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Обобщающий Тест к урокам 6-10

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into English:

1. The receptionist said he could offer me a double room with a private bath on the first floor.

2. The company secretary said you could get the necessary catalogues on Friday.

3. The fact (point) is they shipped the goods in time.

4. The director made an announcement that the talks would begin at 10.

5. But you said there was no extra charge for this service.

6. Will you attend to this enquiry for boilers?

7. Their terms of shipment are not acceptable to us.

8. I’m sorry (I’m afraid) the delivery dates do not suit us.

9. What points would they like to clear up with Mr Blake in advance?

10. We can deliver the equipment in February.

11. We are placing an order for chemical equipment with a German firm.

12. I have no things to declare.

13. Our trade contacts with European countries are developing from year to year.

14. Our firm has always exported manufactured goods to European countries.

15. Will you put me through to the reception-desk?

16. We had not / never done business with that company before 2001.

17. Could you give an alternative date?

18. The company representative got instructions to buy equipment abroad.

19. The Buyers haven’t accepted the Sellers’ goods.

20. All the passengers must go through the Customs when they go abroad.

21. I wonder if / whether the firm had sent their representative to France.

22. The Customs Officer asked the passenger to unpack his suit-case.

23. These are things for my own use.

24. It is necessary to fill in a declaration when you go abroad.

25. Your charge for this single room is too high.

Assignment 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form:

Anton Ivanov is an engineer from a Rostov factory which is taking part in an industrial exhibition in Saratov.

Mr Taylor, a businessman from Great Britain, is talking to Ivanov, who’s working at the exhibition as a guide.

Taylor: Have you seen our new model, Anton?

Ivanov: Yes, and I must say it’s a very up-to-date design. My congratulations!

Taylor: Thanks. I’m happy to hear that.

Ivanov: We’re interested in buying some of these machines for our factories.

Taylor: Are you? How many would you like to buy?

Ivanov: I can’t give you a definite answer now, I think it may be quite a big order. Would you like to visit the factory and talk to the Director General?

Taylor: I’d love to if you could arrange it soon, because I’m leaving Saratov next Saturday.

Ivanov: No problem, Mr Taylor.

Taylor: Good. Thank you ever so much.

Assignment 3. Match the segments to get free collocations or set expressions and translate them into Russian. Use the proper articles with the nominal collocations:

1. a flight to New York – рейс до Нью-Йорк

2. a visit to a plant – посещение завода

3. accommodation at the hotel – номер в гостинице

4. an appointment with the british businessman – (деловая) встреча с британским коммерсантом

5. an offer of equipment – предложение на оборудование

6. consumer goods – потребительские товары

7. contract for the sale – контракт на продажу

8. foreign nationality – иностранное гражданство

9. from year to year – из года в год

10. growing demand – растущий спрос

11. latest catalogue – последний каталог

12. liable to duty – подлежащий обложению пошлиной

13. one’s stay in Boston – время пребывания (кого-либо) в Бостоне

14. part deliveries – частичные поставки

15. people in the waiting-room – люди / пассажиры в зале ожидания

16. quotation from a bank – предложение от банка

17. terms of shipment – условия отгрузки

18. the key to one’s room – ключ от своей комнаты / своего номера

19. the way to the airport – дорога к аэропорту

20. to accept a price – принимать цену

21. to arrive in Dublin – прибыть в Дублин

22. to be available in an hour – быть в распоряжении / доступным / в наличии через час

23. to be in demand – пользоваться спросом

24. to clear up a few points – выяснить (уточнить) некоторые вопросы

25. to contact the supplier – связаться с поставщиком

26. to deliver raw materials – поставлять сырьё

27. to have a word with somebody – поговорить / переговорить с кем-либо

28. to have talks – вести переговоры

29. to offer goods on f.o.b. terms – предлагать товар(ы) на условиях фоб

30. to reduce the prices – снизить цены

31. to ship the goods – отгрузить товар(ы)

32. to stay at the hotel – остановиться в гостинице

Assignment 4. Ask questions to the italicised words:

1. It rained heavily the day before yesterday, didn’t it?

2. Did he have to stay in London for another day?

3. Will he be able to reserve a room at the Astoria or the Continental Hotel?

4. Why did he have to come to his office early yesterday?

5. With who(m) will you have to clear up all these points?

6. When had his experts gone through the latest catalogues of the firm?

7. What is the weather like in London?

8. Whose requirements does this model meet?

9. On what terms do we Þ you usually buy their goods?

10. How many compressors were they going to buy from Goodman & Co?



Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 407. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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