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Make a sentence with each word and word combination. 2. Read the text “The Depression”


2. Read the text “The Depression”. Use dictionary if necessary.

Depression is very common and affects as many as 1 in 8 people in their teen years. Depression affects people of every color, race, economic status, or age; however, it does seem to affect more girls than guys. Sometimes friends or family members recognize that someone is depressed. They may respond with love, kindness, or support, hoping that the sadness will soon pass. They may offer to listen if the person wants to talk. If the depressed feeling doesn't pass with a little time, friends or loved ones may encourage the person to get help from a doctor, therapist, or counselor. But not everyone recognizes depression when it happens to someone they know. Some people don't really understand about depression. For example, they may react to a depressed person's low energy with criticism, yelling at the person for acting lazy or not trying harder. Some people mistakenly believe that depression is just an attitude or a mood that a person can shake off. It's not that easy.

Sometimes even people who are depressed don't take their condition seriously enough. Some people feel that they are weak in some way because they are depressed. This is wrong and it can even be harmful if it causes people to hide their depression and avoid getting help. Occasionally, when depression causes physical symptoms (things like headaches or other stress-related problems), a person may see a doctor. Once in a while, even a well-meaning doctor may not realize a person is depressed, and just treat the physical symptoms.

There is no single cause for depression. Many factors play a role including genetics, environment, life events, medical conditions, and the way people react to things that happen in their lives. Research shows that depression runs in families and that some people inherit genes that make it more likely for them to get depressed. Not everyone who has the genetic makeup for depression gets depressed, though. And many people who have no family history of depression have the condition. So although genes are one factor, they aren't the single cause of depression. The death of a family member, friend, or pet can go beyond normal grief and sometimes lead to depression. Other difficult life events, such as when parents divorce, separate, or remarry, can cause and even make the depression worse. Even events like moving or changing schools can be emotionally challenging enough that a person becomes depressed. For some teens, a negative, stressful, or unhappy family atmosphere can affect their self-esteem and lead to depression. This can also include high-stress living situations such as poverty; homelessness; and violence in the family, relationships, or community. Substance use and abuse also can cause chemical changes in the brain that affect mood; alcohol and some drugs are known to have depressant effects. The negative social and personal consequences of substance abuse also can lead to severe unhappiness and depression. Certain medical conditions can affect hormone balance and therefore have an effect on mood. Some conditions, such as hypothyroidism, are known to cause a depressed mood in some people. When these medical conditions are diagnosed and treated by a doctor, the depression usually disappears.

For some teens, undiagnosed learning disabilities might block school success, hormonal changes might affect mood, or physical illness might present challenges or setbacks.

Depression involves the brain's delicate chemistry specifically, it involves chemicals called neurotransmitters. These chemicals help send messages between nerve cells in the brain. Certain neurotransmitters regulate mood, and if they run low, people can become depressed, anxious, and stressed. Stress also can affect the balance of neurotransmitters and lead to depression. Sometimes, a person may experience depression without being able to point to any particular sad or stressful event. People who have a genetic predisposition to depression may be more prone to the imbalance of neurotransmitter activity that is part of depression. Medications that doctors use to treat depression work by helping to restore the proper balance of neurotransmitters. For some people, depression can be intense and occur in bouts that last for weeks at a time. For others, depression can be less severe but can linger at a low level for years. Doctors who treat depression distinguish between these two types of depression. They call the more severe, short-lasting type major depression and the longer-lasting but less severe form dysthymia. A third form of depression that doctors may diagnose is called adjustment disorder with depressed mood. This diagnosis refers to a depressive reaction to a specific life event (such as death, divorce, or other loss), when adjusting to the loss takes longer than the normally expected timeframe or is more severe than expected and interferes with the person's daily activities. Bipolar disorder (also sometimes called manic depressive illness) is another depressive condition that involves periods of major depression mixed with periods of mania. Mania is the term for abnormally high mood and extreme bursts of unusual activity or energy.

Depression is one of the most common emotional problems in the United States and around the world. The good news is that it's also one of the most treatable conditions. Therapists and other professionals can help. In fact, about 80% of people who get help for their depression have a better quality of life; they feel better and enjoy themselves in a way that they weren't able to before. Treatment for depression can include talk therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Talk therapy with a mental health professional is very effective in treating depression. Therapy sessions can help people understand more about why they feel depressed, and the ways to combat it. Sometimes, doctors prescribe medicine for a person who has depression. When prescribing medicine, a doctor will carefully monitor patients to make sure they get the right dose. The doctor will adjust the dose as necessary. It can take a few weeks before the person feels the medicine working. Because every person's brain is different, what works well for one person might not be good for another. Everyone can benefit from mood-boosting activities like exercise, dance, journaling, or art. It can also help to keep busy no matter how tired you feel.

People who are depressed shouldn't wait and hope it will go away on its own because depression can be effectively treated. Friends or others need to step in if someone seems severely depressed and isn't getting help. Many people find that it helps to open up to parents or other adults they trust. Simply saying, " I've been feeling really down lately and I think I'm depressed, " can be a good way to begin the discussion. Ask your parent to arrange an appointment with a therapist. If a parent or family member can't help, turn to your school counselor, best friend, or a helpline to get help. People who are extremely depressed and who may be thinking about hurting themselves or about suicide need help as soon as possible. When depression is this severe, it is a very real medical emergency, and an adult must be notified.

Most communities have suicide hotlines where people can get guidance and support in an emergency. Although it's important to be supportive, trying to cheer up a friend or reasoning with him or her probably won't work to help depression or suicidal feelings go away. Depression can be so strong that it outweighs a person's ability to respond to reason. Even if your friend has asked you to promise not to tell, severe depression is a situation where telling can save a life. The most important thing a depressed person can do is to get help. If you or a friend feels unsafe or out of control, get help now. Depression doesn't mean a person is " crazy." Depression (and the suffering that goes with it) is a real and recognized medical problem. Just as things can go wrong in all other organs of the body, things can go wrong in the most important organ of all: the brain. Luckily, most teens, that get help for their depression go on to enjoy life and feel better about themselves.

III. 1. Answer the questions:

1) Why do people get depressed?

2) What happens in the brain when someone is depressed?

3) What are the types of depression?

4) What are the kinds of help and treatment for the depressed?

5) What function do the transmitters fulfill?

6) What is mania?

7) How is it connected with the depressed condition?


2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1) Depression is very common in urban countries.

2) Depression affects 10 in 80 people.

3) Depression affects people of every color, race, economic status, or age.

4) Research shows that depression runs in families and that some people inherit genes that make it more likely for them to get depressed.

5) Depression involves the brain's delicate chemistry specifically it involves chemicals called neurotransmitters.

6) Sometimes, a person may experience depression without being able to point to any particular sad or stressful event.

7) Doctors who treat depression distinguish between two types of depression.

8) Treatment for depression can include talk therapy, medication, or a combination of both.
9) People who are extremely depressed and who may be thinking about hurting themselves or about suicide need immediate help.


3. Which word in the list is odd?

1) color, friends, race, economic status, age;

2) sadness, love, kindness, support;

3) doctor, therapist, counselor, friends;

4) low energy, acting lazy, weak, not trying harder, shake off;

5) physical symptoms, stress-related problems, headaches, depression;

6) moving or changing schools, negative, stressful, or unhappy family atmosphere, teens, hormone disbalance;

7) high-stress living situations, poverty, homelessness, violence in the family or community, friends;

10) exercise, dance, journaling, art, stress.

4. Continue the sentences:

1) Depression is…

2) If the depressed feeling doesn't pass…

3) Depression affects…

4) Doctors…

5) Mania is the term for…

6) Treatment for depression…

7) Research shows…

8) Therapy sessions can help…

9) Sometimes, a person may experience…

10) Most communities have…


5. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

A research show that … runs in families and that some people … genes that make it more likely for them to get…. Not everyone who has the genetic … for depression gets depressed, though. And many people who have no family history of … have the condition. So although … is one factor, they aren't the single cause of….

The death of a family…, friend, or pet can … normal grief and sometimes lead to…. Other difficult life events, such as when parents…, separate, or remarry, can cause and even make the … worse. Even events like moving or changing schools can be emotionally … enough that a person becomes…. For some teens, a negative, stressful, or unhappy … atmosphere can affect their … and lead to…. This can also include high-stress living situations such as …, homelessness; and … in the family, relationships, or community.

Most communities have … … where people can get guidance and … in an emergency. Although it's important to be…, trying to cheer up a friend or … … him or her probably won't work to help depression or suicidal feelings go away.


6. Give synonyms from the text:

- the practice of drinking too much alcohol or of taking illegal drugs;

- a problem that delays or stops progress or makes a situation worse;

- a short period when you are ill or you feel unhappy;

- to stay somewhere longer than necessary, or to spend longer than necessary doing smth because it is enjoyable or helpful to you;

- to prescribe a medicine and to give some other instructions to the patient to get rid of an illness.


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