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Here are six other words with similar meanings. Translate the illustrative examples into Russian

squabble – an argument over an unimportant matter: Polly and Susie were having a squabble about who was going to hold the dog’s lead.

bickering – an argument about unimportant matters: They are always bickering with each other about their personal problems. / The council finally elected a leader after several days of bickering.

tiff – a slight argument: Have you two had a lovers’ tiff?

brawl – a noisy, rough quarrel or fight, especially one in which several people take part, and often in a public place: There was a drunken brawl near the pub.

skirmish – a short argument: There was a short skirmish between the political party leaders when the Government announced it was to raise taxes.

wrangle – an argument which usually continues for a long period of time: The joint venture ended in a legal wrangle between the two companies.

V. Vocabulary.


But when the dust settles after adolescence, they

will probably end up having a good relationship.


Here are five more expressions with “dust”:

1. to kick / raise a dust (about)

2. to bite the dust

3. to turn to dust

4. to dust someone off

5. to dust one’s pants

Choose the appropriate definitions for these expressions:

a. to beat smb.

b. to argue and shout

c. to become worthless

d. to be killed or defeated or come to an unsuccessful end

e. to slap or whip smb. (usually a child)

Find the correct endings in column B to finish the sentences beginning in column A:

A 1. When the new management came in, the project 2. If my dad hears about this he will 3. They quarreled and Bruno threatened to 4. They didn’t do anything; every promise they have made has 5. Everything’s OK, don’t B a. dust my pants. b. turned to dust. c. bit the dust. d. raise a dust. e. dust Max off.  

VI. Discussion. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you agree with Dr. Apter’s opinion that frequent arguments help mothers and their daughters to enrich the relationship? Can understanding of each other be increased through conflict?

2. How can you explain the fact that boys have fewer rows with their mother? Do they ever argue with their father?

3. Do you believe that mothers and daughters who never fight are unlikely to have a close relationship in the future?

4. Several reasons for rows are mentioned in the article. What are some other things that can result in quarrels between teenagers and their parents?

5. If you have quarrels with your parents, who is the first to take repair steps?



Text 3

Look at the headline. What is the article going to be about?

Now read the story and do the exercises below.

I didn’t lay a finger on my

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