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Unit two



Pronunciation and vocabulary exercises


Exercise 1. Read the following words. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the diphthongs and triphthongs. Can you give more examples of words with the same vowel combination?


[ei] say, face, break, maintenance, failure, rotation, constrain, tape
[ai] wife, cry, apply, grinding, hydraulic, kind, guiding, cycle, slide, china
[oi] boy, point, pointless, coin
[au] out, loud, bough, plough, found, flounce
[əu] note, phone, telephone, total, though, motion, known
[iə] year, beard, area, engineering
[eə] fair, care, wear, various
[uə] pure, cure
[auə] our, flour, flower, tower, power
[əuə] lower, Owen
[aiə] fire, tyre, entirely, require
[eiə] player
[oiə] employer

Exercise 2. Match the following words with their pronunciation.


ache again carry cold get work grey comb give cake
big keys back guest called coffee bigger walk bag kiss
giv big get kəum ki:z keik kis eik gest bæk
'kofi ə'gen wo:k ko:ld bæg 'bigə kəuld 'kæri wə:k grei

Exercise 3. Look at the common adjective suffixes. Use the suffixes to make adjective from the words in the table. Can you give more word examples?


–able to drink, to wash, to read, to recognize, to count, to eat, to negotiate
ous danger, an industry, an ambition, fame
–y a noise, fun, a boss, a rain, dirt, a cloud
–ic a photograph, to terrify, history, a poet, drama, a system, an organ
–ly a friend, a day, a neighbour
–ful use, help, care, hope
–less use, help, care, hope
–al a specialty, a nation, a culture, influence, an orchestra, a mechanic
–ive to innovate, to create, to impress, to act
–ish grey, red, eight, Poland
–ent to differ, to depend, to insist


Exercise 4. Look at the common adverb suffixes. Use the suffixes to make adjective from the words in the table. Can you give more word examples?


–ly kind, warm, deep, profound, great, gross, strong, wide
ward north, side, back, sea, in, out
wise clock, drop

Exercise 5. Identify the following as a noun (N), a verb (V), an adjective (ADJ), or an adverb (ADV) by the suffix.


1. ______ perfectionism 9. ______ ability
2. ______ energetic 10. ______ hasten
3. ______ childhood 11. ______ sponsorship
4. ______ fantasize 12. ______ jovial
5. ______ graceful 13. ______ commemorate
6. ______ eagerly 14. ______ publicly
7 ______ allowance 15. ______ happiness
8. ______ suitable 16. ______ anticlockwise


Exercise 6. Revise the English suffixes and prefixes and complete the table. Translate all the words you get.


noun verb adjective adverb


Exercise 7. Read the text. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box in the form of adjectives.


Russia marsh mountain Siberia


For _________ people, the “Far East” is the broad coast along the Pacific Ocean, facing Alaska in the far north and Japan in the sub-tropical south, and including the large island of Sakhalin. Inland lie forests, mountains, lakes, rivers and marshes known as Siberia. Siberia is usually divided into Western and Eastern, the former is _________ and low-lying and rich in oil, the latter is _________ and rich in minerals, gold and diamonds.

The twenty million people who live in this region are mostly Russians and Ukrainians by origin. Besides there live other people. They all call themselves _________ and speak of Russia as beginning west of the Urals.


Exercise 8. Here are some words that you will come across in the texts of the unit. Study them carefully.


adjectives and participles
appropriate подходящий, соответствующий чему-л.
compatible совместимый
intricate сложный, запутанный
punched перфорированный
accurately точно, правильно, тщательно
entirely исключительно
steadily постоянно, неуклонно
via через, путем


assignment назначение
axis ось, осевая линия; вал
flow поток
flywheels маховик, маховое колесо
grinding шлифование
machining (механическая) обработка, обработка на станке
output производительность, выработка, выпуск
sequence последовательность, порядок следования
slide скольжение
spindle шпиндель
swarf отходы обработки, металлическая стружка
template трафарет, шаблон
tracing трассировка; вычерчивание, прочерчивание
value ценность



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