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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I'm very pleased to be here with you today to talk about risks in international trade. I know that many of you have small and medium-sized businesses, and that you haven't exported before. As you enter international markets you need to be aware that there are a number of things that can cause problems. In particular, I'd like to focus on the following points during my talk: firstly, payment for your goods, on time and in full? Secondly, exchange rate risk. As you know, you can lost a lot of money if your customer is paying in US dollars and then the value of the dollars falls before you receive the payment. How can your protect yourself against losing money in this way? Thirdly, disputes. How can you avoid getting into costly and time-consuming disagreement with your buyer over problems as delivery, quality and, of course, payment? So those are the main points that I'll be covering today. Let's start with the first one. Payment. Basically, they're four payment methods, which can be used when, exporting goods: advance payment, letter of credit, and bills for collection and open trade account.


Let's deal first with advance payment. This is ideal for the exporter. You ask you customer to send the money before you dispatch the goods. That way you know that you'll get your money and there is absolutely no risk to you. However, there is a lot of risk for the customer will agree to this method. So what about the second method? Letter of credit or documentary credit as it is also known. There is a reasonably safe method for the exporter. What happens is the buyers ask their bank to guarantee payment to the exporter. As soon as the exporting company has dispatch the goods, they must present all the documents to their bank to prove that the goods are on their way and that everything has been done according to the sales agreement. Then the exporter's bank passes the documents on to the importer's bank. This bank makes the payment by letter of credit-so the exporter can receive their money and the importer can receive the goods. This method is particularly low risk for the exporter, although you must make sure that you present the correct documents and that you comply with all the terms and conditions of the agreement. If there is any kind of mistake, you could lose the protection of the letter of credit. So this method has fewer risks than the open account or bill for collection, but is not as risk-free as advance payment, from your point of view. Now let's move to the third payment method...


(форма текста – презентация-спецификация по одному из направлений деятельности банка; для аудирования и последующего обсуждения).

You've got the Bank's proposed Schedule of Charges, which will take effect as from 1st January, and will be reviewed annually. We very much regret that we are unable to continue offering 'free banking' to our customers. This recent change of policy is due to increasing costs, and we feel that if we are to continue to maintain the professional level of personal service that we have always provided to our customers, we must now obtain a contribution to our expenses. You will note that our charges are below the average levied by other UK banks, as we wish to remain competitive in this market. The charges will be debited to your account monthly in arrears. The minimum balance requirement for those accounts which are interest bearing has been reduced from USD 100, 000.00 to USD 50, 000.00 or currency equivalent. This reduction in the minimum balance requirement will therefore compensate for some of the charges which will have to be paid by yourselves. If you have any questions concerning the new charges, you are welcome.


(форма текста – ролевая игра для его постановки в аудитории).

Two people take the roles of Finbury and Watson, and act out the case.


Peter Finbury visits the bank. He has $ 200, 000 capital that he'd like to invest. He wants $ 50, 000 immediately available at short notice $ 80, 000 at 4 to 5 years, and the rest can be invested at long term. He also wants to give his wife, Helen, power of attorney. The manager, Walter Walson, has several possibilities to offer: a current account at 1/2 % with the possibility of immediate withdrawal; a deposit account at 3 1/2% offering the possibility of withdrawing $ 10, 000 immediately, and the larger amounts with 3 months' notice; certificates of deposits at 6 1/4% for fixed periods of 3, 4 or 5 years; and finally, long-term investment department.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1094. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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