The social system should maximize the material well-being of the most vulnerable (least-advantageous) people.
Let us compare two societies: one with income distribution from 100 to 200, the other – from 10 to 500. Which society will be chosen by people? The first one because they do not know in what end of this distribution they will find themselves in the reality.
John Rawls (1921-2002)
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology
2.9. Rational Choice: Rawls Justice: two definitions
There may be two meanings of justice
Justice of norm application Adultery in biblical times:a married woman was forbidden to have sex outside the marriage but her husband had right to have sex with another unmarried woman. If one woman was not punished while others were – it was UNJUST.
Tax evasion. For example, if in a business community it is normal to “optimize” taxes but one businessman is arrested and sent to jail for that – this is UNJUST. (There are informal norms of relationships between the state and the business)
Justice of a norm The norm is just if it was established under just (fair) conditions. The fairest conditions were formulated by Rawls who called his theory Justice as Fairness. The original position is the most fair condition of deriving norms because people design a system and are ready to hold the position of the most vulnerable person.
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology
2.9. Application: Actions
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology