Two Pirates and the Treasure
The treasure includes highly heterogeneous items. How it should be divided if the pirates want to • achieve mutual agreement of fair distribution • avoid costly process of argumentation?
One pirate divides the treasure into two parts The other pirate chooses a part for himself.
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology
Distributive Justice Buy-sell agreement
Suppose that two partners who created a company with almost equal contributions would like to stop the joint business. What is the price of buying out a stake?
Russian Roulette (why?) One partner names the price of the half of the company and the other decides if he prefers to get this price and leave, or to pay this price and own the whole company.
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology
2.13 Justice in exchange
Storchevoy M. A. Corporate Social Responsibility. 2013 Topic 2 (2). Normative Analysis: Deontology
Justice in Exchange Market of Goods
The hunter and the farmer are going to make exchange of their products. What proportions should they use for this exchange?
Free market pricing The parties have right to bargain and to demand the price as they wish