Veil of Ignorance
Let us compare two societies – in one the firms are allowed to break contracts, in the other they are not. Where the poorest people will feel better?
Breaking contracts without compensation undermine the trust and create unfavorable environment for the business. Even if some cases will be advantageous for the society. So, this behavior is UNETHICAL.
Breaking contracts with compensation protects economy from contracts which become non-optimal. So, this behavior is ETHICAL
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology
2.11 Application: Norms
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology
2.11. Application: Norms Actions vs. Norms
Normative Business Ethics may be aimed at evaluation of actions, norms or whole systems of norms.
In Utilitarianism you evaluate an action as such.
In Deontology you cannot do this. All actions are analyzed as universal norms.
Let us now look at the basic norms of economy and business…
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology
2.11. Application: Norms Areas of Justice
There are three traditional problems of justice in economy which were formulated by Aristotle.
How to distribute the stock of a good between people?
Justice of Exchange (or Commutative justice) What are just rules of exchange?
Justice of Retribution (or Retributive justice) How the damage should be punished? Property Law
Contract Law
Tort Law
E t h i c s L a w
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology
2.12 Distributive Justice
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology
Distributive Justice Pie Problem
Suppose that the stock of a good (“pie”) should be divided between members of society. What are just rules of these distribution? Consider next cases:
The pie falls from the sky. a) Everybody knows where it is. b) It should be found.
The pie is produced by people. a) Everybody has equal capabilities. b) Everybody has unequal capabilities. c) There is stochastic variance in productivity.
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology
Distributive Justice Pie Problem: Solutions (1)
The pie fell from the sky
a. There is no problem of finding. Equal distribution: every person gets an equal share of the pie. This is the rational strategy to maximize the expected payoff for a risk-adverse person.
b. The pie has to be found. Equal distribution + A finder’s fee. This is a rational compromise between maximizing the expected payoff and creating an incentive for finders.
Implication. Why the oil producing countries have exclusive right for oil and gas at their territories? This “pie” fell from the sky and should belong to all people on the Earth.
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology