Unit two
Pronunciation and vocabulary exercises
Exercise 1. Read the following words. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the diphthongs and triphthongs. Can you give more examples of words with the same vowel combination?
| say, face, break, maintenance, failure, rotation, constrain, tape
| [ai]
| wife, cry, apply, grinding, hydraulic, kind, guiding, cycle, slide, china
| [oi]
| boy, point, pointless, coin
| [au]
| out, loud, bough, plough, found, flounce
| [əu]
| note, phone, telephone, total, though, motion, known
| [iə]
| year, beard, area, engineering
| [eə]
| fair, care, wear, various
| [uə]
| pure, cure
| [auə]
| our, flour, flower, tower, power
| [əuə]
| lower, Owen
| [aiə]
| fire, tyre, entirely, require
| [eiə]
| player
| [oiə]
| employer
| Exercise 2. Match the following words with their pronunciation.
| again
| carry
| cold
| get
| work
| grey
| comb
| give
| cake
| big
| keys
| back
| guest
| called
| coffee
| bigger
| walk
| bag
| kiss
| giv
| big
| get
| kəum
| ki:z
| keik
| kis
| eik
| gest
| bæk
| 'kofi
| ə'gen
| wo:k
| ko:ld
| bæg
| 'bigə
| kəuld
| 'kæri
| wə:k
| grei
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Exercise 3. Look at the common adjective suffixes. Use the suffixes to make adjective from the words in the table. Can you give more word examples?
| to drink, to wash, to read, to recognize, to count, to eat, to negotiate
| – ous
| danger, an industry, an ambition, fame
| –y
| a noise, fun, a boss, a rain, dirt, a cloud
| –ic
| a photograph, to terrify, history, a poet, drama, a system, an organ
| –ly
| a friend, a day, a neighbour
| –ful
| use, help, care, hope
| –less
| use, help, care, hope
| –al
| a specialty, a nation, a culture, influence, an orchestra, a mechanic
| –ive
| to innovate, to create, to impress, to act
| –ish
| grey, red, eight, Poland
| –ent
| to differ, to depend, to insist
Exercise 4. Look at the common adverb suffixes. Use the suffixes to make adjective from the words in the table. Can you give more word examples?
| kind, warm, deep, profound, great, gross, strong, wide
| – ward
| north, side, back, sea, in, out
| – wise
| clock, drop
| Exercise 5. Identify the following as a noun (N), a verb (V), an adjective (ADJ), or an adverb (ADV) by the suffix.
1. ______
| perfectionism
| 9. ______
| ability
| 2. ______
| energetic
| 10. ______
| hasten
| 3. ______
| childhood
| 11. ______
| sponsorship
| 4. ______
| fantasize
| 12. ______
| jovial
| 5. ______
| graceful
| 13. ______
| commemorate
| 6. ______
| eagerly
| 14. ______
| publicly
| 7 ______
| allowance
| 15. ______
| happiness
| 8. ______
| suitable
| 16. ______
| anticlockwise
Exercise 6. Revise the English suffixes and prefixes and complete the table. Translate all the words you get.
| verb
| adjective
| adverb
| influential
| distinctive
| authority
| charming
| competent
| provide
| communicator
| exception
| generalization
| intervening
| theorist
| different
Exercise 7. Read the text. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box in the form of adjectives.
| marsh
| mountain
| Siberia
For _________ people, the “Far East” is the broad coast along the Pacific Ocean, facing Alaska in the far north and Japan in the sub-tropical south, and including the large island of Sakhalin. Inland lie forests, mountains, lakes, rivers and marshes known as Siberia. Siberia is usually divided into Western and Eastern, the former is _________ and low-lying and rich in oil, the latter is _________ and rich in minerals, gold and diamonds.
The twenty million people who live in this region are mostly Russians and Ukrainians by origin. Besides there live other people. They all call themselves _________ and speak of Russia as beginning west of the Urals.
Exercise 8. Here are some words that you will come across in the texts of the unit. Study them carefully.
adjectives and participles
| appropriate
| подходящий,
соответствующий чему-л.
| compatible
| совместимый
| intricate
| сложный,
| punched
| перфорированный
| adverbs
| accurately
| точно, правильно, тщательно
| entirely
| исключительно
| steadily
| постоянно,
| preposition
| via
| через, путем
| nouns
| assignment
| назначение
| axis
| ось, осевая линия; вал
| flow
| поток
| flywheels
| маховик, маховое колесо
| grinding
| шлифование
| machining
| (механическая) обработка, обработка на станке
| output
| производительность,
выработка, выпуск
| sequence
| последовательность,
порядок следования
| slide
| скольжение
| spindle
| шпиндель
| swarf
| отходы обработки,
металлическая стружка
| template
| трафарет, шаблон
| tracing
| трассировка; вычерчивание, прочерчивание
| value
| ценность
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