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Test questions. 1. Write the structural and optical isomers hydroxybutanoic acid

1. Write the structural and optical isomers hydroxybutanoic acid. Call them on the international and rational nomenclature.

2. Name the following compounds:


Write salt forming reaction of these compounds with sodium hydroxide. Which of these compounds form salts with hydrochloric acid, the inner salt? Which of these acids can be detected by reaction with hydroxide of copper (II)? Write these reactions.

3. Write the reaction as follows: ethanolamine ® choline ® acetylcholine.

4. Write the oxidation of lactic and b-hydroxybutyric acid. Call the resulting products of the reaction.

5. Write the reduction reaction of glyoxylic and pyruvic acid using NADH.

6. Which of the tautomeric forms acetoacetate vzaimodeystvet with bromine water?

Write a response.

7. Write a reaction-type aldol oxaloacetic (oksobutandiovoy) acid and acetyl coenzyme A.

8. What is the carboxyl group in the a-ketoglutaric acid (2-oksopentadiovoy) easier decarboxylated and why? Write this reaction.

9. Write the reaction following transformations: fumaric acid® malic acid ® oxaloacetic (oksobutandiovaya) acid.




Theme №11: Structure a-amino acids, classification, nomenclature. Stereoisomers heterofunctional derivatives of carboxylic acids. a-amino acids and chemical properties. Peptides. Proteins.


Session Purpose: to generate knowledge about the structure and properties of essential a-amino- acids and chemical principles of the structural organization of protein molecules for further study of the biological functions of proteins at the molecular level.


The main issues of the theme:

1. Structure of a-amino acids that make up the natural proteins. Nomenclature. Three-letter designation.

2. The optical activity of amino acids. Stereoisomers a-amino acids.

3. Classification a-amino acids depending on the chemical nature of the radical and the number of carboxyl and amine groups.

4. Essential and nonessential (valine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine) amino acid.

5. 20 representatives a-amino acid structure, nomenclature: glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, serine, threonine, cysteine​​, cystine, methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, gistidin, proline, hydroxyproline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, lysine, arginine.

6. Peptides. Nomenclature. Peptide bond. Electronic and spatial structure of the peptide group.

7. Acid and alkaline hydrolysis of peptides.

8. Glutathione, structure, value.

9. Vasopressin, oxytocin, concept.

10. Polypeptides concept.

11. Qualitative reaction to peptide bond- biuret reaction.

12. Qualitative reaction to a-aminoacids in a protein molecule with ninhydrin.

13. Acid-base properties of the a-amino acids. Give examples.

14. Specific reaction a-amino acids: formation of a bipolar ion chelating.

15. Reaction a-amino acids at the carboxyl group of: 1) forming a salt; 2) esters; 3) amide; 4) dekarbokislirovanie - the way to the formation of biogenic amines and bioregulators.

16. Reaction a-amino acids at the amino group: 1) salt formation; 2) N-acyl derivatives; 3) deamination, oxidative and non-oxidative, hydroxylation reaction, the reaction with nitrous acid.

17. Reaction a-amino acids by additional functional groups (hydroxy, thiol).

18. Proteins concept. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins.

Chemical bonds forming these structures.


Methods of teaching and learning: effective formative feedback on the development of competencies, training in small groups SGL.



1. Петров А.А., Бальян Х.Б. и др. «Органическая химия», М. Высшая школа, 1984 г.

2. Н.А.Тюкавкина, Ю.И.Бауков., «Биорганическая химия», Москва. «Медицина». 1991 г.

3. Степаненко Б.Н. «Курс органической химии», Москва, 1991 г.

4. Грандберг И.А. «Органическая химия», Москва, 2001 г.

5. Петров А.А., Бальян Х.Б. и др. «Органическая химия», М. Высшая школа, 1984 г. каз.яз.

6.А.Н.Несмеянов, Н.А.Несмеянов «Начала органической химии», Изд.Химия, Москва 1974 г.

7. Овчинников Ю.А. «Биоорганическая химия». М. Высшая школа, 1986 г.

8. Плешкова С.М., Р.Д. Асанбаева, М.И. Ильясова, Ш.Г. Салықова 1-ші курс студенттерінің биоорганикалық химиядан өз бетімен дайындалуына арналған тесттер, Алматы, 2001 ж.

9. Шабаров Ю.Ф. «Органическая химия», учебник для вузов; М. Химия, 1996 г. в 2-х томах.

Test questions:


1. Write the formula for glutamic acid. Define the acid-base properties.

2. Write the formula of lysine. Define the acid-base properties.

3. Write tripeptides education: 1) arg-tyr-met; 2) leu-pro-try. Give them the full name.

4. Which of hydroxyproline dipeptide obrazuentsya and isoleucine? Write the reaction and name the resulting dipeptide.

5. Write the formation reaction of the tetrapeptide val-cis-phe-tre. Give him a full name. Define the acid-base properties of the tetrapeptide.

6. Write alanine, aspartic acid and lysine in the form of bipolar ions. Check the acid-base character of these amnokislot.

7. What products are obtained by oxidative and nonoxidative deamination and the action of nitrous acid to aspartic acid?

8. Write decarboxylation reaction: 1) histidine; 2) ornithine (2,5 diaminopentanovaya acid). What are called biogenic amines?

9. Write the hydrolysis reaction of arginine. What are the reaction products.

10. Write the reaction for the formation of the amide of glutamic acid. The biological significance of this reaction.

11. Write threonine esterification reaction with phosphoric acid.

12. Write the following reaction scheme transformations: tryptophan ® tryptamine ® indoleacetic acid ® skatole.

13. "Soft" and "hard" oxidation of cysteine.


Тема: 12


Theme number 12: Carbohydrates. Monosaccharides. Stereoisomers. Cyclo-oksotautomeriya. Chemical properties. The structure of the most important representatives of pentoses, hexoses and amino sugars.


Session Purpose: to generate knowledge about the structure, the optical activity and the tautomeric forms and the most important properties of monosaccharides, as a basis for understanding their metabolic transformations in the body, as well as to study the structural organization of the polysaccharides.


The main questions of the theme:

1. Carbohydrates, value, classification.

2. Monosaccharides definition, the general formula, classification.

3. Oksoforma monosaccharides formula Fischer aldohexoses and ketohexoses.

4. The optical isomers of monosaccharides. D and L series enantiomers.

5.Obrazovanie cyclic forms of monosaccharides, a- and b-anomers the example aldohexoses.

6.Tsiklo-oxo-tautomerism. Glycosidic (hemiacetal) hydroxyl. The principle of writing formulas promising Heuorsa.

7. The formation of cyclic forms for example D-fructose. Fisher, Heuors formula/

8. The concept of epimers, diastereomers.

9. Formation and Properties of glycosides.

10. Reactions of monosaccharides recovery.

11. The oxidation of monosaccharides and education -ones, -arovyh - uronic acids.

12. Qualitative reactions based on oxidation reactions, "silver mirror", Trommer and Fehling.

13. Education saccharates.

14. The formation of esters of monosaccharides with the phosphoric acid.

15. Education hexosamines. Their reaction with acetic acid as the amino group.


Methods of teaching and learning: effective formative feedback on the development of competencies, training in small groups SGL, training in using peer PAL.



1. Петров А.А., Бальян Х.Б. и др. «Органическая химия», М. Высшая школа, 1984 г.

2. Н.А.Тюкавкина, Ю.И.Бауков., «Биорганическая химия», Москва. «Медицина». 1991 г.

3. Степаненко Б.Н. «Курс органической химии», Москва, 1991 г.

4. Грандберг И.А. «Органическая химия», Москва, 2001 г.

5. Петров А.А., Бальян Х.Б. и др. «Органическая химия», М. Высшая школа, 1984 г. каз.яз.

6.А.Н.Несмеянов, Н.А.Несмеянов «Начала органической химии», Изд.Химия, Москва 1974 г.

7. Овчинников Ю.А. «Биоорганическая химия». М. Высшая школа, 1986 г.

8. Плешкова С.М., Р.Д. Асанбаева, М.И. Ильясова, Ш.Г. Салықова 1-ші курс студенттерінің биоорганикалық химиядан өз бетімен дайындалуына арналған тесттер, Алматы, 2001 ж.

9. Шабаров Ю.Ф. «Органическая химия», учебник для вузов; М. Химия, 1996 г. в 2-х томах.

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