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(форма текста – инструктирующее сообщение; для аудирования на исполнительско-рецептивной ступени).

Requirements for granting credit.

Credit facilities will only be granted by a supplier if the customer can satisfy one or more of certain requirements.

1. Reputation.

Credit may be given to firms which have an established reputation, i.e. are wellknown nationally or internationally.

2. Long-term trading association.

If a customer has been trading with a supplier over a period of time and has built up a good relationship with the supplier by, for example, settling accounts promptly, he may be able to persuade his supplier to grant him credit facilities on this basis alone.

3. References.

Normally, however, when asking for credit, a customer will supply references, i. e.

The names of concerns or companies which will satisfy the supplier that the customer is reputable and credit-worthy. Banks will supply references, though these tend to be brief, stating what the company's capital is and who its directors are. Trade associations, i.e. organizations whish represent the company's trade or prosion, also tend to give brief references telling the enquirer how long the company has been trading and whether it is a large or small firm. References can also be obtained from the customer's business associates, the commercial departments of embassies, and so on.


(форма - аргументационное сообщение; для аудирования на исполнительско-рецептивной ступени).

Dear sir,

With reference to your letter of 19 April where you asked us to act as referees for the customer mentioned, we have only dealt with this firm on a few occasions but found they tended to delay payment and had to be reminded several times before their account was cleared. But we have no idea of their trading records with other companies. We are sure you will treat this information in the strictest confidence. In reply to your letter of 14 September concerning the customer you enquired about, we are sorry to say that we cannot recommend the firm as being reliable in their credit dealings, but this is only based on our own experiences of trading with them. We offer this information on the strict understanding that it will be treated confidentially,

r. Yours sincerely/

J. Merton.


(форма – информационное сообщение для ознакомительного чтения на исполнительско-рецептивной ступени).

In this report we look in detail at the role of the central bank ilibrium in the markets for financial assets in general and money in particular. Since the central bank influences the supply of money, it is necessary to consider what determines the demand for money before a complete analysis of monetary equilibrium can be undertaken...

We conclude the report by discussing the technique Having examined its functions, we then show how influence equs of monetary control available to the central bank and showing the problems that arise in practice when it attempts to implement monetary policy.

The Bank of England, usually known simply as the Bank, is the central bank of the UK. For historical reasons, it is divided into Issue and Banking Departments, each with separate balance sheets.

The Issue Department is responsible for issuing banknotes. To introduce notes into circulation, the Issue Department purchases financial securities: bills and bonds issued by the government, commercial firms, or local authorities. The exchange of high-powered money for financial securities is called an open market operation.



(форма – рекламационное сообщение; для аудирования на исполнительско-рецептивной ступени).

Mr P. Mariow 26 April 19-

Р. Marlow & Co, Ltd.

31 Goodge Street

London EC494EE

Dear Mr. Marlow,

We have completed our investigation into Falcon Retailers Ltd, who you enquired about in your letter dated 9, March The firm is a private limited company with a registered capital of £ 1, 000 and consists of two partners, David and Peter Loore. It has an annual turnover of £ 50, 000 and has been trading since October 1971. As far as we know neither the company nor its directors have ever been subject to bankruptcy proceedings, but the firm was involved in a court case to recover an outstanding debt on the 17 January 19—. The action was brought by L.D.M, Ltd. and concerned the recovery of £ 2, 150 which Falcon eventually paid. But we ought to point out that L.D.M. broke a delivery contract, which accounted for the delayed payment. From our general enquiries we gather that some of Falcon's suppliers have had to send them second and third reminders before outstanding balances were cleared, but this does not suggest dishonesty so much as a tendency to overbuy which means the company needs time to sell before they can clear their accounts. We hope this information proves useful, and if you have any further enquiries, please contact us. You will find our account for £ 175.00 enclosed Yours sincerely,

S. Spade

Credit Investigations Ltd.

Encl. Account

Следующий образец диалога рекомендуется для прагматико-репрезентирующей стадии, призванной формировать умения учащихся реализовать прагматическую установку говорящего, обеспечить коммуникативное взаимодействие, обучать учащихся адекватной передаче информации и умению воздействовать на слушающего.

Образец является диалогом-разъяснением (клерка-клиенту) по условиям кредита, представляемого данным банком. Содержание диалога, помимо указанной выше прагматико-репрезентирующей функции, обеспечивает усвоение специфических интеркультурно-обусловленных форм ведения общения и расширяет знания учащихся о принципах кредитования в банках Великобритании.

A. So, Mr Regan, you' d like to buy a flat?

B. Yes, that's right.

A. And how much would you like to borrow from us?

B. I need a loan of £ 45, 000.

A. And what's the price of the flat?

B. It's £ 65, 000, including all the costs.

A. And what about the rest of the money?

B. That comes from personal savings.

A. So, you have £ 20, 000 in personal savings to invest.

B. Well, over fifteen or twenty years. It depends on the montly repayment.

A. Well, let me see....over fifteen years the repayment would be £ 420 a month, and for twenty years, it would be £ 390.

B. I think I prefer fifteen years. What interest rate can you offer?

A. At the moment, the rate is 6.6%

B. OK.

A. Just one more question, Mr. Regan.

What's your montly income?

B. It's £ £ 625 after tax.

A. £ £ 625! And does your wife work?

B. No, she doesn't work at the moment - we have two young children.

A. Ah.... I think we may have a little problem here, Mr. Regan.


В представленном ниже образце диалога-консультации отражается прагматическая интенция клиента во чтобы то ни стало получить кредитную линию, на получение которой у него нет необходимых залоговых гарантий. Консультативные разъяснения менеджера банка и обсуждение возможных путей решения представляют собой образцы реализации как прагматической, так и репрезентирующих возможности диалогической речи профессионально-ориентированного характера.


(форма текста - диалог-консультация предписывающего характера).

Manager Good afternoon, Mr. Grey. Now, can I help you?

Customer Well, I know my company's been going through a bad time recently, but I would like to expand the fleet by buying another two lorries. I wonder if you could extend my loan to cover the investment?

Manager I'm afraid we can't extend your existing loan, but we'll be able to offer a bridging loan. How much would you need?

Customer Probably around £ £ 30, 000 to buy two second-hand vehicles. I'm sure that the revenue from the extra lorries would allow me to repay you within a year.

Manager What can you offer as security for the loan?

Customer Just the lorries themselves.

Manager Well, unfortunately, I am not in a position to make an independent decision - I shall have to consult with our directors first-but promise I will speak to them this week, and let you know as soon as possible.

Customer Thank you very much.

Естественно, что презентация и организации усвоения таких диалогов является первоначальной ступенью, подготавливающей к переходу к коммуникации, которая осуществляется через коммуникативные задачи следующего типа:

1. (диалог Е1). Как менеджер банка подготовьте докладную по запросу госп. Грея в директорат банка, начав ее со следующего:

I had a meeting with a customer, Mr. Regan, on the 12 March...

2. (диалог Е2). У Вас сомнения по поводу возможности выделения кредита клиенту Грею

а) обратитесь в директорат с изложением его запроса и предлагаемых им залоговых гарантий;

б) получив отказ директората, посоветуйте ему обратиться в торговые банки с его предложением;

в) но предупредите, что процентные ставки в торговых банках
будут выше и т.д.;

г) для письма - отказа используйте

- адрес клиента: Mr P/ Grey

Grey d Co. Ltd. Bridgend Road

Bridgend IF 31 3DF.

начало письма: Dear Mr. Grey, I aw sorry to inform you that we will not be able to offer the credit you asked for on the terms that you proposed.

конец письма: I am sorry that we have to dissappoint you in this matter, and hope that we may be of more help in the future....

Yours sincerely,

Frank Stevens


д) с учетом деловой репутации клиентов, условий запроса кредита,
степени доверия банка Mr. Grey или Mr. Regan, выберите один из вариантов отказа для каждого из них:

1)Sorry to inform that we never allow credit facilities to customers until they have worked with us for over a year

- We really are sorry that we cannot be more helpful in this case.

2) - We are sorry that we cannot offer credit facilities of any kind at

present owing to rising inflation. However, perhaps if things settle in future we may be able to reconsider your request.

3) We regret that we are unable to offer open account terms to customers as our products are competitively priced and with small profit margins it is uneconomical to allow credit facilities.

е) Вышеприведенные письменные образцы-отказы трансформируйте в
устные формы делового общения по следующей форме:

I am so sorry, Mr. Grey, but we never allow credit facilities to customers until...


Тексты F1 (формы текстов-сообщения-презентации видов услуг; для аудирования и последующего обсуждения и полемики).

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