Advantage disadvantage advantageous
1. As is known, the... of long continuous faces is that they per 2. Hydraulic mining is practised extensively at a number of col 3. As for the room-and-pillar method one must say that this 4. One of these...s is that the pillars between the rooms are 30. Переведите на английский язык сочетания с предлогами per (в, на) и в сутки; в месяц; на тонну; вместо угля; вместо камерно-столбовой системы разработки 206______________________________________________ Unit 8 31. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения и 1. The various methods of mining involve production faces 2. Until mining machines were developed, short faces predomi
3. The aim was to reduce the volume of development work by 4. Some disadvantages of shortwall work are a considerable loss 5. In gassy mines each face with its development workings has 6. Cutter-loaders are being widely applied underground now 7. It is necessary to study all the factors which influence the 8. There are special methods of extracting seams which are 9. The shield method of mining has to be introduced in thick 10. They have to introduce new mining equipment as soon as possible. 32. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные способы вы 1. As the longwall method permits an almost 100 per cent re 2. No fissures were found. 3. We do not use the room-and-pillar method on a wide scale
4. Nothing was said about special ways of extracting thick 5. In manless faces no men operate the machines, you can see 6. A level is a horizontal road with no direct access to the sur Units_________________________________________ 207 33. Выразвте несогласие • подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из od the contrary; to my mind; In my opinion; as far as I know; as Is known; I'd like to stress that; I'd like to say that; let us consider 1. We say that the method of mining is rational if it guarantees 2. It is rather difficult to define which method of mining 3. The shield method of mining is used where short faces are 4. The problem of extracting thick seams is not difficult. As a 5. In applying hydraulic mining powerful cutter-loaders win 34. Суммируйте содержание текста Б. При этом ответьте на следующие 1. What does the method of mining mineral deposits under 2. What main requirements should mining methods satisfy? 3. What types of production faces do the methods of mining in 4. What can you say about their application in different coal- 5. What methods of mining are practised in the Kuznetsk coal 35. Расскажите вашим друзьям о посещении шахты по следующему плану, 1. The Location of the Mine, Its Geological Conditions (folds, 2. The Type of the Deposit (tabular, bedded, vein). 3. The Method of Mining (longwall, room-and-pillar). 4. Mine Workings, Their Functions (vertical, horizontal, in 5. Average Output (annual, daily). 208 UnltS 36. Прочитайте заголовок и аннотацию к тексту В и скажите, о чем гово 37. Прочитайте текст и скажите, как ведется борьба с метаном на шах Слова для понимания текста: goaf — завал; обрушенное пространство double-ended drum bearer — комбайн с двойным барабаном ТЕКСТ В