деятельности, их специфике как субъектов единой банковской системы.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1131. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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