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Compound Tunes



She ought to tell us when she's going to leave.

I used to be very fond of strawberries and cream.

We should have hated to have stayed any longer.

It would have been much better to peel them.

You can certainly ask him to wait in the drawing-room.

It's easy to see he's not susceptible to flattery.

The librarian lent him the book.

I know you wouldn't be anxious to go.

Nobody wanted to stay there.

6. Read the following sentences with the Fall + Rise. In order to fix intonation of this compound tune in your mind, ear and speech habits read each sentence several times until they sound perfectly natural to you. Use them in conversa­tional situations. Observe quick pronunciation of unstressed syllables. Concen­trate your attention on Rhythm and Intonation. Say what attitudes you mean to render.

I want you to take the others.

Living in a big city has advantages.

She sang so well that the listeners were filled with admiration.

How can they be so indifferent to the sufferings of the child?

I'm sure they accepted the invitation with pleasure.

She pretends to be quite indifferent to what her friends said to her.

He was indignant with Tom for not telling him the truth.

I wish I could spare you the trouble of going there.

But we are confident of winning the first place in the competi­tion.

She'll have an accident if she doesn't show more discretion when driving the car.

Spare me the trouble of reminding you of your promises.

I admit that the statement is true.

For me the picture has an irresistible charm.

I regard it as my duty to help them.

She is tired of your constant complaints.

I can hardly believe that my son will be admitted to screen the play.

I'm sorry you've had all this bother on my account.

You don't mean to say you'd forgotten it.

But I've already made an appointment for the morning.

7. '"This exercise is meant to develop your ability to hear and reproduce in­tonation in proper speech situations. Listen to the dialogue. Mark the stresses and tunes. Practise the dialogue. Record your reading. Play the recording back immediately for your teacher and fellow-students to detect the errors in your pronunciation. Practise reading each sentence of your corrected variant after the cassette-recorder. Find phrases pronounced with Fall-Rise or Fall + Rise. Say what attitudes are rendered by them. Make up conversational situations using these sentences.

A: Did you see "Othello" on television last night?

B: The opera, you mean? No, I didn't. I was out.

A: I saw it, and quite enjoyed it.

B: Did you? I thought you didn't approve of television.

A: I don't as a regular thing, but I happened to be round at my sister's, and she wanted to see it, so I watched it too.

B: Have you thought any more about getting a set?

A: No, I don't think I shall. Though there's a good deal of pres­sure, of course.

B: From your family?

A: From my daughter in particular. All her school friends talk about it so much.

B: I know. You'd think they never did anything else but sit glued to the television screen.

A: That's mostly what I object to, the time it wastes.

B: It isn't the television that wastes the time, it's you.

A: I know that, but I have a deep distrust of myself. So it's proba­bly better to avoid the occasion of sin. Don't you think?

Дата добавления: 2015-12-04; просмотров: 249. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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