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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Test questions. 1. What are the structural features caused arotatichesky character of pyrrole, indole, imidazole.

1. What are the structural features caused arotatichesky character of pyrrole, indole, imidazole.

2. Show the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bond on the example of imidazole.

3. Compare the acid-base character of pyridine and pyrrole. Write the appropriate response.

4. Write-lactam lactim tautomers of uracil.

5. The basis of a number of biologically important systems (hemoglobin, chlorophyll, vitamin B12, and others.) Lies porfinovy ​​cycle. Write the structural formula porphine and explain the reason of its increased thermodynamic stability.

6. Write the reduction reaction of hydride ion, alkyl pyridinium ion. At the heart of the action of redox enzymes is this reaction?

8. Write the following schema transformations: nicotine® nicotinic acid ® nicotinamide. Which group of vitamins include nicotinic acid amide and its?

9. Write the sulfonation reaction of pyridine. Specify the reaction mechanism. Which antivitamin applies the resulting product?

10. Uric acid is an end product of metabolism in the body. From what substances and as a result some reactions in the body it is formed? Write these reactions.

11. Write the reaction of formation of thymidine-5’-monophosphate (TMP), thymidine-5’-diphosphate (TDP), thymidine-5’-triphosphate (TTP). Their value.

12. Write the reaction for the formation of cyclic UMP, uridine-3’; 5’-monophosphate.

13. Write the structural formula and the reaction of NAD + to NADH regeneration. Explain the biological significance of this reaction.

14. What is the difference of DNA from RNA?

15. How to connect mononukletidy a polynucleotide chain? Illustrate the connection AMP (adenosine monophosphate-5’-) with CMP (cytidine-5’-monophosphate).


Theme number 15: Lipids. Saponifiable lipids. Phospholipids. Unsaponifiable lipids (sterols, steroids) and their biological role. Steroids. Cholesterol.


Session Purpose: to generate knowledge of the principles and structure of stereoisomers important groups of lipids, phospholipids, glycolipids. Biological functions of the human body.


The main questions of the theme:

1. Lipids. Classification. What are the similarities in the structure and properties of lipids? Their biological role?

2. Basic higher fatty acids are part of the natural lipids, their structure. Essential higher fatty acids - vitamins "F." The concept of prostaglandins. Influence of the degree of unsaturation of the fatty acids on the properties of fats.

3. Mono, diacylglycerol structure.

4. triacylglycerol definition nomenclature common in nature. Simple and mixed fats. Iodine number is a measure of unsaturation of the fat.

5. Phospholipids, classification, biological role.

6. The general scheme of the structure fosfoglitseridzhov. Phosphatidic acid. Aminoalcohols, within the structure of phosphoglycerides and genetic relationship between them.

7. phosphatidylserine fosfatididetanolaminy, phosphatidylcholines. Structure. Bifilnost these compounds.

8. The concept of the structure of glycolipids.

9. Chemical properties saponifiable lipids: hydrolysis (saponification) oxidation.

10. Steroids, the concept of the structure.

11. sterols: cholesterol, ergosterol. Distribution in nature. The biological role.

12. Vitamins D2 and D3. Structure, value.

13. Bile acid concept. Cholic acid, structure.


Methods of teaching and learning: effective formative feedback on the development of competencies, training in small groups SGL.


1. Петров А.А., Бальян Х.Б. и др. «Органическая химия», М. Высшая школа, 1984 г.

2. Н.А.Тюкавкина, Ю.И.Бауков., «Биорганическая химия», Москва. «Медицина». 1991 г.

3. Степаненко Б.Н. «Курс органической химии», Москва, 1991 г.

4. Грандберг И.А. «Органическая химия», Москва, 2001 г.

5. Петров А.А., Бальян Х.Б. и др. «Органическая химия», М. Высшая школа, 1984 г.

6. А.Н.Несмеянов, Н.А.Несмеянов «Начала органической химии», Изд.Химия, Москва 1974 г.

7. Овчинников Ю.А. «Биоорганическая химия». М. Высшая школа, 1986 г.

8. Плешкова С.М., Р.Д. Асанбаева, М.И. Ильясова, Ш.Г. Салықова 1-ші курс студенттерінің биоорганикалық химиядан өз бетімен дайындалуына арналған тесттер, Алматы, 2001 ж.

9. Шабаров Ю.Ф. «Органическая химия», учебник для вузов; М. Химия, 1996 г. в 2-х томах.

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