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Министерство Образования и Наук Республики Казахстан

I. Sections: Crimes and law-breakers, Punishment.

1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

1. organised crime 2. an accomplice 3. a premeditated crime 4. felony 5. grievous bodily harm 6. a law-abiding citizen 7. larceny 8. a pickpocket 9. robbery 10. fraud 11. a swindler 12. embezzlement 13. an extortionist 14. aggravated assault 15. a rapist 16. homicide 17. manslaughter 18. mugging 19. speeding 20. a smuggler a. тяжкое уголовное преступление b. кража c. непредумышленное убийство d. мошенничество e. уличное ограбление f. тяжкие телесные повреждения g. насильник h. контрабандист i.сообщник, соучастник j. растрата k. законопослушный гражданин l. обманщик, мошенник m. организованная преступность n. ограбление o. вор-карманник p. предумышленное преступление q. нападение при отягчающих обстоятельствах r. убийство s. превышение скорости t. вымогатель


2. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

1. a fine 2. life imprisonment 3. solitary confimenent 4. hanging 5. capital punishment 6. incarceration 7. suspended sentence 8. a prison term 9. electrocution 10. disqualification from driving a. казнь через повешение b. тюремное заключение c. срок тюремного заключения d. смертная казнь e. лишение водительских прав f. одиночное заключение g. казнь на электрическом стуле h. штраф i. пожизненное заключение j. условное осуждение, наказание

3. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases.


youth crime, bodily injury, to break the law, the death penalty, a criminal, a habitual criminal, to comply with the law, theft, kidnapping, plunder, to counterfeit, murder, imprisonment, date rape, drink-driving, treacherous, spying, a heavy fine, an inmate, to prevent (crime)


4. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions:

1. punishment which involves killing someone who has committed a crime

2. killing someone by pulling a metal collar or wire tightly around their neck, an execution by strangling or throttling smb

3. a punishment in which a prisoner is kept alone and is not allowed to see anyone else

4. officially taking private property away from someone, usually as a punishment

5. to secretly collect information about an enemy country or an organization you are competing against заниматься

6. the crime of being disloyal to your country or its government, especially by helping its enemies or trying to remove the government using violence

7. a situation when someone earns money through crime and illegal activities

8. the crime of stealing a car and driving it in a fast and dangerous way for fun

9. an attack on someone in which they are robbed in a public place

10. the crime of killing someone illegally but not deliberately

11. a situation when someone tries to get money from you or make you do what they want by threatening to tell other people your secrets

12. to get money from someone by deceiving them

13. intended to deceive people in an illegal way, in order to gain money, power etc

14. the action of stealing goods from a shop while pretending to be a customer

15. the crime of getting into a building to steal things

16. a citizen respectful of the law and obeying it

17. an action that is wrong but not criminal and can be dealt with in a civil court of law

18. a person who helps someone such as a criminal to do something wrong

19. something that makes someone less likely to do something, by making them realize it will be difficult or have bad results

20. not very serious crime



5. Explain the meaning of the words and phrases listed below.

a crime against humanity, an unpremeditated crime, felony, robbery, burglary, fraud, counterfeiting, assault and battery, justifiable homicide, assassination, tailgating, carjacking, arson, vandalism, a non-custodial sentence, wrongful imprisonment, suspended sentence, summary execution


6. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.

1. poisonous 2. drug 3. justifiable 4. to divulge 5. statutory 6. contract 7. a custodial 8. indecent 9. to extort 10. to sell counterfeit 11. a fraudulent 12. a stay 13. an act of 14. to comply 15. a hefty 16. to swindle smb 17. life 18. capital 19. to be tough 20. to forge a. of execution b. vandalism c. fine d. murder e. money from smb f. imprisonment g. out of millions of pounds h. punishment i. with the law j. information k. on crime l. homicide m. injection n. smb’s signature o. passport p. assault q. software r. rape s. trafficking t. sentence


7. Give corresponding nouns.


to rape, to murder, to assassinate, to kidnap, to shoplift, to counterfeit, to forge, to carjack, to imprison, to execute, to incarcerate, to sentence, to rob, to burgle, to divulge (information), to smuggle, to plunder, to assault


8. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions, articles or adverbial particles.

1. There's been a rise … … serious crime in the area.

2. The security camera was installed to deter people … stealing.

3. Is capital punishment a deterrent … murder?

4. Politicians are trying to appear tough … crime.

5. He was charged … murder, convicted and sentenced … incarceration.

6. Teenagers should not be sent to prison to mix … hardened criminals.

7. He and a friend, Trevor Nott, were arrested … suspected accomplices... a visa-forging ring.

8. It amounts … complicity … crimes … humanity.

9. He inflicted grievous bodily harm … his neighbour.

10. The use of firearms … self-defence is … the law.

11. He is guilty … car theft.

12. He admitted … attempted robbery.

13. They threatened to shoot him and robbed him … all his possessions.

14. Jones was convicted for his participation … … $2 million stock swindle.

15. The businessman swindled investors … … their money.

16. She found out that he had been embezzling money … her for a year.

17. Bates got … 5-year jail sentence … blackmail.

18. Eight youths assaulted … a storekeeper.

19. Several assault and battery charges had brought him trouble … the police.

20. The man accused … her murder will appear … … court today.

21. When can murder charges be dismissed … justifiable homicide?

22. She was cleared … murder but found guilty … manslaughter.

23. A hefty fine was imposed … Jack … tailgating and speeding.

24. Police are treating the fire … a case of … arson.

25. The guns were smuggled … the border.

26. Richter is accused of committing treason … the state.

27. He was charged … spying...British military bases.

28. He confessed … spying … North Korea.

29. She’s threatening to sue her employers … … wrongful dismissal.

30. Garrotting was widely used in 17th and 18th century India … a means of assassination.


9. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary.

robbery, burglary, deterrent, imprisonment, counterfeiting, to deter, to breed, fraud, pickpocket, blackmail, shoplifter, extortion, charge, accuse, fine, mugging, betray, joyriding, spy, confinement


1. Window locks are an effective … against burglars.

2. Poor living conditions … crime and violence.

3. There are a lot of … in crowded tourist areas, so look after your belongings.

4. Police are investigating a series of bank … in South Wales.

5. The … of money is usually attacked aggressively by governments.

6. They said if I didn't do the overtime I'd lose my job - it was ….

7. He was … with aggravated assault on a police officer.

8. There have been a number of … outside downtown hotels recently.

9. … is usually punished less severely than car theft.

10. I don’t understand people who … their country for money.

11. He spent more than half his time in prison in solitary ….

12. She was ordered to pay £150 in parking …, plus court costs.


10. Translate these sentences. Give synonymous translations if possible.


1. Преступность среди малолетних растёт.

2. Может ли смертная казнь удержать от совершения тяжких уголовных преступлений?

3. Полиция принимает жёсткие меры по борьбе с преступностью.

4. Во время войны совершаются многочисленные преступления против человечества.

5. Преступление, которое он совершил, было непредумышленным.

6. Осуждённый преступник оказался рецидивистом, а его сообщник был мелким преступником.

7. Он был арестован за соучастие в нападении с нанесением ударов.

8. Мистер Джоунз обвиняется в нанесении тяжких телесных повреждений и незаконном хранении оружия.

9. Он ограбил банк, украв 500 000 долларов.

10. Он был признан виновным во взломе и проникновении.

11. Мародёрство во время войны не удивительно.

12. Его обвинили в налоговом мошенничестве и в подделке денег.

13. Растрата денег компании, вымогательство и шантаж – вот немногие из его преступлений.

14. Его приговорили к тюремному заключению за нападение на полицейского при отягчающих обстоятельствах.

15. Насильники и убийцы должны быть приговорены к смертной казни.

16. Он совершил непреднамеренное убийство, но было доказано, что он сделал это в целях самозащиты, это было оправданное убийство.

17. Его ограбили на улице.

18. Его лишили водительских прав за превышение скорости и вождение в нетрезвом виде.

19. На поджигателя был наложен большой штраф.

20. Он был обвинён в государственной измене и приговорён к пожизненному тюремному заключению.

21. Он провёл большую часть своей жизни в тюрьме в одиночном заключении.

22. В некоторых странах наказанием за политических шпионаж является расстрел.

23. Мистер Смит – законопослушный гражданин, но никогда не нарушает закон.


II. Sections: Law enforcement and investigation, Court proceedings.


1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.


List A List B
  1. to alert the police 2. law enforcement 3. the benefit of the doubt 4. corroborative evidence 5. to be remanded in custody 6. to interrogate 7. to argue a case 8. to forfeit bail 9. to catch (smb) red-handed 10. forensic 11. to conduct a search 12. to press charges 13. Criminal Investigation Department 14. solicitor 15. to dismiss a case     a. поверенный b. производить обыск c. поймать кого-то с поличным d. правоохранительные органы e. находиться в камере предварительного заключения f. нарушить правила освобождения под залог, не явиться в суд g. уголовный розыск h. подкрепляющие улики, доказательства i. закрыть дело j. допрашивать k. сообщить в полицию l. выдвигать обвинения m. судебно-криминалистический n. презумпция невиновности o. отстаивать точку зрения в суде    


2. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.


List A List B
  1. counsel for the prosecution 2. defendant 3. testimony 4. indictment 5. stiff sentence 6. to prosecute 7. parole 8. plaintiff 9. acquittal 10. (the) jury 11. bailiff 12. respondent 13. mitigating circumstances 14. litigation 15. to try     a. преследовать в уголовном порядке b. судебный пристав c. ответчик d. судить, разбирать дело в суде e. оправдание по суду f. судебная тяжба g. смягчающие обстоятельства h. обвинитель i. условно-досрочное освобождение j. ответчик, подсудимый, обвиняемый k. длительное тюремное заключение l. свидетельские показания m. истец n. обвинительный акт o. присяжные заседатели  

3. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases.


to file a case (against smb), to try a case, a private investigator, an attorney, the presumption of innocence, to be caught in the act, to make bail, to skip bail, to question, evidence, to be brought before court, to sue, Prosecutor General, to serve on the jury, respondent, claimant, attenuating circumstances, to deliver a verdict, to pronounce sentence, to plead guilty, to give smb a pardon, prison, to keep smb in custody, witness for the defence


4. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions.


1. a country where the government strictly controls people's freedom to meet, write, or speak about politics, travel etc with the help of police

2. an official effort to collect and examine information about something, investigation

3. to invent a story, piece of information in order to deceive someone

4. a public official whose job is to find out the cause of death when people die in ways that are violent, sudden, etc

5. relating to the scientific methods used for finding out about a crime

6. the profession of a lawyer

7. to make (an innocent person) appear to be guilty of a crime

8. to know and say who someone is or what something is

9. the place where an accident, crime happened

10. to decide to stop making charges

11. the person arrested

12. an object that is shown in court to prove whether someone is guilty or not


5. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions.


1. when someone uses a court of law to deal with a legal case

2. a lawyer who represents the side in a court case that accuses a person of a crime and who tries to prove that the person is guilty

3. a member of a jury

4. an official of the legal system who watches prisoners and keeps order in a court of law

5. to formally decide that someone should be put on trial for a crime, to officially charge someone with a criminal offence

6. to be judged in a court of law

7. to ask more questions of (a witness who has been questioned by another lawyer)

8. the decision made by a jury in a trial about whether someone is guilty of a crime

9. to give a decision in a court of law that someone is not guilty of a crime

10. to prove or officially announce that someone is guilty of a crime after a trial in a law court

11. to spend a period of time in prison

12. a serious and emotional request for smth

13. an official order allowing someone who has been found guilty of a crime to go free without being punished

14. permission for someone to leave prison, on the condition that they promise to behave well


6. Explain the meaning of the words and phrases listed below.


riot police, to enforce a law, sheriff, a civil case, a suspect, to detect, wanted, a search warrant,custody, a witness, fingerprints, autopsy, the jury retires, to incriminate, to adjudicate, to land in prison


7. Explain the difference between the meanings of the following of words.


a police officer – a constable – a detective, a civil case – a criminal case, an attorney – a solicitor – a barrister, a suspect – a defendant – a convict, to detect – to identify, to accuse (of smth) – to charge (with smth) – to convict (of smth), evidence – an exhibit – testimony, to sue – to prosecute, a verdict – a sentence, to justify – to acquit, to be released on bail – to be released on parole


8. Group the following words according to whether they are used in British English or American English.


prosecuting attorney, post mortem (examination), complainant, bailiff, the police department, to remand in custody, barrister



9. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.


List A List B
  1. to be arrested 2. to open 3. to release 4. to be called 5. circumstantial 6. to help the police 7. to bring (smb) 8. to arrive at 9. to be tried 10. to escape 11. to carry out 12. to jump 13. aggravating 14. to be summoned 15. to serve 16. counsel 17. to sum up 18. to declare smb 19. the benefit 20. to resist   a. a case b. bail c. on the jury d. of the doubt e. a search f. circumstances g. as a witness h. on suspicion of i. for murder j. to trial k. evidence l. arrest m. from custody n. guilty o. legal proceedings p. a verdict q. for the defence / defendant r. with their inquiries s. to the bar t. detection


10. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles.


1. They charged him ___ theft.

2. His lawyer urged that those responsible for the torture be brought ___ justice.

3. Brady was ___ trial ___ assault.

4. A man is being held ___ police custody in connection with the murder.

5. He was indicted ___ vehicular homicide in 1987.

6. An eye witness ___ the accident said the driver appeared to be drunk.

7. He pleaded guilty ___ two charges ___ theft.

8. Counsel __ the defence addressed __ the jury and the judge summed __.

9. He was released ___ parole after serving two years.

10. He tried to rob a bank and was caught ___ the act.

11. The police are conducting an inquiry ___ his death.

12. Sanchez was sentenced ___ three years in prison.

13. His case was committed ___ crown court.

14. The accident is ___ investigation.

15. The two men were framed ___ murder.

16. Material found ___ the crime scene incriminates ___ the defendant.

17. He is now free ___ bail.

18. The witness was questioned ___ her husband's disappearance.

19. I demand my right ___ a trial ___ jury.

20. He was arrested ___ a charge of burglary.

21. She was acquitted ___ murdering her husband.

22. The coroner performed an autopsy ___ the murder victim's body.

23. The company is suing ___ a former employee ___ slander.

24. They were executed despite international appeal ___ pardon.

25. He was denied ___ parole.


11. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary.


a member of, to enter, to undertake, to serve, jail, to bring, to police, to plead, to deliver, forensics, to take, to incriminate, to retire, to press, to identify, acquittal, to release, to pronounce, to receive, a shred of


1. I never doubted that they ….. the correct verdict.

2. The two men were arrested only a week after they ….. from prison.

3. Adams ….. a plea of 'not guilty'.

4. After a six hour trial, the jury ….. before bringing a verdict of guilty.

5. Several jurors voted for …..

6. He was locked up in the county …..

7. She is ….. the bar.

8. He refused to answer questions for fear he ….. himself.

9. The judge ….. sentence on him.

10. He ….. a 10-year sentence for armed robbery.

11. He ….. not guilty by reason of insanity.

12. She ….. into custody as a suspect.

13. The claimant ….. an action against the bank.

14. He ….. a fair trial.

15. The witness positively ….. the suspect in the crime.

16. The bank ….. legal proceedings against him.

17. There is not ….. evidence in her favor.

18. The officers ….. the streets for reckless drivers.

19. As it was his first offence, the store agreed ….. charges.

20. The ….. showed he was at the scene of the crime.

12. Translate these sentences. Give synonymous translations if possible.


1. Он известная фигура с криминальным прошлым.

2. Мэри работает в правоохранительных органах.

3. Многие гражданские дела можно уладить вне суда.

4. Представленные улики и доказательства не помогли обвинению доказать свою точку зрения в суде.

5. Судебные криминалисты нашли следы крови в автомобиле.

6. Джон – главный подозреваемый по делу о похищении.

7. Судья распорядился установить личность девушки.

8. Он был предан суду по обвинению в покушении на убийство.

9. Полицейские надели на преступника наручники.

10. Кто-то заплатил за Вас залог в 1 миллион долларов.

11. Её обвинили в даче ложных показаний.

12. Полицейские допросили его и сняли отпечатки пальцев.

13. Сотрудница пригрозила обратиться в суд, если ей не выплатят компенсацию.

14. Генеральный прокурор заявил, что террористам будут выносить более суровые приговоры.

15. Представители обвинения и защиты должны соблюдать правила поведения в суде.

16. Это преступление подлежит преследованию по обвинительному акту.

17. Этого человека будут судить за мошенничество.

18. Если бы не смягчающие обстоятельства, ему пришлось бы сесть в тюрьму.

19. Обвиняемый не признал свою вину.

20. Осужденный подал прошение о помиловании и был освобождён условно-досрочно.

Министерство Образования и Наук Республики Казахстан

АО «Академии гражданской авиации»

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