Modern Scholars
After Virtue (1981)
… to demonstrate that good judgment emanates from good character. Being a good person is not about seeking to follow formal rules. Reworking the Aristotelian idea of virtues.
"Corporate roles, personal virtues: an Aristotelian approach to business ethics", Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 2 pp.317-40. (1992)
… every textbook on BE tells about utilitarianism, Kant, natural rights, Rawls and some others. But are they easily applicable to real business? It is impossible to get these theories into the heads of real businessman. The single alternative is to improve his character…
Virtues Ethics What is it?
How could we exactly define virtues? What is the full list of virtues? How to correctly define every virtue? What methodology should be used for answering these questions?
-- Should the person be honest? -- Yes. -- Why? -- Because it helps to keep business relations and increase profit…
Such a justification will be always based on utilitarianism or deontology. But is there an original NORMATIVE methodology of virtues ethics? Why a virtue is virtue?
Virtues Ethics