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Exercise 3. Comment on the use of the Present Perfect Continuous. Translate the sentences into Russian.


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БОГОСЛОВСКИЙ ВЕСТНИК, издаваемый Московскою Духовною Академиею. Номер первый, выпуск первый. 1993 год., стр.7.

Tenses. Active voice.

Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the Present Indefinite and Present Continuous. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I never talk when I am working, and never listen either. 2. I hope that by the time she gets into the public school system, things will be different. 3. Can’t you see he is laughing at you? 4. I suppose it sometimes happens that letters arrive for people when in actual fact no one of that name is staying here. 5. Do you know where Mary is? – I expect she is talking to Mother. 6. “Oh, mummy! The coffee is boiling over!” 7. If anyone comes to the door I’ll go and let them in. 8. I’m staying right here until she is out of trouble. 9. He’s going back to America. 10. I can easily look the article through while you are having your bath. 11. Isn’t mother coming? – No. She is not feeling well. 12. “So it all passes,” he was thinking, “passes and begins again.” 13. She is always telling me that I should have some serious purpose in life. 14. What are you listening to? – It seems to me I hear a strange noise outside. 15. You are always dozing when there is something unpleasant to face. 16. Can we go over to Ann’s today, Mummy? – You can, on your like, if you keep to the side of the lane and are very careful.

Exercise 2. Comment on the use of the Present Perfect. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. How long have you been in officer, Ettore? 2. He’s poisoned your mind against me ever since you were old enough to listen. 3. I shall never love anyone as I have loved you. 4. You’ve never had a chance to meet decent people here. 5. You’ve done more than stay young: you’ve stayed a child. 6. I have been uneasy all the afternoon about what they must think of us. 7. And since you’ve been here, everything has certainly been worse than it’s ever been. 8. How many times in these past few months I’ve thought of the evenings we used to spend here in this room. 9. I’ve been with Mr Gallagher for four years now and a better gentleman you wouldn’t find. 10. I’ve put a camp-bed in your room. Or you could have the other room, only it’s rather cold. 11. I haven’t closed my eyes for forty-eight hours. 12. I’ve always hated this town and everyone in it. 13. I’ve watched her doing it day after day. 14. You have never been absent from my thoughts for a moment.


Exercise 3. Comment on the use of the Present Perfect Continuous. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. What do you think he’s been doing? 2. I have been wishing to speak to you ever since you returned. 3. Sophie’s been cleaning all day, and I’ve been cooking! 4. You have been calling out in your sleep. 5. Who has been bearing false tales to him? 6. “I’ve been wanting to see you, Collin,” she said. 7. How long has she been going on like this? 8. That’s what I’ve been trying to do for you. I’ve been working on the problem. 9. I want you to understand that everything he has just been saying to you is pure imagination. 10. Oh, Michael, we’ve been seeking for you for hours. 11. “How are you, Mr Bosinney?” he said holding out his hand. “You’ve been spending money pretty freely here I should say.” 12. You’ve been working too hard. You are off your balance. 13. And here’s the water you’ve been drinking. 14. I have been thinking of your decision since we parted. 15. I sometimes think that Eric’s got consumption. He’s been complaining of pains in his chest and head.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 2156. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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